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May this be Millrace Park?


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Once again I took off from Launceston to explore the neighborhood. Launceston Country Club & Casino is easy to identify...



But now a more detailed view is necessary: May this be the Liffey river at Carrick?



And this one the famous house?





Any hints welcome...  ;D

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Gerold you are amazing.. These are some small addons that I did many moons ago  for my own entertainment....The first is Lonnie Casino, in the second and third the Monds Plant on Oaks Rd where I was a foreman can be seen in the distance , and the river? spot on, it's the Liffey, where I spent many happy hours with the fly rod. The sinking house? yep my old home "Millrace Park" Happy days, thanks for posting, and for the memories. Teecee.

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GReat shots Gerold!


Fine shots mate.




Great set Gerold.

Some extra special detail there.

Hope you asked Mr Fox before you took his chopper.



Nice discovery, Gerold!





Thanks for your comments, mates!


Archer's Folly is my guess for your sinking house , as always google is our friend : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrick,_Tasmania




Wow, I did not expect to read so many stuff about such a small village on wikipedia. Still working on it. Thanks!


Gerold you are amazing.. These are some small addons that I did many moons ago  for my own entertainment....The first is Lonnie Casino, in the second and third the Monds Plant on Oaks Rd where I was a foreman can be seen in the distance , and the river? spot on, it's the Liffey, where I spent many happy hours with the fly rod. The sinking house? yep my old home "Millrace Park" Happy days, thanks for posting, and for the memories. Teecee.


Terry, it is my pleasure to walk on your tracks. I have been in Lonnie Casino, made my feet wet in Liffey river, but I did not recognize Carrick (so far...). Great to have your stories in mind, and great to have your scenery details added to the sim!

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