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Scenery blurries after latest library/landclass update


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Dear Orbx guys, I'm sorry if I came across to strong, I'm just frustrated and in a lot of pain from the knee surgery, narcotics don't help with my mood either.  I am not usually like this.

I just want my sim to be back the way it was.


It has to be the Central thing because it's in both FSX and P3D at the same places doing the same thing.


Otherwise I'm just really bummed out.



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On 13.6.2016 at 10:04 PM, fuzz1 said:

I've been testing various locations I've flown in prior to the migration and there is no question remaining in my mind.   This migration process has degraded my sim performance significantly, for many areas that worked well pre-migration.  Other areas perform just as before.  There seems to be no pattern that I can detect to these degradations; once you stumble across an affected area it's impossible not to realize that something is wrong.  Blurries, stutters, freezes, odd terrain tile placement, strange autogen loading... all these have now afflicted my previously smooth performing sim that I've spent years fine-tuning. 


It is my sincere hope that the developers will be taking this as seriously as many of their customers are.

I would really appreciate knowing of a way to revert to pre-migration status if solutions to these problems are not soon found. 

exactly the same for me

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1 hour ago, JS07 said:

All I REALLY want to know is anyone in an official capacity here at Orbx reading these posts as I have spent a small fortune on Orbx products and so far silence from them.


Can someone, anyone here at Orbx please post in this very thread that they're even aware of this issue?


Please forgive my bold text and all that and I'm sorry but I am one frustrated customer.


I'm even holding off buying more Orb stuff right now as I have the money to buy several more but if this is going to be the norm where no on even acknowledges a problem then I'm not spending another dime for "melted granite" hills.


Jack,  I can understand your frustration, but why not wait until they're back from Flightsimcon and can the address everyone's concerns?  They all have their lives outside Orbx, and of course, they are aware of these problems people are bringing up.  But they can't do anything until they're back at work and have studied the situation.  Obviously, with the variety of problems mentioned by various users, there is probably not an easy solution.  Many, many folks have had no problems at all, or problems only in certain locations.  So there are clearly many factors at work, making the trouble shooting that much more difficult.  Relax....take a deep breath....   :)

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5 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Jack,  I can understand your frustration, but why not wait until they're back from Flightsimcon and can the address everyone's concerns?  They all have their lives outside Orbx, and of course, they are aware of these problems people are bringing up.  But they can't do anything until they're back at work and have studied the situation.  Obviously, with the variety of problems mentioned by various users, there is probably not an easy solution.  Many, many folks have had no problems at all, or problems only in certain locations.  So there are clearly many factors at work, making the trouble shooting that much more difficult.  Relax....take a deep breath....   :)

That's why I apologized Stew, I didn't really mean to come across so strongly.

I'm sure they are monitoring these posts because John mentioned he was having too much fun reading one.

I was just wondering if any of their employees are aware of this thread.

I can wait and will wait, it would just be nice to know they know.


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Jack, I believe the issue related to cliffs you mention is a common one where the texture tile is drapped over a large elevation change and it stretches the texture making it appear the way it does.  The only way to fix this is to make custom polygons that are mapped to those specific cliffs which is a time comsuming exercise.

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1 hour ago, JS07 said:

I was just wondering if any of their employees are aware of this thread.

I can wait and will wait, it would just be nice to know they know.



I agree Jack, a simple comment. "we are aware that some users are apparently experiencing issues related to blurry textures.  We are assessing if the unified migration to see what if anything may have caused this".



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6 minutes ago, fltsimguy said:

Jack, I believe the issue related to cliffs you mention is a common one where the texture tile is drapped over a large elevation change and it stretches the texture making it appear the way it does.  The only way to fix this is to make custom polygons that are mapped to those specific cliffs which is a time comsuming exercise.

It wasn't like this last month.

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4 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Jack, Have you disabled the top 4 Vector entries in the Scenery Library when you fly AU?

Hi Stew, just got back in.

I don't even have Vector installed yet.

In fact I just replied to Nick, I'm to sure continuing with P3D's Orbx installation is a good idea.

John just posted that we should post about this and that Ben will be back on the 27th.

So I think I'm not even going to turn on the PC till then.  I'm on my Mac typing this.

I've been repeating myself but I'll say it again.  These textures were not like this in FSX a month ago way before I even bought P3D.

Now I see the same thing in both sims in the same Orbx places.

It only started when FTX Central was done.

I am going to take a deep breath and just wait till Ben gets back.  He seems like a nice enough fellow and I'll bet to him this will probably be nothing but my biggest fear is I will have to reinstall FSX and P3D or worse, Windows.

If that happens I quit flight simming forever.  I don't have the time or patience to spend restoring everything from scratch.

I know this is just a few people but I wish someone would tell me why it's affecting two different sims on  two different drives when the only thing in common is Orbx's areas and FTX Central's update.

I'm sorry Stew but several things in my life including knee surgery have made me in a bad mood and a perfectly running FSX that now looks like garbage is very upsetting and frustrating to me.

If someone could simply explain why this happened it would go a long way to helping my situation.

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Just now, JS07 said:

Hi Stew, just got back in.


If someone could simply explain why this happened it would go a long way to helping my situation.

I understand your frustration, Jack.  At the moment, I don't think anyone knows why the screw-up with the lclookup migration.  Certainly, it will take awhile to figure out, aided by all the users' posts of their problems.  In the meantime I would hang loose.  I certainly don't think the remedy will involve a reinstall of Windows, much less that of FSX or P3D.  Now, a reinstall of certain Orbx stuff?  Who knows about that one......

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1 minute ago, Stewart Hobson said:

I understand your frustration, Jack.  At the moment, I don't think anyone knows why the screw-up with the lclookup migration.  Certainly, it will take awhile to figure out, aided by all the users' posts of their problems.  In the meantime I would hang loose.  I certainly don't think the remedy will involve a reinstall of Windows, much less that of FSX or P3D.  Now, a reinstall of certain Orbx stuff?  Who knows about that one......

Thanks Stew, I sure do hope someone a lot smarter than me can figure this out.

This saddens me that it ruined everything.

It was fine before this lclookup thing.  By the way exactly what is this lclookup thing, how does it work?  I have no idea about these terms.

Is there a thread where I can learn about it?



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On 6/13/2016 at 3:04 PM, fuzz1 said:

I've been testing various locations I've flown in prior to the migration and there is no question remaining in my mind.   This migration process has degraded my sim performance significantly, for many areas that worked well pre-migration.  Other areas perform just as before.  There seems to be no pattern that I can detect to these degradations; once you stumble across an affected area it's impossible not to realize that something is wrong.  Blurries, stutters, freezes, odd terrain tile placement, strange autogen loading... all these have now afflicted my previously smooth performing sim that I've spent years fine-tuning. 


It is my sincere hope that the developers will be taking this as seriously as many of their customers are.

I would really appreciate knowing of a way to revert to pre-migration status if solutions to these problems are not soon found. 

Same here,I am absolutely furious that this update was forced upon me with no knowledge that it was a complex and possibly irreversible change to FSX.I did not ask for this change, I did not want this change.I use FTX global as a texture upgrade with UTX.I do not even use ORBX regions.What was done that cut my frame rates in half and tripled my load times? Why are my textures scrambled and blurry? the stutters and freezes are unbelievable.Additionally FTXC is adding the freeware airports pack to my scenery.cfg when it is not even on my system resulting in errors on start. what will the LC lookup change to to subsequently added LC files? My mistake was going into FTX central to add the freeware Portland city.FTXC updated before I could intervene.telling me I had to do the migration. I should have just shut down the computer then.There was a message in the forum from ORBX saying don't try to undo the migration as it is a complex process.What are our options now? a complete FSX reinstall?

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On 6/6/2016 at 0:28 PM, mickmack said:

Since the FTX Central migration update, I'm having problems with incorrect textures showing at various locations around ORBX Australia scenery. Have been using this scenery for three years without previous issue.



Hi Mick,


Please see the hotfix for Australia that I have posted in this topic: 


For anyone who is experiencing blurry textures, please see the suggestion in this topic:


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4 hours ago, Ben McClintock said:

For anyone who is experiencing blurry textures, please see the suggestion in this topic:



I'm not going to create a separate topic. :)  I have a similar problem after installing the latest libraries. I hope ORBX will solve the problem with blurred textures. Delete directories does not help. Blurry textures remained in place.

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I don't have these blurries after migration, at least not in the areas I tried so far. However, from a glance through forums mainly (or even only) FSX users seem to suffer from them. If this can be confirmed, maybe this could shed some light on the issue.


I use P3D3.3.


Kind regards, Michael

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29 minutes ago, pmb said:

I don't have these blurries after migration, at least not in the areas I tried so far. However, from a glance through forums mainly (or even only) FSX users seem to suffer from them. If this can be confirmed, maybe this could shed some light on the issue.


I use P3D3.3.


Kind regards, Michael

Michael, I think both types of users are seeing problems, not just FSX.  I'm using FSX and the impact, so far, has been very minimal.  I have not been able to confirm blurries in Canada or the Pacific Northwest stretching into Northern California, for example, and neither in Southern California.

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2 hours ago, pmb said:

I don't have these blurries after migration, at least not in the areas I tried so far. However, from a glance through forums mainly (or even only) FSX users seem to suffer from them. If this can be confirmed, maybe this could shed some light on the issue.


I use P3D3.3.


Kind regards, Michael

Hi Michael, I have both my original FSX and my new P3D install I'm still loading as I type this and I am seeing the same anomolies in both sims in the same areas.  So something is amiss but I know Ben and them will handle it.  I don't even care if he doesn't do it till the 27th after his vacation, in fact I want him to have a vacation.

I saw his bio, I was astonshied, here's a guy who's 20, that's twenty years old and he's a software engineer.  What a lucky guy, when I was that age I was in the Air Force learning about avionics systems on jets.

I think he deserves a vacation.  He'll be pretty busy when he gets back and he'll wish he had another vacation I'll wager. :)

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5 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Jack, If I have any avionics issues with my sim aircraft, I'll come to you for advice!  :P

LOL Stew!  No problem, I can still tell you wire numbers and relay PIN numbers and voltages of twisted pairs in 767's, or any other plane, I have my A&P and other licenses.


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I did have some (blurred scenes, missing textures etc...) issues and posted about them yesterday. After trying to get all working (all night work, it's rainy morning now in Finland) it's seems to be much better in my private simulated Heaven.

I'm little tired now (so much that English words are very hard to write) and must leave this wonderful world of sim-things for a while. 

I'm absolutely sure that these little problems are soon history and everything gonna be fantastic :)

See ya! Maybe in the overhead...


Yours Most Trustful - Eero

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On 6/13/2016 at 9:47 PM, MD_Flier said:

I've got the same things going on as well. 


Update. I seem to have fixed mine. The "fix" itself doesn't really make sense to me, but I see no remaining issues. I have been flying Long Beach (KLGB) to Catalina (KAVX) as a test flight ever since I installed FTX SoCal. The mostly blurry results were somewhat less than impressive. Being my first region, I was worried. Per some of the posts on this thread, I deleted my scenery indexes and shaders multiple times. I reinstalled the 160528 libraries, and that was the extent of my troubleshooting. 


Today, I took a look at my scenery library order, and noticed that the "Addon Scenery" folder was above orbxlibs and all 3 of my regions (Socal, Norcal, and PNW) in the list. I moved it down below the regions, and above the 3 FTX Open_LC entries. I also deleted a BGL file from that folder that contained a single airport in Texas (KJDD).  Success!!! Blurries gone!


I do not understand why this would have worked, though. The BGL with KJDD was one that I made with SbuilderX by following a Youtube tutorial. I'm not sure if that was a contributing factor or not. It also had the light fields for every Orbx freeware airport from Steve's DX10 fixer in the Addon Scenery folder. Nothing else.


 Here's some non blurry proof!





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Interesting as I also noticed my Add On Scenery folder seemed to have climbed up the Scenery Library list. Did not give it too much thought until now but it definitely was not moved intentionally by me and I'm fairly sure it was lower down the last time I looked at the Library. Touch wood though, I have not seen anything to indicate that I have the problems other are having.

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23 hours ago, MD_Flier said:


Update. I seem to have fixed mine. The "fix" itself doesn't really make sense to me, but I see no remaining issues. I have been flying Long Beach (KLGB) to Catalina (KAVX) as a test flight ever since I installed FTX SoCal. The mostly blurry results were somewhat less than impressive. Being my first region, I was worried. Per some of the posts on this thread, I deleted my scenery indexes and shaders multiple times. I reinstalled the 160528 libraries, and that was the extent of my troubleshooting. 


Today, I took a look at my scenery library order, and noticed that the "Addon Scenery" folder was above orbxlibs and all 3 of my regions (Socal, Norcal, and PNW) in the list. I moved it down below the regions, and above the 3 FTX Open_LC entries. I also deleted a BGL file from that folder that contained a single airport in Texas (KJDD).  Success!!! Blurries gone!


I do not understand why this would have worked, though. The BGL with KJDD was one that I made with SbuilderX by following a Youtube tutorial. I'm not sure if that was a contributing factor or not. It also had the light fields for every Orbx freeware airport from Steve's DX10 fixer in the Addon Scenery folder. Nothing else.


 Here's some non blurry proof!






Now try an airplane faster than a little Cessna. Flying at 100 knots isn't an issue for me, try flying at 250 or higher.

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Alright... Here you go. LAX to LAS. I had ASN running, and unfortunately (for the purpose of screenshots) it did a wonderful recreation of that LA haze. I'll try later with clear skies. I can assure you that this entire route looked nothing at all like this before I changed my scenery library. It was quite horrible to be frank. This makes me MUCH happier. Does it look normal for Orbx regions? These are my 1st three. All bought and installed at the same time. I was too busy to fly in them right away. The migration happened, and I thought what I saw before was normal. If it wasn't for the fact that I've used some of the Orbx freeware for a while and KNOW that they knew what they were doing... I'd have asked for an immediate refund. :)


Err... that last shot has the lat / long because I wasn't sure if the green squares upper center left were supposed to be there. 







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That last picture looks blurry. I can't tell for sure most are from very far away. I am still getting patches of blurry textures even in a Cessna. It's a little better with fps locked at 30 in the fsx menu but really wish Orbx can say what the problem is and patch it.

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I'm going to have +1 this. I too have been experiencing blurries both in the UK and US PNW. Rig as per sig. It's more than adequate to chew up FSX without blurries and has done so for many months prior to 'upgrade'.



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5 hours ago, corkery said:

I'm going to have +1 this. I too have been experiencing blurries both in the UK and US PNW. Rig as per sig. It's more than adequate to chew up FSX without blurries and has done so for many months prior to 'upgrade'.





This the effect. As others have reported, when paused the textures sharpen up, keep your eye on the left window as it takes a short while.  This is only flying around at approx 160 knots!

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43 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

That looks like autogen popping to me, common in some situations with FSX.  I don't see how this is related to the lclookup problems where the entire scene is blurry.


Hi Stew.  Actually the video is good. Yes this had nothing to do with the corrupted terrain.cfg and linkage to landclass lookup corruption. This video is exactly what is going on.  Fly for a short while the whole underlying texture goes completely out of focus (blurries) [high framerates, no stutters or pauses, smooth flying experience] and the autogen stays in focus. Autogen pops in FSX anyway.  The longer one fly's the worse it gets, if the video (sim) was not paused the underlying texture would go completely out of focus. There is an adjusting of the mesh as it comes back into focus and this creates the "popping" you might be referring to.

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Hi, Bryan.  The title of Jack's original post has to do with blurries caused by the faulty lclookup.  But that's not what is happening in this video, as you say.  I think we have posters who are confusing one set of problems with another set of problems.  Thus my comment.

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20 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Hi, Bryan.  The title of Jack's original post has to do with blurries caused by the faulty lclookup.  But that's not what is happening in this video, as you say.  I think we have posters who are confusing one set of problems with another set of problems.  Thus my comment.


Yes they are.  These are two different problems.

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Hi guys,


I observe this topic nearly from the beginning...  and I started thinking if all these bad effects concern me :huh: ...because I downloaded the latest ORBXLIBS with problems (download speed was very low, and at the end 5 files was not installed but renewed Central run finished install process succesfuly) - so I wonder if all works as it should :unsure:

Admitttedly, I made 2 or 3 flights and I didn't observe lower frame rate or lower speed of textures sharpening (to be honest, I always had no to fast texture sharpening as I would like).

Anyway, what to do to be sure that ORBXLIBS installation and migration was correct?



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35 minutes ago, Lucas80 said:

Hi guys,


I observe this topic nearly from the beginning...  and I started thinking if all these bad effects concern me :huh: ...because I downloaded the latest ORBXLIBS with problems (download speed was very low, and at the end 5 files was not installed but renewed Central run finished install process succesfuly) - so I wonder if all works as it should :unsure:

Admitttedly, I made 2 or 3 flights and I didn't observe lower frame rate or lower speed of textures sharpening (to be honest, I always had no to fast texture sharpening as I would like).

Anyway, what to do to be sure that ORBXLIBS installation and migration was correct?



I believe that ORBX is working on a testing tool to verify the migration was successful, so it will probably appear on the releases site when ready,

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11 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

That looks like autogen popping to me, common in some situations with FSX. .


In the scene through the left hand window the amount of autogen remains the same throughout.  The only difference is that the textures slowly sharpen up, some of which depict vegetation so that may be the confusion?  I showed this to confirm the 'textures sharpen on pause' reports but the blurries occur all across the area.


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Since the last ORBXLIBS update with the new FTX central  I have this behavior ... The textures are blurry and suddenly sharpen up, which give the feeling of a autogen popup problem.

I can understand that with a new version problems can arise. FSX, P3D are very sensitive. But knowing that  I do not understand why there is no possibility to rollback to the previous version. 



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