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fsx se crash in pnw help please


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hi all - I have been enjoying flying around in PNW w FSX SE - a few times now I have taken off in my A2A Piper Cub from Sechelt BC trying to finish short flight over to Vancouver Island and land at airport near Parksville


each time as I get excited and prepare to land as I approach airfield ... the game just hangs up - freezes with msx has stopped working message??


I have a new rig with no known issues so am wondering what is causing this - I had flown much longer flights with no hang ups


recently I have installed dx10 fixer - maybe a setting in the dx10 cfg screen could lend a clue .. I have no idea why it is crashing


help please and thanks !?!?


could this be some type of memory error - grasping at straws here ..



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Suggest you cut texture max load to 1024 and uncheck the affinity masks. if that helps then google the other config tweaks to find out what they do and see if any of those help more. The key is to change one at a time and check results. My system runs best with the first two affinity masks checked and last two unchecked. Also seems to me that some of the tweaks have to be balanced against each other. For example texture bandwidth multiplyer has to be balanced against swap wait timeout. On my old system tbm at 120 and swt set at 3. You have to experiment a bit.

One experiment is to set one of the co figs way out of range and see what it does. Example, when I first started playing with fiber time fraction I forgot it is a decimal fraction and forgot the decimal point. Result was that the frame rate was about 2 fpm...that's 2 frames per minute.

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thanks very much


I just switched the tbm from 160 to 220 (having no idea what that does!??!) and this time had a nice flight with no issues or hang ups and was able to leave Sechelt as before and this time land at Quallicum Beach Parksville strip (can't recall the abbreviation)


I guess I'll just fiddle around with the numbers more and search the interweb for more on those settings too



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I also think your 4096 textures and 8.5 LOD are way too high of a setting....


You could get away with 4096 on a good system, but combined with LOD at 8.5 .... arrrgh!!!! Try LOD at 6.5.

Also - take a look at the DX10 "HowTo" guide (link in my signature). Lots of black magic explained there - and good step-by-step procedures. The classic mistake many of us make is to tweak too much at once. Most FSX settings are inter-related.


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hi all, thanks very much for the comments and advice - I have a pretty good set up and the 4096 and high lod don't seem to affect too much


I did drop down to 6.5 lod - nice and smooth - will experiment bumping it up a bit maybe


himemfix is greyed out so I can't tick it on?? and can someone give a simple schooling on the tbm again ? what happens if I set it lower or higher?


fyi I did read the fixer manual in full and the 'how to' related, but thanks again for the link lots of great info in there as well



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hi all, thanks very much for the comments and advice - I have a pretty good set up and the 4096 and high lod don't seem to affect too much

I did drop down to 6.5 lod - nice and smooth - will experiment bumping it up a bit maybe

himemfix is greyed out so I can't tick it on?? and can someone give a simple schooling on the tbm again ? what happens if I set it lower or higher?

fyi I did read the fixer manual in full and the 'how to' related, but thanks again for the link lots of great info in there as well


FSX SE has "highmemfix" hard coded so does not need to be set manually like the old version of FSX.

As for the high texture settings and LOD radius not having much effect, you should consider two seperate things when analysing FSX performance... first, there is the immediately obvious frame rate, and second, is the somewhat less obvious memory use.

On a high end PC, high texture settings and LOD radius may result in good frame rates, so at first it may seem like it's capable of having those high settings enabled (who doesn't want better looking scenery), but hidden from the user is the huge increase in memory use... the result of which ultimately ends in a crash to desktop due to exhausting the available memory.

This is made worse still if using combinations of high end addons.

As such, it's always best to use lower texture resolutions and a relatively low LOD radius (especially in urban/city areas), to minimize the memory impact.

Personally, I use 2048 texture resolution, and a LOD radius of 6.5... Looks great in the sim. I also use a launch program called "Sim Starter" that let's you create multiple settings profiles... you can have a high lod radius and texture setting for a "rural only flights", and a profile with settings dialed down a little for urban flights.

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