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Connie at KBOS Logan, testing the limits

Jack Sawyer

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Now for some testing the limits, I wanted to see how I could push it, and, well, I'm in jail!




I grew up right under the right wing.  I'm okay now.  :D



Gear down



Captain, did you say gear UP!?!?






Do not try this at home kids!



I don't think they're gonna be happy with me.  :(



I'm in jail!  The brig!  Bread and water!  Who's gonna hire me now?  :o


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3 minutes ago, RJ said:

Another great one, Mr. J! :)


Thanks RJ!

1 minute ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks for making me laugh Jack, your career is over, Priceless!

Thanks Martyn, I'm laughing too hard to type this!  :lol:  A2A and Orbx make it too easy to have fun! Isn't that what part of life is for?



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42 minutes ago, RJ said:

Didn't quite get this! What does the last image show? Who cares what came after, 'cause I only see wheels down in the final shot! So? Great landing! :D

Sorry RJ.  It was the Career screen that was supposed to be funny.  I reloaded the plane and brough up the Career screen and I thought it hilarious that he was in jael.  A2A thought of everything.


6 minutes ago, hwh86 said:

God bless Microsoft for making possible the impossible. Good story Jack, as for the limits, well, now you know.

Thanks Wes.  I've always been that way with all software ever invented.  I like to really push it to its limits and see how I can run with it.

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On the gear up belly rub followed by the gear down again.  Seems to me a tribute to the Connie's hydraulic system - pumping itself back upright.  'Course you probably have some funny looking prop blades.  That career report must be part of the Accusim package - money well spent :rolleyes:.

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8 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

Oh Jack, you really need to treat poor Connie better! :)


Did you ever figure out if the engines flame on start up 



I know I should Steve but sometimes it's too much fun to see what will happen.  I haven't started the engines at night yer, so I'll make that the next thing I do.

7 hours ago, adambar said:

That is a strange place to grow up Jack, under the wing. :huh:  I suppose you used up your get out of jail free cards a long time ago. :D  Great shots! :)

:lol:  Thanks Adam.  It's like the Twilight Zone.  Get out of jail free cards!  LOL!  Yup, I have a stack of 'em!

7 hours ago, olderndirt said:

On the gear up belly rub followed by the gear down again.  Seems to me a tribute to the Connie's hydraulic system - pumping itself back upright.  'Course you probably have some funny looking prop blades.  That career report must be part of the Accusim package - money well spent :rolleyes:.

Thanks OnD!  That's what I did, I lowered the gear to see what would happen and it was powerful enough to raise itself up.  I doubt it could happen in real life on a 767 but I'll bet an MD-88 could do it.  Yep, the career part comes with the Connie.  You can choose to fly without it on if you don't load any pax.  My friend in the UK flys it by the book so I wanted to test it out when he said you could get canned.  I never knew I'd wind up jailed!  I laughed out loud when I saw that.  I think from now on it'll be "normal" flights for me.

3 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

A2A is judging you hard! Do you know how much it costs to keep such a beautiful airplane in the air? :)

Now you have to buy a new one but please not our European Breitling Conny! :D

I could never touch that beautiful Breitling, I wish I could get a ride on it though.  Yeah, I love what A2A did, I wonder if they wondered there'd be knuckleheads like me testing it to the limits.

46 minutes ago, Voyager said:

Very nice all this stuff.

Great shots Jack.



Thanks Voyager!

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