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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 20 hours ago, paulk said:

    Perhaps you should go with your first assumption 😉


    Note to self, plan future holidays with difficult airports for the team to guess 😂


    Okay, SAS' UK destinations are Manchester, Heathrow, Newquay, Birmingham, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. 

    The layout of the two parallel runways, placed relatively closely together in the midst of meadows and fields looks like Manchester EGCC.

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  2. Last night the sim got stuck 4 or 5 times when loading a flight. Never had this before. Was approx at the same time when you posted this. Then finally 4 hours after the first try the sim loaded normally again. I blamed this on a Win10 update which ran right before I started MSFS.

    But since you also had issues it was perhaps caused by a faulty server.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, John Heaton said:

    Not to sure I can answer the Question - I was led to believe that the 2 organisatons were related - but now not too sure 

    I follow FS reborn on his discord because of my love for his fs 500 and learned about his 727 there

    I got the impression that he takes a version and improves it = something like Blac?? with the beechcraft

    He is definitely working on the 727 - but it will be more or less for the 2024 version - as he is waiting for the new SDK like all developers


    Thanks John!

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 8/10/2024 at 9:12 AM, John Heaton said:

    I'm waiting for the FS reborn version - but reports so far seem to indicate that the phone type engineer works well 

    - especially if one is a lazy simmer😉


    I have always been a bit confused with FSS/FS Reborn. What's the difference between these two versions of the B727? I always thought it's one and the same.

  5. On 8/8/2024 at 11:07 AM, gumbypickett said:

    Great to see you and your son have a successful day Rob.

    What type of fish are they? I've never caught anything bigger

    than Whiting and Brim.😟

    I'm not much of a fisherman but I do enjoy it.




    These are halibuts Gumby.

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  6. On 7/30/2024 at 2:06 PM, Swissshamoo said:


    Not all is business and money in this world.

    A bit more respect for their past policies of Orbx and gestures for their loyal clients is all I ask.



    The target of a company is to make money to satisfy the shareholders and to be able to pay its employees. Assuming you are Swiss you will understand this.



    In the thread you have linked above Anna hasn't promised anything. She rather informed us what was planned at that stage. And still, if she had promised anything, Orbx was not obliged to this.

    Business can change as we all know. A few years ago the company I then had my car from announced an updated model within the next year or so, which I intended to buy. This new model never came out. So what?


    • Confused 1
  7. On 7/29/2024 at 5:18 PM, wain71 said:

    yeah I am but I am taking a few months off at the moment, doctors deciding if I need heart surgery or hopefully just meds....simming is really taking a backseat until we know the outcome of more tests, phone call coming Thursday....


    I am sorry to hear that Wayne  I wish you all the best for today's phone call. 👍

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  8. On 7/29/2024 at 3:15 AM, John Dow said:


    The problem has always been attributed to PayPal itself, and a total lack of support for Orbx. For nearly a year as I recall someone in PayPal decided that Orbx was a torrent site and not only stopped payments but held funds as hostage.  Given that history, as well as other known problems with the PayPal model where scammers can simply declare a product faulty and get a full refund, I wonder that Orbx even includes them in its payment model. 


    Yeah, I think to remember. But wasn't that even back in the John Venema era?

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, boetie said:

    It's bad timing having the Euros and Olympics so close together Wolfgang. Enjoy your Austrian summer mate.  



    Thank you and yes, very bad timing.


    1 hour ago, boetie said:

    Is that footy or footy Gumby? Whatever footy, it's footy for the football lovers of their footy code  Those from afar may not get it ;)


    I DO get it, be assured. :D

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, boetie said:

    OK, here we go again, an Olympics in an unfavourable time zone. Anyone else going to be glued to the telly? 



    Probably not too much. I was glued to the telly during the 4 weeks of the Football (some strangely call it soccer 🤔) Euro 2024 from mid June to mid July. That's enough. Now enjoying the summer outdoors.

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry, but I have to disagree here. I probably have to disagree with the majority of flight simmers. I have no clue where the idea comes from dafult MSFS trees were too tall. That is plain wrong. Dafult MSFS trees are not too tall at all, at least not in the area where I am living (Innsbruck, Austria). Sometimes they are not even tall enough. They might have a too big diameter, yes, but they are not too tall. The large diameter is just a trick to give forest a more dense look (what I like) without affecting FPS and performance too much.


    In real life trees can have an enormous hight, they are huge. Just go out into nature and you will see. From where I am writing this I can see some 10 stories appartment blocks in the distance, which are surrounded by by many gigantic decidous trees (maples and beeches) which reach up to the 6th and 7th floors of the appartment buildings. And there are some poplars which are even taller. Much less than the spruces and fir trees in our area.


    Looking at the MSFS Global Trees HD in above comparison shot, which are barely taller than the one story buildings in the shot, I have to say they are way too small. For me the shot of the default trees in the second comparison looks way more reealistic than the shot of the Global Trees HD. Sorry, but that's just my 2 cents.


    Edit: since the Global Trees HD product otherwise looks great and I will probably buy it, I do hope the user has the choice to stay with the default tree sizes.

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  12. 3 hours ago, wain71 said:

    @Stillwater @wolfko I agree with you both, I do much prefer a nice tutorial in pdf form that I can print off and learn at my own pace...I bought the Challenger 650 for Xplane a while back, I have never flown it as they refuse to publish a tutorial and when approached they direct you to YT videos which I don't really like...I have a checklist but it's not the same... Just flight have always done really good tutorials .....


    Yes, I fully agree, Just Flight planes always have excellent tutorials included.

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  13. 16 hours ago, Stillwater said:

    @wain71 I flew the PMDG 777 in P3D many many times, so the step was not so big for me.

    But: I miss a tutorial flight for the Boeing, or, to be more general: Any documentation at all.

    If that was published, I would update my checklist for that bird - and then be able to share it.


    This unfortunately seems to be the zeitgeist Gerold. Also the Fenix A320 only comes with a 13 pages manual, or let's better say brochure, which mainly deals just with the plane's EFB.

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