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Heading to San Berdoo


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Gang - this OOM stuff will soon be behind us!


I rarely experience these, OK never since uninstalling my FSDT Vancouver (knock on wood), but I think that is a function of my resolution and settings being less than yours.


Still - I own and fly X-Plane 11 too and it feels GREAT to know OOMs won't strike.


Sad to hear that Orbx won't develop for that platform, but excited about a 64 bit P3D.


Great shots!



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Too bad for the OOM indeed. It's a great screen of a dense area.

But my experience is, that if you just stay within the area, an OOM will not occur. Only when flying from, let's say Palm Springs to San Bernardino.

I did some longer flights above the LA area but I must say, I turned off all AI traffic then.

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Hi folks, and thanks for the comments. The OOM issue is an occasional pain, but as people have mentioned, it is possible to mitigate or anticipate the problem.


50 minutes ago, bvdboomen said:

that if you just stay within the area, an OOM will not occur.

I have noticed this on occasion as well. Doesn't always seem to work with me but certainly can help.


I haven't really spent time analysing or experimenting with this. I should, and will, as I really love to fly around the SF Bay area, but as well as all the ORBX stuff that covers that area (including KSQL) I have FSDT's KSFO, Aerosoft's SF Cities-X, Cielosim's Palo Alto, plus I have pretty much all my scenery sliders maxed out by default. Add on ASN etc and now imagine loading up a detailed 747 or suchlike at KSFO! I'd never even get as far as seeing the cabin. Actually, I'm surprised how close in to the city I do manage to get sometimes.


9 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

I own and fly X-Plane 11 too and it feels GREAT to know OOMs won't strike.

Steve, I have it too, but I don't think much of the environment out of the box. Scenery is the thing for me, not the flight model and all that stuff, and XP doesn't impress in that area. I've downloaded a bunch of stuff for it (the HD mesh and a few scenery areas) but haven't had a chance to install them yet, but my XP10 setup never got anywhere near feeling immersive for me and I don't feel XP11 will ever surpass P3D for me. As you say, 64bit P3D is a fascinating proposition, assuming they don't screw it up in the re-write.


6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I'd rather make paper airplanes and fling them around the house.

Hah! made my day, that! I think we should work up a marketing plan, Jack, you may be on to something. (actually, somewhere in my library I have got a book of very detailed paper airplane models - B29s and the like. I'll have to dig it out and take a look)

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4 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Hah! made my day, that! I think we should work up a marketing plan, Jack, you may be on to something. (actually, somewhere in my library I have got a book of very detailed paper airplane models - B29s and the like. I'll have to dig it out and take a look)

Thanks Andy!  I have several of the White Wings packages me and my son used to cut out and glue and fly.  They're light cardboard and very stout when glued with Ducco cement.  And they fly high and long.  People, especially the Japanese, use them in some very serious contests.  I think they were designed by a Japanese aeronautical engineer, they're very nice.

Haven't seen one over Orbx land yet but if I go to P3D 64 bit with their cruddy planes my days in the sim might be over.  I have way too much money tied up in these planes I love.

And I doubt there will be any easy conversion tool either.  I may be wrong as I'm not a programmer.  I wonder if Orbx would convert their Lancair which I haveand if they do maybe they can release a conversion tool?  Like I said, I'm not a programmer so I have absolutely no idea how difficult this would be.


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