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Everything posted by adambar

  1. Old man was sitting on the examining table in the doctor's office having his hearing checked. The doctor poked the light scope in the old man's ear and said, "hey you have a suppository in your ear!" "Rats," said the old man. "Now I know where my hearing aid went."
  2. While taking a clinical history from an elderly patient, I asked, “How’s your love life?” “I don’t know,” he said. “I’ll ask my wife.” He got up, walked into the hallway where his wife was sitting, and shouted, “Hey, the doctor wants to know if we still have sex.” His wife shouted back, “No, the only thing we have is Medicare and Blue Cross.” Adam
  3. Still here so far. I took a water cooler and decided to use it as a face mask, so, I moved the faucet to the inside with a small extension and filled it up to my chin with beer, everything was fine until I started walking.
  4. Congrats on 18 months cancer free, best news of the day!
  5. Now that's unusual, I understand every word Karl.
  6. Still have a case or two of beer around I suppose don't ya Karl, well there you go. If not, maybe Hilda can do some dirty dancing for you in the front yard or something. Stay safe everyone.
  7. A man was out walking one day and went by a retirement home. As he passed the front lawn, he saw nine old ladies basking in the sun in lounge chairs. When he looked closer he realized that they were all stark naked. He went to the door and rang the bell. When the director answered the door, the man asked if he realized there were nine naked old ladies lying in the sun on the front lawn. The director said, “Yes” and went on to explain that the old ladies were all retired prostitutes living at the retirement home, and they were having a yard sale.
  8. Great looking snap there Martyn!
  9. RIP Neil and thank you for all your hard work, you will be missed.
  10. You must paint around the clock Jankees, and they are always perfect, great job !! Adam
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