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Bare texture tiles everywhere


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To the team.


I have encountered this anomaly around the Comox CYQQ area up by Vancouver Island where there are many bare texture tiles showing, both in the immediate vicinity and further afield as will will see from the enclosed photos,I am assuming that this is a result of the recent LC Alaska / Canada install, I followed Ed's instructions above about checking to see that FTX Global is selected,and then applying the group, and I have the same problem if I just select North America,  so I reinstalled the LC Alaska Canada update, and that hasn't worked either.

I checked and installed again the ORBX Library version 150815 and then defragged everything, but no joy there, so I am not quite sure what I should do next, if you folk are able to help it will certainly be appreciated.




John MD 







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Hi John,


I'm really glad you brought this anomaly up for mention, as some of my topics never get a response.  I too have noticed these patches of(Tan) all over PNW same as you @CYQQ, particularly around 3W5 Concrete, and elsewhere across PNW. Initially believed them to be (logging cutblocks) but referring back to pictures in earlier times, they are definitely a new thing that don't look quite right.

Initially I thought I may have a FUBARed terrain.cfg (Texture morphing) so replaced it in the prescribed method, still the same sorry to say.

Recent installs were Objectflow update & OrbxLibs v150815. John I couldn't tell if you were running FSX FSX:SE or P3D, I wonder if the latest OrbxLibs installer selected the right library set to install for FSX and not P3D instead, I know I selected FSX as my Sim through the process.


I also noticed a LC tile issue which made me think it was a damaged (terrain.cfg) in my sim, there also seems to be a notable lowering of Autogen trees compared to previous flights @Extremely Dense setting.

Not to complicate matters further, but they remain unchanged by every season except Hard Winter where they become white with snow. (See picture)


I will start my own topic if these aren't the same issue, but it looking at your pictures it does seem to be same.


Sample pics




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I am running FSX and these bare tiles have only recently appeared in the sim as I fly this area regularly, so I suspect that the LC Alaska Canada is the culprit, in fact I may uninstall it and see what happens,




John MD

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Hi John,


Hold off uninstalling OLC AK/CAN until an Orbx Dev can look into the issue. As I am seeing the same issue without this product or Vector.

The reason I replied to your Topic even though it was in the OLC sub-forum was that it looked very much like what I was seeing in my FSX sim.   I have tried a few things myself with no good outcome so far, given that it occurs with NorthAmerica (PNW) and Global with Hybrid it would be good to have the opinions of Orbx pros, that may have a better idea what these (Tan) blobs are and why they have just made an appearance in our sims.

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Hello Gentlemen,


I don't think your problem is to do with Open LC NA but specific to your installations.

I don't have the answer but have left a message for the developer.


This is what I see.


I have installed in FSX, Global, Vector and OpenLC NA, it is summer.


I have replicated Jeff's middle shot


FTX Central: Global




FTX Central: Global+Hybrid




FTX Central: North America






@John, without coordinates it is very difficult to replicate a screen shot.

This is over CYQQ



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If I go to Comox CYQQ on Vancouver Island and proceed to take off in a northerly direction I will immediately see the bare tiles spread out all over the landscape as soon as I gain some elevation both on Vancouver island and also on the mainland, and to Jeff, I was unable to isolate which files to delete from the LC Alaska / Canada install in the main Orbx file in FSX so I have left well alone, I will await further instruction from the team in this regard, but thank you all for your thoughts in regard to this issue.

Just as a note, this seems to be the only area that I can see that has the problem at this stage, I went over to Beaver Creek airport in the Yukon and all seems to be well on that side of the ranges.




John MD

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Thanks for that Nick,


Your shot shows exactly what I had been seeing until recently, 'lush green' it appears that there are no significant cutblocks at the location afterall.  It's funny you know, when you fly regularly in certain places you know immediately when something doesn't look quite right (Must be a throwback to my testing days). I'm sure it will be something simple and will await Holger's assessment next week.

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Hi guys,

  Can't help from a Dev's standpoint, but I did take a screen shot from above CYQQ in FSX.  The season is set to summer.  I have Global activated via FTXCentralv2 (not hybrid mode)  Shot is looking generally to the West.  I'm not seeing any of the patches your screens show.   Installed and active are FTX Global Base textures, FTXVector 1.30, OpenLC-NA.

  Any possibility of your FTX insertion point needing to be moved?



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I too have these blank blocks scattered through most of Vancouver Is. I did not have them before I DL open LC. I have hybrid ticked when I see these blocks but haven't tried it without it ticked and just the region selected. It really takes away the beauty of the region. I haven't found any problems flying in non region areas eg: SK  so far. There definitely is a problem with the FSX installer or open LC itself when hybrid is selected.

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Hi Rob,


Thanks for the CYQQ comparison shot, my library order/insertion points appear to be correctly placed, as I don't have OLC AK/CAN I'm starting to think my PNW installation has become corrupt. I'm going to uncheck all other addons apart from PNW and the libraries to isolate PNW including any OZx. I will wait for Holger's impressions before going further, if the result is the same I may even reinstall PNW+ SPs, this obviously wont help me if there is something wrong at the core sim level.

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I just tried Comox area again with just the NA region group applied and these same bare blocks are still there on Vancouver Island and the mainland . After going back to FTX central2 and loading global vector open lc with hybrid ticked then back to Comox...blocks still there. These blocks are not just around comox..they are all over Vancouver Island and up the mainland into Alaska.

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Hi JOHN MD, and other interested parties,


I have had a productive day trying to sort this out at least from my Sim, and hope what I have found is helpful to solving the (Tan) blobs in your own setups. My problem was NOT Orbx scenery but an addon package that I recently installed.


Through a lengthy process of isolation and elimination I have discovered 2 files in my Sim which when given the .OFF file-extension or removed completely from a folder within my Addon Scenery folder, called "TC_Folder" the  "Bare (Tan)" blocks are now gone, with CYQQ Comox & 3W5 Concrete areas now back to perfect as they were previously.


Here are the 2 files that I found and removed, (  fsglcx_us.bgl    &    TC_fsglcx_us.bgl  )  Go to your FSX main folder and do a search for them then remove to backup or set .OFF file-extension,


Some proof pics













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To whom it may concern,


I do not have FS Genesis  in any shape or form, and the two files that Jeff suggested I remove do not seem to exist in my flight sim, so I still have the problem and it is far from being resolved,


If any one can come up with any other thoughts they will be appreciated,




John MD

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To whom it may concern,


I do not have FS Genesis  in any shape or form, and the two files that Jeff suggested I remove do not seem to exist in my flight sim, so I still have the problem and it is far from being resolved,


If any one can come up with any other thoughts they will be appreciated,




John MD

I'm with you there, John MD.  The whole area is ugly.

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Hi Gents,


I'm sorry that my discovery & solution within my own sim did not help any of you. What I believed to be the identical phenomenon as shown in JohnMD's first post as scattered (Tan) blocks where once there were wooded green areas or rock textures. Happily my issue is solved with the discovery of problem files from an addon.


I still am of the opinion that the issue is unrelated to Orbx products specifically, and would suggest you do as I have done and perform a scenery isolation test.


Start a flight at the problem area, slew to an appropriate altitude and viewpoint, pause the sim.

Go to your scenery library and uncheck all your non-Orbx scenery areas (please leave the stock FSX scenery areas checked) then click OK to rebuild the database and auto reload the scenario. 

Check that the problem has resolved on reload. 

Then open the scenery library once again recheck one addon scenery area at a time  (rinse and repeat this procedure until you have the problem back on the scene).

Once you have a culprit Folder (scenery package) return to your FSX Scenery Library and open the folder in your Windows file browser, create 3 folders within the Scenery folder of that package GOOD BAD  & SWAP, then shift all files from the Scenery folder to the new SWAP folder, once you have done this take half the files you just moved and put them back in your Scenery folder.

Return to FSX Scenery Library still open and click OK to reload DB and Scene.

Check the sim for the issue, if it is still there you may have found the problem within the first group of files.

Open the Scenery Library once again, move that group of files to the BAD folder.

Then move the next half of files from the SWAP folder to the Scenery folder.

Repeat the sim reload by clicking OK in the Scenery library.

Check that group of files does not display the problem, If it does not show the problem you can shift these files from the Scenery folder to the GOOD folder, if the problem persists take half of those files from the Scenery folder and return them to the SWAP folder.

Return to the Scenery library still open to reload and check for the problem once more.

Continue to load half of the remaining files in the SWAP folder back to the Scenery folder while the FSX Scenery Library is open then click OK to close and rebuild,  rechecking each time for the presence /or not, of the problem.

Repeat this process until you have no remaining files in the SWAP folder they will now be in the declared GOOD folder or the potentially BAD folder.

Repeat process by shifting half the remaining files in the BAD folder to the Scenery folder until you have declared them GOOD

By this time you will have gradually honed-in on the file/files that are causing your issue.

Once you have your culprit/s safely isolated in the BAD folder then take all the files from the GOOD folder and restore them to the Scenery folder.

Recheck your sim, the problem should be resolved.

There should be no undetermined files within the SWAP folder at this point, they should now reside safely back in the Scenery folder.

You have now isolated the problem, and can safely continue to re-check other addon scenery, checking for the problem area as you go, if the problem returns which is unlikely, repeat all proceedures for that folder/s as well.


Tools required for this job: panadol, coffee, hand-eye-co-ordination (lots of mouseing), peace and quiet, patience, will to win.

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I have decided to wipe the lot and start again, I am sick of messing around with it, I had already uninstalled my scenery packages from the FSX Addon scenery folder, and it made no difference at all, it will probably take me a week or so to reinstate everything, I may even go to P3D, I will think about it for awhile.




John MD 

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Thanks, Jeff.  I will decide if I want to use your procedure for isolating the culprit.  In the meantime, I'm wondering if the new Open LC NA Alaska-Canada addition isn't somehow at fault.  Or there's a payware version of Vancouver Int'l which I recently installed could also be the culprit.  We shall see.  I refuse to delete everything and start all over, however.  That doesn't make sense to me.



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Hi guys,


this issue happens when there's a third-party landclass product active, at higher display priority than the Orbx/FTX block of entries, that spatially overlaps with the region. In that case FSX gets confused and displays default textures instead of the custom landclass textures provided with the FTX regions. In Jeff's case it was the FS Genesis US landclass but it could also be SceneryTech, Ultimate Terrain, or some local add-on that includes landclass. The solution is to find the entry or entries in question (as suggested by Jeff above) and then deactivate them or move them underneath the FTX block.


In short, look through the add-ons in your scenery library menu located above FTX and temporarily uncheck any that might contain landclass files. You can do that during a flight (in pause or slew mode), which makes the process much quicker.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi there,


actually, if the ORBX!OPENLC_ entries are not correctly placed in relation to the FTX block of entries -- see the openLC NA manual on p.10 -- then the same or similar issue might occur. That's why the openLC block always needs to be at lower display priority than the FTX block!


In the near future we'll probably add a second insertion point to FTX Central so that one doesn't need to manually move the ORBX!OPENLC_ entries after installing an openLC product. FYI, an external tool for that already exists; see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/102014-fsx-priority-order/?p=922121


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks Holger, I knew you would know :smile:


@Stewart, there is enough anecdotal evidence in this topic alone that should assure you that

the OpenLC NA product is not the cause of this anomaly.

Then how come I can turn off the OpenLC NAMERICA2 and the tan patches disappear?  And it seems to only effect Victoria island and vicinity, evidently not elsewhere in the PNW region.


Also from the beginning, I have the OpenLC entries placed below the FTX entries.  I read the manual.  :)

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Hi guys,


this issue happens when there's a third-party landclass product active, at higher display priority than the Orbx/FTX block of entries, that spatially overlaps with the region. In that case FSX gets confused and displays default textures instead of the custom landclass textures provided with the FTX regions. In Jeff's case it was the FS Genesis US landclass but it could also be SceneryTech, Ultimate Terrain, or some local add-on that includes landclass. The solution is to find the entry or entries in question (as suggested by Jeff above) and then deactivate them or move them underneath the FTX block.


In short, look through the add-ons in your scenery library menu located above FTX and temporarily uncheck any that might contain landclass files. You can do that during a flight (in pause or slew mode), which makes the process much quicker.


Cheers, Holger

Thanks, Holger, I'll try that.  I did, in fact, suspect that FSDreamTeam Vancouver Int'l might be the culprit, but deactivating it didn't help.  I don't have any of the likely suspects you mentioned either.  So we'll try some others that reside above PNW, but Vancouver was the most likely choice, since it's in the area.  The other possible culprits are nowhere near the PNW, so we'll see...



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I am trying to help, not trying to suggest that you don't know what you are doing.


The logic behind "Then how come I can turn off the OpenLC NAMERICA2 and the tan patches disappear?"

is flawed.


If you have another product which is or includes landclass, as has been said, this may be the cause.

It is the interaction between the two, as I understand it, that causes the anomaly, so removing either one

would remove the problem.


That doesn't mean that either product is at fault or indeed you.

It just means that they are incompatible.


I wish I could tell you the answer but you may have to search for it, as Jeff did.

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I am trying to help, not trying to suggest that you don't know what you are doing.


The logic behind "Then how come I can turn off the OpenLC NAMERICA2 and the tan patches disappear?"

is flawed.


If you have another product which is or includes landclass, as has been said, this may be the cause.

It is the interaction between the two, as I understand it, that causes the anomaly, so removing either one

would remove the problem.


That doesn't mean that either product is at fault or indeed you.

It just means that they are incompatible.


I wish I could tell you the answer but you may have to search for it, as Jeff did.

Gee, Nick, I know you're trying to help, and my profound apologies!  In fact I found the problem just now.  Thanks to both you and Holger.  The OpenLC entries got shifted again, for some reason, so I moved them back, using the Configurator_LC "app".  I'll be darned if I know why they were shifted, though.  To the best of my knowledge, I didn't do anything that would have caused the shift.  So you live and learn... ???  [egg on face].

I have decided to wipe the lot and start again, I am sick of messing around with it, I had already uninstalled my scenery packages from the FSX Addon scenery folder, and it made no difference at all, it will probably take me a week or so to reinstate everything, I may even go to P3D, I will think about it for awhile.




John MD 

Don't do anything, John, until you check out where your OpenLC entries are located, and if they're in the wrong place, put 'em back where they belong.  That was my problem all along, even though I had moved them correctly after I had installed OpenLC NA.



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today I unticked openLCnamerica2 and once again flew from comox north to Bella coola....all scenery was as it should be with no blank blocks. When I got to Bella coola I reticked openLCnamerica2 and flew to Juneau....all was good. I then reloaded comox with OpenLC still ticked and once again the blank blocks were there. So it seems that the area affected is Vancouver Is. and adjacent mainland until north of the Island. 


Im just trying to narrow things down here and make some sense of this and tomorrow will fly unticked to PANC and see what happens.

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today I unticked openLCnamerica2 and once again flew from comox north to Bella coola....all scenery was as it should be with no blank blocks. When I got to Bella coola I reticked openLCnamerica2 and flew to Juneau....all was good. I then reloaded comox with OpenLC still ticked and once again the blank blocks were there. So it seems that the area affected is Vancouver Is. and adjacent mainland until north of the Island. 


Im just trying to narrow things down here and make some sense of this and tomorrow will fly unticked to PANC and see what happens.

Did you check to see if your OpenLC entries in the scenery library were correctly placed below all the FTX entries?  That was my problem.  You are describing exactly what I saw yesterday and this morning with Vancouver Is. until I corrected the OpenLC placement.  Take a look.



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I didn't know about the manual for Open LC and after reading the section about FTX block in FTX Central 2 I checked in mine and found that the FTX orange block was in the wrong position so I corrected it then went back to comox and the blank boxes are gone. The only thing now is that when I fly around the PNW with Global selected and hybrid ticked the textures look like global vector to me. I have taken some shots of around Victoria and SEA area and will try and get them on here to see what you think. I will have to read up on how to put screen shots on here..does anyone have the link for that or where I would find it?


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here are a few pictures of Victoria Seattle area and KOTH (Northbend Oregon) The later especially looks wrong but the others I'm not sure...something just doesn't seem right.

I have included a list from scenery insertion point in order ( I don't have Europe OPen LC but have Iceland demo) I also own Regions ENG Scot all of NA regions and S. Alaska Global vector and open LC Can Ak ( also AUS & NZ ) and almost all the a/ps associated with all regions.

FTX Orange marker

Op LC -EU 1







then a bunch of addon airports




The picture that did upload is near KBVS. I have others near Victoria. SEA and KOTH in south Oregon
then 1107 base and a bunch more of these




something went wrong with uploading pictures...will try and figure it out

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Hi there,


that order list looks OK to me except that any third-party add-on airports that overlap with any of your Orbx regions should be above the FTX block; if not they can remain where they are.


Not seeing anything wrong with that screenshot; it's a bit blurry in the distance but it appears the forestry cutblocks now display their correct textures.


Cheers, Holger

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