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Hi everybody, did do a search but could not find anything about my gripe. For awhile now I get fed up when ever I'm on a flight large or small when you look to the right while flying and there's no body there, no copilot and if you can get to the cabin no passengers. I know you can get some aircraft with a passenger, but surly it's not that hard to put a co-pilot in or passengers in aircraft in this day and age. I realise there could be a hit graphics wise. I also know from an outside view you see the pilot and co-pilot. If there is some way to do it I would be very interested but I doubt wether there is. Derek

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Have to agree on both points.  It would be nice to have a co pilot sometimes, but not at the expense of performance or ugly co pilots!  lol


What I really miss in terms of pilots is when viewing screenshot taken from within the cockpit, there is neither a pilot or co pilot!  Who is flying the plane in those screens?

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Some add-on aircraft do come with virtual passengers or co-pilots. The first thing I do when flying them is try to remember how to turn the copilot off.


The A2A Cub is the only one where I actually enjoyed the virtual passenger/copilot. I think a big part of the reason is you only see the the back of her head and not the creepy doll face.

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Low polly humans are never too pleasant to look at. I like the idea however I prefer being able to see all my instruments and cockpit. Think I may find a co-pilot annoying unless they fixed me a cup of tea of course

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I think I prefer to be on my own and invent my lost childhood imaginary friends.

+1 for limiting the VC to just me and my lost childhood imaginary friends.

Even if they didn't look horrendous (which they would), still I prefer the better frame rates.

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After seeing Carenado's terrible Twins...


Those are amazing models actually, the copilot looks so much like an ex-boss of mine from the 80's it makes me shudder, lol. Those gents have definitely been around though... My biggest gripe with Carenado & Alabeo with those pilots is that they should go away when the parking brake is set and at least one of the doors is open or similar (they have the static elements that appear when you're shut down, IMHO the pilots should be slaved to the same animation and disappear when the static elements appear). It just looks funny when you're shut down and fueling up or whatever with the doors wide open and the pilots are still sitting there in the cockpit. Better yet, they should get out and walk around the airplane, check the oil or something...

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 While there are games (MMOs, FPS shooters, sports games, Sims 3, SecondLife...etc) out there with good looking people who could potentially sit in a VC, the added demand on a kill FPS as mentioned above.  The average PC still just isn't up to snuff to handle both pretty people and complex good looking people.  


I read somewhere that the human body is one of the most difficult things to create in the virtual world.  It is very challenging to properly model shapes, movements, textures and so on.  Better to just go with the A2A Cub or Ant's Tiger Moth if you want a passenger up front.


From the external view tho, I do personally find it nice to see an attractive gal in the passengers seat.  

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Those are amazing models actually, the copilot looks so much like an ex-boss of mine from the 80's it makes me shudder, lol. Those gents have definitely been around though... My biggest gripe with Carenado & Alabeo with those pilots is that they should go away when the parking brake is set and at least one of the doors is open or similar (they have the static elements that appear when you're shut down, IMHO the pilots should be slaved to the same animation and disappear when the static elements appear). It just looks funny when you're shut down and fueling up or whatever with the doors wide open and the pilots are still sitting there in the cockpit. Better yet, they should get out and walk around the airplane, check the oil or something...

Yes that would be great!

Something like "Ground Service X for bush/GA-aircraft"! A pilot who jumps out of the plane and starts to unload some backpacks, doing some checks and refueling the aircraft would be great! Not sure though if this can be attached to the aircraft or needs to be a seperate product. If the later is true: How about it, ORBX?

And if we talk about co-pilots: I think that modern rendering technic (like P3D 2.1) can certainly handle some more load when flying GA-planes in most areas. So a selection of nice copilots would be appreciated. I like good looking female hikers ... 8)

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I agree that the all sliders at max crowd would scream but in the Railworks railroad sim you see photographed people on the streets of Portland Maine where the train runs down mainstreet. They rotate to always face the viewer. No you would not want to "walkthrough the cabin" since everyone would would turn toward you and stare. But a glance through the cockpit door would show very clear human figures who take the risk of flying with you.



To the original poster - a very good question and probably do-able with little cost.

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What about this app for FSX. It would be cool if we could designate our home airport which we can but have a hanger assigned with garage door, electric door opener, the whole bit. Land back at your airport and put your aircraft away. Drive home.

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What about this app for FSX. It would be cool if we could designate our home airport which we can but have a hanger assigned with garage door, electric door opener, the whole bit. Land back at your airport and put your aircraft away. Drive home.


You mean an app called "Life" :lol: ?

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