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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. The LOC approach to RW26 has a GS in real life. It is just a common misconception in the FS world that it has none, because the apporach is not lebeled as ILS but only as LOC approach. The reason for this is, that the LOC is not aligned with the runway.

    BTW above is in regards to OEV LOC (111.10). LOWI has a second localizer, i. e. LOC OEJ (109.70), which has no GS AFAIK.  


    Please read page 13 of this Austrocontrol document. It is not called GS but GP (glidepathe) here.


    AD_2_LOWI (austrocontrol.at)


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  2. I am on Win10 and my c drive is a 120 GB SSD. With every Win update and every installation of an app or program the free space on the drive is getting smaller and smaller (although all new installations are aiming to another drive), currently being at around 3.5 GB, which can drop to under 1 GB for one or two days after a Win update, which sometimes is not enough space for the system to run properly.

    I have now checked that my installer-folder (C/Windows/Installer) is "bloated" up to over 70 (!!) GB, containing mainly msi and msp files dated from 2006 up to present.

    Does anybody know, which of these files I can safely delete? All the internet sources I have found regarding this issue so far are only providing kind of useless advises like "before you delete these files, make sure they are not needed by your system".  Is there a way to check, which of these files are still needed by my system and which I can safely delete.

    Any help or advice is appreciated.


    Thanks, Wolfgang


  3. On 10/11/2022 at 4:29 AM, Bassman said:

    When flying the MSFS2020 DA62 as soon as I put flaps down even if not changing altitude the gear warning starts to sound; is this normal for a real DA62?



    I Just did some testing. I don't get any warning when setting flaps without gear down. How does this warning sound like? Is it a beep or a cumputer generated "Gear Down"? 

  4. On 10/7/2022 at 8:48 PM, wain71 said:

    Since the last update I get distance indication markers to the next waypoint, it also shows the altitude I should be at, I assume this may only be for Tubes but I am not sure, anyway does anyone know how to turn them off please? I can't work it out...I did take a screenshot but my PC has decided to hide it from me..:D


    It looks like you have changed your "Assistance Options".

    So go to Options/Assistance Options/Navigation Aids and alter the settings there to your liking. I think this should solve your issue.



  5. Found the reason fur the not rendered textures. All data connections seem to have been off line although I did not get the usual warning and although all setting in the data menue were set to "on". Setting alle of the data options manually to "off" and then to "on" again resolved the issue. Resaving the data settings took a few minutes though. I hope all is running stable now.

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  6. 2 hours ago, rockliffe said:

    Hey Nick, I have supported Orbx for the past 13 years, with hundreds of addons. Like many others I have seen how the company has changed. Some would argue not for the better. Anyone in business should accept and appreciate any kind of feedback about their service or products, whether it's positive or negative. Negative comments are not always welcome, but they should be accepted and acted on accordingly to improve the business. At the end of the day, I simply said what I have heard from many simmers, that customer care is somewhat lacking to how it used to be. Take it how you wish Nick, as I said, just sayin. ;)


    But your commend above was not a constructive criticism but it was only sarcastic and totally unnecessary.

  7. 2 hours ago, W2DR said:

    Help me understand this. I can but a 55" Samsung curved 4K smart TV for US$497. Why the price difference for the "gaming" monitor. Something just doesn't add up here. 


    You can't rotate the $497 monitor like you can the giant one. It's just like a giant smart phone.

    And I could imagine that it also has got an interactive touch screen and can be used like a white board. But that's just a sispicion.

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  8. 23 hours ago, Doc_Z said:

    No performance hits, but for some reason taxiing aircraft sometimes spin around.  Once, twice before continuing on their way or they just sit there and spin. Anybody else see this?


    In the above video Jon has linked, it is shown, how to set the time for how long you want to tolerate this odd behavior, until the aircraft in question will be automatically eliminated. You can set the tolerating time in the injector where you also set all the other values.. So no need to take action during simming.

  9. 2 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

    True but in November, the helicopters make their official entrance in the sim.

    Helicopters are often landing on rooftops, landing pads and free space in big cities.

    PG is not suitable for this type of flying.


    That depends in large part on your bandwith and of course also on your pc specs and your settings.


    I made the experience that lowering my graphic settings on my ancient system improved the looks of pg.

    And when all of the others in the family are streaming videos when I am simming, the quality of pg will decrease.


  10. Statics are  generally way better looking than any AI planes (no matter if dedault or if created by an add on) or models used by any online network.


    PS: There is a huge demand for statics. Just have a look at flightsim.to. There are literally hundred mods for download offering static planes at airports all over the world.

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