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Nick Cooper

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Everything posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello, thank you for that, it is news to me and possibly other staff. I will pass this on and see what developments are to take place.
  2. Hello John, GMT, UTC and Zulu time are all the same time. GMT does not change, we move one hour away from it in summer and back to it in winter. To add to the confusion, apparently, UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time, I suppose that must mean that GMT stands for Time Greenwich Mean.
  3. Of course we are all on GMT Terry, it's just that for some of us it's dark when for others, it's light.
  4. Hello John, don't forget the time differences in other parts of the world.
  5. Some of you will see that your posts have been removed.
  6. Hello, that looks like night textures during the day, a different problem and so far cured by reinstalling Open LC. This can be done by deleting the ORBX\User documents\Versions OpenLC text file and then selecting Install product in FTX Central.
  7. Hello, this is recognised as a problem and it is expected that it will be rectified in a service pack. Thanks for pointing it out.
  8. Is the extra bridge still there if you disable bridges in the Vector control panel?
  9. Hello, please don't waste your time, one transaction number is enough and I have added it to your profile.
  10. Thanks. All of these posts are being noted and where it is possible, action will be taken and included in a future service pack.
  11. Hello Jankees , although Holger has answered you, I am still going to show you this screen shot which I think I have replicated, despite there being only clues as to where it is, if for no other reason than not to have wasted the search. Autogen sliders would be my first port of call.
  12. A reminder please, this is NOT a support topic, this is for reporting things that could be improved with this product. If you have a support request please post a topic in the Payware or FTX Central v3 support forum. If you cannot see your support request post any more here, please look for it at those two forums. Thanks.
  13. Thanks. I will pin this topic and I ask everyone who may contribute to follow your example.
  14. There are those who see them as an unwelcome intrusion into their presumed right to park whenever and wherever it is convenient to them.
  15. Hello Brian, if you are sure that: 1. your e mail address for both transactions is the same and 2. your licence ID is exactly correct and it still doesn't work, please try a support ticket.
  16. Hello Doug. I am sometimes not quite sure whether the comments in this topic are tongue in cheek or not but I am thoroughly enjoying that they are making me smile as I approach being an Old Coot myself. What can I say to answer you except that the Old Coot's Club topic has for a few weeks now been in the Old Coot's Club sub-forum, created just for it and the other topics that have followed. Happy Easter to you too.
  17. Thanks, I can confirm this and that the river is there in default P3D.
  18. AEC enabled, Vector has corrected the airport elevationto fit the Pilot's mesh. AEC disabled, the airport retains its elevation, whether that is default or whether it has been reset by its developer.
  19. Hello, if an airport is not in the list, Vector AEC has no effect on it, so if there is an elevation problem, it is not caused by Vector.
  20. Hello, you're welcome. I see only the same options for EGML as you do, so I must assume that is what the developers intended.
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