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OK, the answer to this question will determine if I continue to use FTXG [Lights Colour]


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Hopefully, this is not considered a support question per se.   If so, I'll come back and post all my purchases.  Don't know if they are required for general stuff.


OK, I have searched all over these forums and elsewhere.  I see several comments re the color of the lights in FTXG.   Sorry, in my 30+ years of real world flying, I have never seen city lights this "urine yellow" color.


Of course all my flying is mostly US domestic. (B737)   The view I see out of the front window is the orange high press sodium color and the mercury vapor colors. When lower you can make out  other colors as well.: Approx. RGB values of 255,183,76 for sodium vapor lights.


I tried to edit the particle colors of anything orbx light fx related particularly the yellow streetlight stuff.  No changes to the FTXG yellow vector lights.  Congrats guys, you have buried them well. :-)


My question regarding the upcoming release of the lights tool.   JV mentioned you would be able to adjust the light size. Will we also be able to adjust the color as well?


I'm sure I'll get some comments on my posts in a negative light, well so be it.   With the city lights color this yellow tint, I just can't enjoy my night flying right now.   Yes, to me because of what I see out the front window of the Boeing, this is a distraction to the realism of an otherwise great product.


Hoping it will be good news re color, if not; Ok too. I have other options, just not FTXG.  Any info from fellow simmers appreciated. Support guys, if you feel this is a support question, let me know and I'll post the purchase stuff for you.


Thanks for listening.






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We do not provide support for users self-modding files, but its no secret were the FTXGlobal street light textures are hidden... try FSX\Scenery\Global\Texture ;)


Btw I'm not one of the FTXGlobal devs so am unable to give you a response r.e the colors




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I'm with the OP there. In the many countries I lived in or flew to, the dominant city lights color is the sodium vapor orange (more rarely they are of a legacy whitish tint). It is awful, in my opinion, but that the way it is.


The present yellow color is not a bug as such  :) but kinda strange and  it would tremendously improve an already good product (I've it on my AU SP4) if an upgrade could correct the tint or a tool given to users to correct it themselves.

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I also support the request for different colour(s) of the FTXG lights. I for myself would like to have a mixture of dominantly orange lights with a few white ones in between

And yes, a control panel to adjust colour and size of the lights would be awsome.


Thanks !

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And I would say it would be good to give them some space to breathe as currently there are much bigger problems with vector than colour of the lights in product which you could check before you bought it. (screenshots)

Don't want to be rude but seriously - this is a global texture product - you don't like lightning you choose different one. Hard to call it issue

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Hi all,


I'm feeling very left out because I bought Vector but my system drive is too full and I can't open the Vector file. I found and purchased a partition manager but so far it doesn't help. Is there any way to install Vector by extracting it to a target file? Thanks.


good flights, Cal

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Mephic. Understood your feedback. All in all, I was just interested to know if the upcoming lights tool would allow color change as well. Tim, sort of pointed me in a direction to have a possible resolution on my own.

So far though, those yellow lights are still well hidden. :-)



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tdavart. Yep, that is what I thought as well.   Edited that file with CS6 and DXTBMP. Made it as orange as I could.   When it is in the sim, still shows yellowish.    Might try to give it a diff color like neon purple, to see if that is indeed the correct file.


If still yellow after that, I give up. As said before, they really hid that sucker. :-). If it does change to purple, then at least I know what I have to work with for the change.




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Cal, do you mean it won't unpack because your system drive free space is too small for the temp file?

If that is the case then just go to your systems panel open advanced and choose environment. You can then update your tmp and temp environment variables to point to a drive with enough space.


Hi all,

I'm feeling very left out because I bought Vector but my system drive is too full and I can't open the Vector file. I found and purchased a partition manager but so far it doesn't help. Is there any way to install Vector by extracting it to a target file? Thanks.

good flights, Cal

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Hi all,


I'm feeling very left out because I bought Vector but my system drive is too full and I can't open the Vector file. I found and purchased a partition manager but so far it doesn't help. Is there any way to install Vector by extracting it to a target file? Thanks.


good flights, Cal

Cal, I suggest reposting your question in its own thread (with your problem description in the title).  

You will probably get an answer much faster that way.


Posting a question completely unrelated to the subject of someone else's thread is "hijacking" their thread.

Someone with the answer to your question about Vector may never look in this thread about light color to even see your question.

Also, if someone does answer your question in this thread, someone else with the same problem may never see the solution, because it is buried in a thread about light color.


If you start a thread "Need help installing Vector on a full HD" (or something like that), people with see it.  People with answers can chime in and people with the same problem will see it too.  (Unfortunately I don't know how to fix your Vector problem.)

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tdavart. Yep, that is what I thought as well.   Edited that file with CS6 and DXTBMP. Made it as orange as I could.   When it is in the sim, still shows yellowish.    Might try to give it a diff color like neon purple, to see if that is indeed the correct file.


If still yellow after that, I give up. As said before, they really hid that sucker. :-). If it does change to purple, then at least I know what I have to work with for the change.





There are 4 files for just plain lights in that loication... !ORBXLightB.bmp, !ORBXLightO.bmp, !ORBXLightY.bmp and !ORBXLightW.bmp...


The last letter just represents what colour the light is (Blue, Orange, Yellow and White)


Maybe make the orange lights more orange? 


Worth a shot if nothing else...

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Hey guys, thanks for the info.   I was able to change the yellow to the more realistic sodium color. However, In order to make them that realistic color; I had to make the base texture more of an orangish-red color.


Close in, they look great...color I'm used to seeing in the Boeing. However, as you look at them in the distance, the take on more of the reddish-orange color.  Just need to figure out how to get the more distant lights to look like the

closer in lights. Or at least, find a good compromise.   making progress though. Thanks  again for any info.


The file is indeed the !ORBXLightY.bmp    Does anyone know if there is a way to make the both close in lights and distant lights the same color?


I'll keep working.  If I get a solution, I'll post a screenie.




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  • 1 month later...

Please do not begin to share modified Orbx files between forum members, that's a no-no.


As I have already said (and indeed stated our commitment to do so over six months ago) we have started the process of looking into a revised lights system for FTXG V1.3 and indeed we have implemented some ideas already shown by customers and we are now beginning to discuss the configuration app which will allow different sizes and colour tones to be selected for the four main variants.


Please don't ask us to rush this or force our hand in getting a solution delivered quickly. It will happen, we're actively pursuing it now :)

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