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T-38 at KATL

Jack Sawyer

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I work here.  Love how busy it is.  So this morning I thought I'd try out my new toy.

At first I tried Edwards but because of the day and maybe Adam's PTA (not sure) it seemed too bright so I went here.



MilViz T-38 A Advanced.

Real time and weather, AS16.

Orbx Global, N/A OLC, Vector, Trees, all sliders right.

All I can say is this bird can get out of control in a New York minute!  I had some GeeBee moments!

Testing the TACAN and ILS and they both work like a champ!


And, I can't wait for Buildings HD, I'd buy it today if it magically showed up in Direct!



























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Great flying Jack to get you T-38 down so well.

You are obviously very................................Tallonted.:blink::wacko::rolleyes:


I bet your wife will be angry with you when you get home from KATL for making so much noise in your jet.


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7 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Great flying Jack to get you T-38 down so well.

You are obviously very................................Tallonted.:blink::wacko::rolleyes:


I bet your wife will be angry with you when you get home from KATL for making so much noise in your jet.


I see what you did there!  Nice pun Martyn.  I wish I could fly it home.  And it is a screamer.  It'll get from there to my house in a nanosecond as I live seven miles away as the crow flies.  40 by car.  But you could land a MD-530 in my cul-de-sac!  Wouldn't that be sweet?  If only.

This thing is a real handful.  Like I said, it's almost as bad as the GeeBee, it takes a very light touch.


Gonna spend some quality time at S45 in the Antonov An-2 later, hopefully.  Low and slow and enjoy the Orbx scenery, what a way to relax in this hobby.


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Thanks guys!


John, a friend sent me the manual to it last night.  All it does is change the default airport buildings.  I don't think it touches Orbx's.


Personally, I don't need it, I'd rather have the worldwide buildings change with Orbx's hopefully soon to be released product.



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15 minutes ago, PDX Flyer said:

Very nice shots Jack.  I can only imagine that a plane with those short stubby wings must be a challenge to fly.  Great Job.

Thanks PDX.  It is a challenge, I'll give ya that.  It stalls very easisly.  And to think they train new guys in this thing.  I used to fly the L-39 all the time and it's not as squirrly as this thing is.  Once you go into a stall at low altidude it's almost impossible, even with burner to get out of it.  There were a lot of crashes to take these shots.

I read that this plane killed a lot of pilots so they even stared a special program to figure out the correct speed, AOA, and power settings, as well how to approach the threshold.  It was very interesting.


Watched some real life YT's too.  This thing handles exactly as they describe too.


But I ccan still fly it correctly if I pay attention.


Now the GeeBee on the other hand, good grief, what a difficult/impossible plane to fly!



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