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Some from KSAN & KPSP

Jack Sawyer

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So I bought Ultimate Traffic Live tonight and I'm very pleased.

I was absolutely astonished to see the jetways moving to connect with the AI Southwest planes, it blew my mind!  I didn't know Orbx programmed it that way.  VERY nice!


Here's some random shots of testing this evening.



























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Fasntastic caps Jack, that terminal with all the 737s looks amazing.

I was going to get my AI up and running again but I have forgotten again.

Takes about 10 minutes for my sim to load up so I will try and remember for later tonite.

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8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Fasntastic caps Jack, that terminal with all the 737s looks amazing.

I was going to get my AI up and running again but I have forgotten again.

Takes about 10 minutes for my sim to load up so I will try and remember for later tonite.

Thanks Martyn!  I thought so too I was astonished to actually see the jetways move into position.  Hope you see some AI soon.

7 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic set of random shots Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!

7 hours ago, BradB said:

Sorry I didn't meet up with you at KSAN Jack , the wreckage of my OOM crash is scattered around about 20 miles east . :o:angry::D





:lol:  "The wreckage..."  LOL!!  Sorry about the OOM John.  But that cracked me up just now.

7 hours ago, jury42 said:

Wonderful scenery and planes!

Thanks Jury!

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Splendid set of shots.



Thank you Iain.

5 hours ago, Sammy H said:

These are superb Jack!

Thanks Sammy!

1 hour ago, paulb said:

Wow! Impressive Jack! Great shots and lots of traffic now! :)


Looking really good!

Thank you Paul!

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