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Fun around Bathurst

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I am afraid Jack, CASA would take a very dim view of that. It looks like you are getting hooked on our beautiful country. Good sign, if you are interested, I'll be happy to get you the address of Immigration.:D By the way, I know, T is right next to Y on the keyboard.

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Just now, hwh86 said:

I am afraid Jack, CASA would take a very dim view of that. It looks like you are getting hooked on our beautiful country. Good sign, if you are interested, I'll be happy to get you the address of Immigration.:D By the way, I know, T is right next to Y on the keyboard.

Thanks Les but I already fixed it mate before you posted.  I reckon it didn't catch up.


I'd LOVE to immigrate.  I'd love it!

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14 minutes ago, tom2rific said:

scenery looks amazing...about as real as it can get..like your flying Jack..



Thanks Tom!  Gotta have some fun sometimes don't ya?  I think Les is right though, CASA would pull my ticket!  :D

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10 hours ago, adambar said:

Looks like your having fun in Oz there Jack, super shots! :)

Oh yeah, I'm having a blast!  I love these airports and surrounding areas Paul, many thanks!

9 hours ago, BradB said:

Boy that plane of yours Jack must be real fuel efficient , because she's a long ways from home . :o;):D





:lol:  I knew someone would see that!  She has in-flight refueling so it wasn't a problem.

8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thank you Iain!

7 hours ago, paulb said:

Great series Jack. :)  It looks like there are two Migs on the ground in a couple of the shots. I wonder if they are based there in real life?

Thanks Paul, yeah, I saw that, not sure if they were Megs or my first impression which was F-86's.  Nice addition to the airport though.

5 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Get yourself a juicy orange on these a1 shots!

Thanks Erik!

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7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Look out it's the Jack Hoover show.

Wonderful shots and flying Jack.

We would love to have you here Jack and I am sure you would make yourself at home very quickly.

Thanks Martyn!  Jack Hoover show!  I'm honored.  And I'd love to be there instead of here.  Count on it.

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