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V4 Vienna fun.

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After all the Orbx stuff yesterday I picked LOWW at random and flew towards Vienna.  Amazing detail.  I NEED a new video card.




Now, I ask you, how can I resist?  



There must be something wrong with me to want to go inverted all the time. :rolleyes:





Look at this wonderful detail.



And I love these churches!





That forest, like all forests, is so darned inviting to me!




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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

After all the Orbx stuff yesterday I picked LOWW at random and flew towards Vienna.  Amazing detail.  I NEED a new video card.


Jack...I picked up a 1080TI.. I have a 980 laying around now...Now I'm not cheap but I can be had...:lol:

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9 minutes ago, lixfeldt said:

Jack...I picked up a 1080TI.. I have a 980 laying around now...Now I'm not cheap but I can be had...:lol:

Thank you kind sir for the offer!  I really appreciate it, but I have an NVIDIA 980 with only 4GB on it.  This fall I am going to have the people who built it, Jetline (because I'm too dumb to build one myself) rebuild it when I get my inheritance money.


May I ask a question though?  With the 1080 does it increase FPS or allow for higher settings or both?

I'm very curious as to how it will work in the sim.  Does Orbx-land look even more striking?

Like Iain's new board, it makes Orbx scenery look breathtaking!



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3 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thank you kind sir for the offer!  I really appreciate it, but I have an NVIDIA 980 with only 4GB on it.  This fall I am going to have the people who built it, Jetline (because I'm too dumb to build one myself) rebuild it when I get my inheritance money.


May I ask a question though?  With the 1080 does it increase FPS or allow for higher settings or both?

I'm very curious as to how it will work in the sim.  Does Orbx-land look even more striking?

Like Iain's new board, it makes Orbx scenery look breathtaking!



Was kidding Jack....was a good upgrade to the 1080TI in my mind. I'll put it to you this way as far as your question. Yes it dramatically improved with the settings I was using with the 980, but I love candy so I naturally raised the bar with the 1080 and guess what....bingo a slight decrease in FPS...JV stated just recently that a strong CPU will help keep FPS up with v4. I noticed today after I installed AS16 beta flying around Vancouver and Seattle in cloudy skies I'm taking a beating with frames.... so I will adjust accordingly. No big deal... I'm a tweaker...WAIT:wacko:

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33 minutes ago, lixfeldt said:

Was kidding Jack....was a good upgrade to the 1080TI in my mind. I'll put it to you this way as far as your question. Yes it dramatically improved with the settings I was using with the 980, but I love candy so I naturally raised the bar with the 1080 and guess what....bingo a slight decrease in FPS...JV stated just recently that a strong CPU will help keep FPS up with v4. I noticed today after I installed AS16 beta flying around Vancouver and Seattle in cloudy skies I'm taking a beating with frames.... so I will adjust accordingly. No big deal... I'm a tweaker...WAIT:wacko:

We're all tweakers! :lol: It wouldn't be a "hobby" if we didn't tweak right?  I'm almost OCD about it! :blink:

But I didn't see Mr. JV's post about a stronger CPU making it better, I'll be getting that upgraded too this fall.  Can't wait.


30 minutes ago, bernd1151 said:

Great shots, Jack. Vienna is a wonderful city, you would love it there

Thank you Bernd, I sure would.  It's on my bucket list.  Along with Italy, gosh would I love to see that church with the roof in Florence, I saw a YT on it recently.  And Rome, Venice, Milan, Tuscany, and the village where Leonardo lived.  That would be a dream of a lifetime come true for me my friend.

25 minutes ago, lixfeldt said:

Yes great shots Jack...the wife and I river boated down the Danube last year. The Wachau wine country ..Spitz, Durnstein area on way to Vienna is fabulous:P:P

Thanks kind sir.  My wife and I would LOVE to do that!  What a wonderful time ya'll must have had!  I would like nothing more than to sit on a boat like that down the lovely Blue Danube (LOVE that song!) and have a glass of wine and enjoy life.

At least I can do it in the sim.  It's amazing that this is default Orbx Global, or is it Orbx Europe LC?  I dunno, I have them all that they released so far and I'm loving it.


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2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Very nice indeed.



Thanks Iain!

2 hours ago, Taph said:

Your a closet Australian, or related to a Bat, nice shots though :rolleyes:

Thanks Taph!  I'm prolly a combination of both! :lol:

59 minutes ago, purduekev said:

Well now I know where I am test-flying next...  great shots!


Yes, it's very beautiful in V4, Orbx did a great job.  I always loved those European buildings with the trees in the middle of them.  It's so sedate and nice.  You never see that here.

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5 minutes ago, mikewies said:

Great looking series of shots Jack! The details in Vienna are impressive. I can see that the video card in v4 will get a workout!

Thanks Mike, it sure did, and does still!  But one thing I've noticed is despite low frames (I have everything maxed out, for now) it's still much smoother than 3.4.


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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

We're all tweakers! :lol: It wouldn't be a "hobby" if we didn't tweak right?  I'm almost OCD about it! :blink:

But I didn't see Mr. JV's post about a stronger CPU making it better, I'll be getting that upgraded too this fall.  Can't wait.


Jack...well be looking forward to your pics with that NEW I9 processor:o

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33 minutes ago, lixfeldt said:

Jack...well be looking forward to your pics with that NEW I9 processor:o

Me too, man, me too!  It'll take them about a month so I'll be without a sim for over a month.  Starting sometime in September if the stars all align correctly. 

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12 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

No tourist flightseeing tour I guess!

Are you kidding Erik?  People come from all over the world to fly with me, I mean they spend good coin to fly with a guy who likes inverted flight low over cities and breaks every rule known to man in the aviation world!  :D

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7 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

I don't understand the people of today Jack!!! :lol: Well I like roller coasters so what's the difference, flying is even better!

I never liked roller coasters, the mechanic in me doesn't trust the maintenance.  Heck, when I used to go to the little goofy carnival where I live I'd inspect the Ferris wheel before I got on it.  I didn't like missing cotter pins or corrosion.  They even use safety wire, in some spots but it's missing in others!


And when I fly with a friend in a light plane I have to inspect it first.  It's the A&P in me. :)

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12 minutes ago, paulb said:

Are you inverted Jack or is the world just upside down? :D

Sometimes I wonder Paul, sometime I wonder...


I hope ya'll don't get tired of my antics with the inverted business.  It's just something I do for fun.  But when I have a real flight in the sim, I don't do it, I like to fly by the book.



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31 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Sometimes I wonder Paul, sometime I wonder...


I hope ya'll don't get tired of my antics with the inverted business.  It's just something I do for fun.  But when I have a real flight in the sim, I don't do it, I like to fly by the book.




It is all good fun Jack :D Enjoy it!

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22 minutes ago, René Bachmann said:

Are you using any other add ons than orbx? As I lived and still work in Vienna I have to say this is really close to reality. For sure some major POIs are missing like the AKH or the DC Tower, but if this is just OLC Europe its really superb!

Hi Rene, nope, this is just what Orbx delivered yesterday.  If you live and work there gosh, that's an enviable life.  It would be great to visit there someday.

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8 hours ago, adambar said:

Marvelous set there Jack, but i've learned that when viewing your shots to keep a barf bag close by. :D

:lol:  Thanks Adam and sorry mate!  It does take a while to get used to being inverted in real life too. :blink:

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