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A common sign board on country roads here in Oz, probably the same in other countries where people drive long distances.

This has little to do with a flight from MLRB Liberia to Mount Conception but if you read on you will see why it is relevant.


Very nearly didn't get into the air as the driver of this sailplane decided to enter the runway when I was on my take off run. A report will be filed when I get back to Liberia.


Looking out over the Papagayo Golf (yes Golf not Gulf).



Playa Cuajiniquil.


Looking towards the Guancaste NP and Orosi Peak.



Bahia de Salinas.



Crossing from Costa Rica to Nicaragua.


Over Lake Nicaragua and Mount Concepcion.



Over the Isla de Ometepe. Concepcion is a very active volcano last erupting in March 2010.

By now the tiredness had really kicked in and I decided to call an end to the flight.

I will have to try again another day.


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