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Paul Griffiths

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Hope some one can help with this.I only use ORBX scenery and airports/airfields,and fly slow Ga aircraft eg Realair Sf260,and planes from Carenado.With in minutes of take off my textures go from sharp to blurred and don't recover for the rest of the flight.I have looked for an answer on the web. Now can not use Orbx scenery,have bought photo real of Washington state to keep me flying.Want to buy more Orbx scenery but can't till I have a fix.Has Orbx changed some thing to upset the textures.Please help me to get back to Orbx scenery.

                                                         Kind Regards


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Paul, what is the specification of your computer and monitor, I suspect it is not fast enough to load scenery detail.

If you press the P  Pause key does the scenery catch up after a few minutes.

Also you may have your scenery sliders too far to the right, try detuning them a bit.

Finally check your Fsx,cfg under [TERRAIN] and check your LOD_RADIUS if it is more than 4.5 try reducing it to 4.5




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Don't give up on Orbx.  I have a 10 year old AMD system that most people would have junked years ago.  I can tell you with some reading up and a little bit of experimentation you can get really good results with even a sub par system. If you do have a slower system best keep everything simple.  I have only Orbx, A2A and Rex 4 Texture Direct running in FSX.  There are a bunch of tweaks that will help but rather than jumping into that the simplest and best approach starting out is to move the sliders left and then raise them one at a time and see what happens.  when any one slider gets far enough right that it looks good to you then start on one of the other sliders.  once you have gone through all the sliders some further back and forth will probably be necessary.   The key is to achieve what is for you the best balance between appearance and performance.  As you experiment you will probably find that the autogen slider has the biggest effect on blurries and scenery popping.  Good luck and happy flying.  

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Hello Alex

Thanks for your reply with this,just to give you an order number FSS 0449100. Really need a fix please Asap.My PC has no issues running FSX. Flying under photo real at the moment and works fine.Love to get my Orbx back soon it's the best.

                  Kind Regards

.                   Paul

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Hi Paul,

You don't mention your level of experience or how comfortable you are changing settings in your CFG file,so this is a good place to start :

Kosta's article on tuning up & tweeking your flightsim [https://kostasfsworld.wordpress.com/fsx-software-and-hardware-guide/]

From there we can look at more specific fine tuning assuming this is related to settings & not something that has gone wrong with Orbx. 

We all suffer from blurries at one time or another,FSX unfortunately was designed to rely more on the CPU than taking full advantage of the GPU.

Getting the fastest CPU & a best quality GPU you can afford is the base line to start.

Like you I use exclusively Orbx products & it has taken me a VERY long time to finally achieve an acceptable visual experience.

You can achieve it so don't give up,lot of people are here to help you.


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Thanks for your advice and help with this.I am happy to tweak and have tweaked my Cfg to find an answer.Some thing has changed greatly in the sim. I use only slow simple Ga aircraft with non glass panels,fly in the PNW,CRM,NRM,and PFJ.I buy airports/ airfields in these regions to fly to and from VFR.My flights are in rural areas so very little autogen and Orbx trees installed.As soon as I start the take off run and climb out within 2 to 3 minutes the textures begin to loose there sharpness and never recover during the flight. This has never happened in many years of sim flying,I have run out of things to try.I have bought photo real of Washington state which works really well and keeps me flying.I cannot use Orbx products at all it is just to bad. I have changed nothing at all to the PC it's only job is to run FSX,which has been doing so well.My textures are like mush the road textures are zig zag and no sign of them trying to load in flight.

             Kind Regards

.             Paul

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Hi Paul,

Well if you've made no changes to your settings in FSX or the CFG file then it certainly seems like a problem with Orbx.

Did this begin after any add ons or upgrades or has it just spontaneously started ?

A few things to check first.

In the CFG file under the heading 'Terrain' make sure the 'Lod Radius' is no greater than '4.500000'.

Under the heading 'Graphics', the 'Texture Max Load' is '1024'

Anything greater for these two setting is a known cause for Blurries.

Then I'm assuming you have upgraded to Central V2, if not do it.

Now open Central go to Settings/Troubleshooting.Scroll down to 'Force Migration'.Click on it & confirm there are no conflicts.If there are, run it again till it comes up clean.

Then go to Central/Settings/Tools/Library Insertion Points.Scroll down the list that will come up on the left & confirm these 3 headings are in the correct order :

FTX [in yellow]

OLC [in blue]

VLC Libraries [in white]

If they are not in that order, just drag into the correct spot.

If you are still having trouble after all that,I will have to hand this over to one of the ORBX specialists.

Good luck.


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Hello Sibbritt

Thank you for your time helping me with this.So I followed your instructions,I ran force migration let it do its stuff. No conflicts indicated.I then went in to Insertion points and found only FTX in Yellow NO other entries NO OLC in blue and NO VLC Libraries in white. Are we on to some thing now with this and a future fix.If you could stay with this for me Sibbritt,and walk me through what I need to do.Could this be the answer to my blurred textures.May be able to fly Orbx again soon.Thank you Sibbritt and every one who has given time to this for me.

                                           Kind Regards


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Hi Paul,

Those 3 entries are part of the automatic installation of the Orbx base products.

The fact that 2 of them are missing suggest something has gone very wrong during installation.

The only way around it that I know of would be a complete re-install.

While that may or may not fix the your problem,it is a hassel,& you might prefer to wait & see what the Orbx staff recommend.

 Read through this tread in the payware support forum under the 'blurries' heading it may help as well.

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