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Ready for the show

Julio Garcia

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Rule 3: Advertisements, release announcements, sales, contests, affiliate links, and other promotions for other developers or companies are not allowed. The Orbx forums are a private platform and not to be used for promotion of other entities.

This rule appears to be being applied quite subjectively and makes it confusing to know what can and can't be said. Have the rules changed because this is I believe a payware aircraft being discussed.

My question: Is commenting on how good an aircraft is a "promotion" of the aircraft? Can one comment on a payware aircraft so long as Orbx scenery is included? some moderators could say so and quite rightly some could say not. Yes, bee in my bonnet as I like consistency in application of rules.

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1 hour ago, Bassman said:

My question


We are a commercial scenery vendor, and these are our private support forums, so posting screenshot threads that specifically showcase or promote another companies payware products or portfolios of products is not allowed, same as with 3rd party release announcements and sales, our moderation team will determine if a thread breaks these rules


To keep it simple...a screenshot of a payware aircraft over some orbx scenery, as in this thread, is perfectly OK and always has been


Kind regards, Tim

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