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FSX Priority Order


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I just purchased FTX Global (LOVE IT) and wonder if I have the correct priority order in my scenery library.  Below is my current scenery library set up:






















Tongass Fjords

All other Airport Add-Ons


Can someone please tell me if my add-ons are in the correct priority order?  Do the regions need to sit above the Global entries?  What if I own city sceneries; do those sit on top of Global as well?




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The installer should have placed them correctly.  Your order is not correct.  The OPEN LCs should go below the FTX_AA stuff and the Tongass Fjords entries.  The other airport Add-ons would normally be above the FTX stuff.  Make sure your insertion point in FTX Central is placed correctly.  That's why you have to manually move the OPEN LC entries.



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Unfortunately the installer does not place LC files correctly.  If you look in the General Discussion forum, fourth post from the top titled:

The Definitive Guide to FTX Products - The Go To source of FTX information

there is a link to download the guide and on page 38 it outlines the proper order of entries in the FSX Scenery Library.

For some reason the installer for LC files insists on moving those entries to a position above the FTX group and the LC belongs below the FTX files.

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Unfortunately the installer does not place LC files correctly.  If you look in the General Discussion forum, fourth post from the top titled:

The Definitive Guide to FTX Products - The Go To source of FTX information

there is a link to download the guide and on page 38 it outlines the proper order of entries in the FSX Scenery Library.

For some reason the installer for LC files insists on moving those entries to a position above the FTX group and the LC belongs below the FTX files.

The information in the User's Manual for this FTX Open LC tells the user that he/she will have to move the LC entries manually.  It pays to read the <blanking> manual in this case.  The "!" in the title of the LC entries evidently is alphabetized higher than the "_" in the titles of the other Orbx entries.  That's why the LC entries are placed higher than the other FTX entries.

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Insertion point will prevent the FTX/ORBX files from moving to the top of the Library but the LC installer will still place LC files in the wrong location and they need to be relocated after installing.  Once that is done and there is an insertion point for the ORBX/FTX files the LC will stay below that group of files unless you need to re-install them for some reason then they will be placed incorrectly again.

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if the ORBX/FTX/OZx group of files are moving to the top of the Scenery Library when you change regions with Central then the insertion point is not set properly and you will need to re-do it.

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Just as a quick note:


If you're using the latest version of the Orbx Libraries (150815), there is a new version of FTXConfigurator_OLC.exe included (dated 2015-08-25 AU time). If you run it, the OLC entries will be automatically moved to below the FTX entries.


If you edit ORBX\Scripts\FTXConfigurator.cfg you can choose the exact location that the openLC entries will be placed.

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Ben, this is certainly true, but I was disturbed, too, that the whole FTX block jumped on top of the list (supposedly just as a result of the insertion point I had defined before). Fortunately I can repair this (and already did), but I can imagine a number of even less experienced users than me just complaining about their 3rd party airports or whatever not being displayed properly.


I had OpenLC EU below and 3rd party airports above FTX regions/airports in advance of installing OpenLC NA. Why can't the new OpenLC NA entries just be added above or below the existing OpenLC EU entries?


Thanks and kind regards, Michael

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Just as a quick note:


If you're using the latest version of the Orbx Libraries (150815), there is a new version of FTXConfigurator_OLC.exe included (dated 2015-08-25 AU time). If you run it, the OLC entries will be automatically moved to below the FTX entries.


If you edit ORBX\Scripts\FTXConfigurator.cfg you can choose the exact location that the openLC entries will be placed.

Thank you very much for this very useful tip ! Is it possible please to have it pinned in OLC and FTX forum ?






Richard Portier

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Just as a quick note:


If you're using the latest version of the Orbx Libraries (150815), there is a new version of FTXConfigurator_OLC.exe included (dated 2015-08-25 AU time). If you run it, the OLC entries will be automatically moved to below the FTX entries.


If you edit ORBX\Scripts\FTXConfigurator.cfg you can choose the exact location that the openLC entries will be placed.


Today I installed Global Base_130 and re-installed the current Orbx lib but the the OpenLC entries into the FSX scenery lib are still autom. set above to the FTX entry :-[.

- I had to move the 3 Open LC entries manually to a (much) lower prio than the FTX insertion point

- Unfortunately the Library Insertion Points tool does not accept to move the 3 Open LC entries. Save changes not forgotten!


I hope this could be corrected in the future.....


Current used Versions: Orbx library 150815 and FTXC2 2.0.5714.43114



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Just as a quick note:


If you're using the latest version of the Orbx Libraries (150815), there is a new version of FTXConfigurator_OLC.exe included (dated 2015-08-25 AU time). If you run it, the OLC entries will be automatically moved to below the FTX entries.


If you edit ORBX\Scripts\FTXConfigurator.cfg you can choose the exact location that the openLC entries will be placed.

I am at work and cannot take a look, but is the configurator in the same folder with the new libs? Last time I used the lib.exe, I do not recall seeing any other exe fil in that folder...


btw, and fwiw, I have  never understood the proper procedure for placing the insertion point...am I the only one around here who is still confused about this?



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can anyone help me with the above question...btw, I did a google search for the file...there are lots of hits....and among them is this one which seems to be representative of how innocent computer users and OrBX customers can get scammed.




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  • 4 weeks later...


I have  never understood the proper procedure for placing the insertion point...am I the only one around here who is still confused about this?



No, Sherm, you are not the only one. Every time I run either the Vector config or library updater FTX reorganises my Scenery Library so that all ORBX sceneries are at the top.


My addon sceneries get shunted way down the list and often stop showing correctly. I then have to spend a long time rearranging everything - sometimes I do manage to find an hour or two to actually fly somewhere!

Do scenery developers sometimes forget that we are trying to run flight sims, not scenery sims?


If anyone can put me right about how to set things up so that my 3rd party addons remain above the ORBX stuff I'd be grateful. 

It must have something to do with that mysterious insertion point. But what exactly?



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1.Open FTX Central v2

2, Click on Settings

3. Click on Tools

4. Click on Library Insertion Points

5. On the pop-up of your Scenery Library find the ORANGE "FTX"

6. Drag it to where you want FTX files to be in your Scenery Library

(In mine I have it just above Tongass X High Priority.  Yours may vary.)

All this is clearly stated in the FTX Central v2.

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It's not rocket science.  RTFM.  :)




This shows the 'boundary layer' between my 3rd party addons and FTX. 


Where should the insertion point be placed so that future addons are above the FTX, and future FTX additions or updates (vector config, library files) are always inserted below the addons?

Should the orange flag be lined up with Guatemala, or Holger Mesh, or somewhere else?





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Wherever you place the orange FTX in Central v2 is where it will stay from then on.  If placed under Guatamala then it will stay just as your screenshot shows and not move to the top of the Library when you change regions.

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