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Everything posted by gumbypickett

  1. What a coincidence, you took the words right out of my mouth. I guess it's the same as telling people, you like them but after a few bending's of the elbow, you tell them they are enough to make a maggot sick. I'm not sure what formular that comes under though.🍺 I'll drink to it anyway. cheers Gumby
  2. Nothing is worth dumping out your beers. That's a huge sacrifice.🍺 cheers Gumby
  3. Very nice shots Andreas. cheers Gumby
  4. Does MSFS have an airline pack such as the Aus/NZ packs in p3d? YMML looks great. cheers Gumby
  5. Fear not in 4 or 5 days you will be amazed. It's like s spit and polish on your eyes.👍 cheers Gumby
  6. No probs there Graeme so long as I have a years notice so I can save some coin with me shaking my tin in the mall.😁 cheers Gumby
  7. I can't really say any. Every airport has Maccas. And after SHOUTING Gerold dinner on Wednesday night' I probably will never have the chance to recommend in the Future. Was a good night though Gerold.👍 cheers Gumby
  8. FSX always had a fantastic variety of freeware aircraft available. Love these shots Andreas. cheers Gumby
  9. I usually struggle with these optical illusions. Today I saw 16 circles.👍 cheers Gumby
  10. Many happy returns Andreas, have a great day. cheers Gumby
  11. I think they still look very good Andreas. cheers Gumby
  12. Graeme I'm with Wayne. A hanky has many uses. After a day or two you can use the other side wipe your bum on it if your desperate and stuck on a bus, or use a key with your hanky and clean your ears out. Then at the end of the week throw it in the wash with the tea towels. They are very versatile.👍 cheers Gumby
  13. I also have a hanky. When I forget, I get blood under my fingernails and a nose bleed. Don't know why. cheers Gumby
  14. Nice shots TTM. I would need a float plane just to get to the sauna.😲 cheers Gumby
  15. Tere are cities and then there are cities. You captured every shot very nicely Carlos.👍 cheers Gumby
  16. All the very best to you Holger. cheers Gumby
  17. Great set of shots Darryl. cheers Gumby
  18. For me still on P3dv5 it's Melbourne and Brisbane. cheers Gumby
  19. Hey Rodger have the most fabulous day my friend. Relax and enjoy.🍺 cheers Gumby
  20. A nice scope of the land Don. Who would have thought that they can land 747 freighters there at Toowomba such as, I think Cathay Pacific and Atlas Air. cheers Gumby
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