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T-38 at Alice's place

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The Tallonted Jack flies again.

A glorious set with both the scenery and the plane.

4 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice little Jet, too bad it doesn't come in yellow. I like the "over the moon shot".

Very true but at least it flies inverted.

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11 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice little Jet, too bad it doesn't come in yellow. I like the "over the moon shot".

Thanks Magic, I kind of wish it did, but black looks mean.  

9 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots.



Thanks Iain!

8 hours ago, paulb said:

Excellent shots there Jack! Nice plane! :)

Thanks Paul!  It is but it can be a handful, just gotta keep the speed way up.

6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

The Tallonted Jack flies again.

A glorious set with both the scenery and the plane.

Very true but at least it flies inverted.

Talonted, I like that Martyn!  Thanks.  It flies inverted too easily, it's a screamer and after flying low and slow planes you really have to think way ahead because things happen so fast.

6 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

Great stuff Jack.  Nice plane - it's in my hangar but doesn't come out much, maybe it's time.



Thanks Kev, you should dust it off and try it again, you can make it to Ayer's Rock in no time at all.

2 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Great shots Jack!

Thanks Dolf!

2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

The T-38 blackbird. OK, wrong coulour as per out expectations. But correct action. And correct ground detail.

Thanks Gerold!  I actually like this mean looking black, I wonder how weird it would look in yellow?

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