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Ryan Mason

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Thats the spirit Tom! Bloody hell, I had no idea even from speaking to you on TS that you were so young (sounds like a 30 year old man! LOL) you lucky there are a bunch in Werribee area, try being stuck in the midwest, I cant find a single simmer within 300 miles!

Hey Aussicop I believe im the closet to you in the midwest.

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Trans, while still a while away yep your the closest to me I think! @ Dave, there are several different ways, you first of all need the voice server Teamspeak which is  a supers simple voice server to set up, without going into massive amounts of detail on the forum, shoot me an email at spd6683@gmail.com and I will shoot you one back with all the programs, links to the programs you need (all freebies) and how to set them up.  And after that if you get stuck we can get on the teamspeak server and I or someone else can wlak you through to troubleshoot. We are always looking for others to join the online flights, me especially with you guys from the UK as your closer to my timezone that Australia, I either have to be on early in the morning or late at night to get on with fellow Aussies


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How observant John. I have a 2008 model, but have my order in for the 2009 Anniversary model. It is estimated to arrive in April. I can't wait.

I also had the option of an aftermarket nose cone identical to that one but opted for the real thing.


P.S. Here's my current one!

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Frank, Years ago I used to have a musuem like finished RMS Titanic with real portholes and back lighting build into a wall in a conference room attached to my office. It was the whole highlight of the decor. Visitors would come in and I would get to expound on my other obsession (before Leonardo Caprio), all things Titanic (since 12 years old). What are you doing with the one behind the mazda? It looks about a 1:350 scale, or is it larger? If we ever meet DO NOT ask me about the ship. I will gush on for hours and hours. Instead pick the next subject in line - Flying.

Spirit Flyer

Ah, Better steer away from Theology too...

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How observant John. I have a 2008 model, but have my order in for the 2009 Anniversary model. It is estimated to arrive in April. I can't wait.

I also had the option of an aftermarket nose cone identical to that one but opted for the real thing.


P.S. Here's my current one!

Frank, Years ago I used to have a musuem like finished RMS Titanic with real portholes and back lighting build into a wall in a conference room attached to my office. It was the whole highlight of the decor. Visitors would come in and I would get to expound on my other obsession (before Leonardo Caprio), all things Titanic (since 12 years old). What are you doing with the one behind the mazda? It looks about a 1:350 scale, or is it larger? If we ever meet DO NOT ask me about the ship. I will gush on for hours and hours. Instead pick the next subject in line - Flying.

Spirit Flyer

Ah, Better steer away from Theology too...

Spirit Flyer,

I am also a pre movie Titanic buff although no so much since about 20 but I used to have all kinds of books on her.  Great subject though.

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Been skipping over this sticky thread for some time,.............and after a quick read will try to add my own......character.

The name is derived from the real me.........George Stevens. And since I am old enough to remember the 40's and 50's in the U.S.; Amos and Andy radio show comes to mind. Anyone else of similar age from the U.S. can put it together. Everyone else, too bad. It's a long story.

A quick bio:

Solo at 16, Private at 18, then Commercial, Instrument, Glider, ASEL with 3000+ hrs PIC

Aeronautical engineer

Aircraft partnerships including T-34, E model Bonanza, and V model Bonanza

Colonel in the Confederate Air Force

Conducted the majority of Civil Air Patrol initial searchs in Ohio from 1968 till 1982.

Simming since early 80's

Working with computers since 1963

I live in upstate NY; for the Aussies in the group, that is anything north of the George Washington bridge to Manhatten. In fact, I live 350 miles north of Manhatten, about six miles south of the Canadian border south of Montreal. Been retired for ten years and thus have developed the following schedule: Summers are spent bass fishing on Lake Champlain. Our summer starts on July 3rd and ends on July 5th so its a short summer....................just kidding. May through September are spent fishing. We can and do receive snow from October thru April, so those months are spent flight simming. Works out quite well for me.

The following photo is from 2001, my wife Rita and I preparing for a Civil Air Patrol mission in upstate New York.

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And finally another of my avatar..........................right side up.

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Kingfish42.....................................hmmmmmm...............42 could be a contraction of 1942......................... ;D

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Haven't checked this thread for some time, so I apologise Spirit Flyer.

The Titanic was a gift to my boy when he was 3 years old.

I built it by hand. It took three months.

I hand sculpted the hull from casting plaster from a much smaller scale model. When i was happy with the hull, I took a mould from fibreglass and then produced two layups which i joined. Sanded and filled them and then built the decks on top.

It runs on 3 electric motors with shafts running in the bottom of the hull.

I'd never built a fibreglass hull before and the pundits from the local model club said I couldn't do it, but I proved them wrong.

I weighted the base in my bathtub to get it to sit right in the water. I installed 3 servo's and radio gear.

I took it down to the lake where the locals gathered and she sailed like a dream. My boy was happier than I'd ever seen him.

We spent many years motoring it around that lake. She sank like the real Titanic on a few occassions, too.

My boy eventually grew out of it, but we spent many hours together and so created a bond that lasts to this day.

He just turned 20, so I guess I won't be taking him down to the lake any more, so I've started work on revamping it for my grandkids when they come along.

They may get as much joy from it as he and I did.


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Nickname: Bungo

Name:  Braedon King

From:   Townsville, North Queensland

Age:    38

Occupation: Information Technology

Origin of nickname:

Bungo is the name of a Womble (of Wimbledon fame) from the stop motion animation series that used to air on the ABC in the afternoons.  Bungo himself apears to have been named after the old Japanese prefecture of the same name in Kyūshū (the south island of Japan).  I started using Bungo when we had a lunchtime Duke Nukem 3D comp at work in about 1998, for the life of me I don't remember why I chose it, it just seems to fit.

Been flying simulators of one sort or another since Falcon (the 16 colour version), A10 Tank Killer, Chuck Yeagers Air Combat, EF2000, F22 ADF, Janes WWII Fighters, Janes US Navy Fighters, IL-2 Sturmovik (everything from the beginning to the current mods), FS2002, FS2004, & FSX (breathe...).

The Photos are of me and my son Dylan (taken about a year ago)  As I'm the one usually taking the pictures there aren't many of me in the King family photo vault.



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Nickname: Jones, Jonesy or frogger.

Name: Shane Jones

From: Perth Western Australia


Occupation: looking  :P

i got my nickname frogger when i first got an email account at the age of 10 or 11 , at the time i had a commodore 64 and one game i used to play was frogger. i am more commonly known as Jonesy . Jones came from joining the army and loosing my first name and the y.

so i dont work atm due to stress fractures from the army , i joined the army in 07 and first week in i got stress fractures from running 8km on a pulled hamstring. then after 4 months of army rehab i had enough and got out , that lead to me being very down and unmotivated and unfit for work, now im enrolled in tafe to study IT to get a cert to say i know wat i doing so people will employ me.

my first flight sim was european air war, i used to play a space tank game where u drive tanks on the moon or so and i would rather drive the tank over hills and get airborne so i thought y not get a flight sim. since then my interest has grown and grown , working my way from flight ulltimate 2 to il2 then lomac and fs4 and now fsx. but that wasnt enough and i started to build more realistic controls leading to me building my own pc9a simulator " no more now due to hardware failure ".

this picture is me at the local lookout at warnbro sound just down the road :P

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just thought i would add, for those with webcams and mics it might be of interests to download a program called oovoo. its a instant chat messenger but offeres video confrencing for upto 6 people at once and it has the best quality i have come across i was able to chat with fellow simmers from greece on a 64kbps connection and it was like sitting there next to them. its great for chatting to friends and this kind of community would proberly benifit from it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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FORUM NAME: Turbineflyer

REAL NAME:  Darrin Ellis

RW LOCATION: Waxahachie, Texas  KJWY

SIM LOCATION: Coffs Harbour - AirHauler Main Base

Have been flight simming since 1999 and studying aviation since 1995. Hopefully this year I will get my Private Pilot and go into full time student working toward my Commercial rating or even persue a CFI II Multi-engine. In the last year I have had to join Flight Simmers Anonymous I spend so much time in FS9 with VOZ 1.8 and now FSX with FTX complete, Coffs Harbour. All the FTX freeware airfields and OzX. Ants Aussie Airfields are next on the burner. I also do much flying and management with AirHauler. Purpose to fly again after a couple good years as a Cargo Pilot junkie. Co-founded Island Pacific Group Virtual Airline with Bill Monroe after a short run with Pacific Airways as the Chief Pilot at KLAX. Now am mostly just working in the real world as an industrial wood grinder and studying aviation principles while applying them in flight sim.

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Some shots of myself at Moorabbin airport. RVAC have a 'Young Eagles' day every month or so for kids aged between 12-17 for free. Not to miss a great opportunity, I put my name down and had an absolute ball! Went around the city and past a few VFR landmarks and then back into YMMB.

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Man I'm huge compared to this thing, LOL

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Off we go!

Will hopefully get someone to take some more with my lessons coming up ;)


Tom :)

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Real Name: Gordon Martin ATKINSON

Location  : Brisbane Australia.

Occupation: Pastrycook/Baker.

Forum tag : martinatk-VH-ATK.

              I came to Australia ( from the UK) when I was 5 , I have travelled a lot in Australia , lived in all of the eastern states , Victoria , Snowy Mountains ,haveing some of my best memeries, I have travelled the USA southern states.

              My hobbys .. growing orchids , messing with computers , flight simulation(after giving up real avation) , gardening , painting.

Here I am sporting my " ORBX hair cut " ,( nicer than saying fell out due to Chemo ).

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Here's me on a two week sailing trip on the Masurian Lakeland in Poland in 2007. I flew home to Germany one day before a big storm hit the area, which sadly killed a few people. Close call!

I have been on a sailing trip to Masurian (I didn't realize that there is an English translation, Polish/original name of this region - Mazury) Lakeland several times, including 2007, about two weeks after this storm (also known as a Masurian White Storm). It is a region number two on my "the best in Poland" list :D

PS. In which city are you on the photograph? Looks a bit like Mikołajki (Nikolaiken in German).

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Hi Guys,

This is me with my one and only (so far) grandson Owen. I've already got him interested in planes and look forward to introducing him to flight sim once he can handle it.

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Regards, Paul Phibbs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's me on a two week sailing trip on the Masurian Lakeland in Poland in 2007. I flew home to Germany one day before a big storm hit the area, which sadly killed a few people. Close call!

I have been on a sailing trip to Masurian (I didn't realize that there is an English translation, Polish/original name of this region - Mazury) Lakeland several times, including 2007, about two weeks after this storm (also known as a Masurian White Storm). It is a region number two on my "the best in Poland" list :D

Yeah, it's a wonderful region. One of the best vacations I ever had so far. Before and after the trip I stayed with friends who live between Katowice and your hometown Krakow. Beautiful city! I also flew home from Krakow. ;)

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As you can see there is already a big overcast blanket coming in. The Captain informed us about some thunderstorms and we also had quite some turbulence. It was a fine flight, though.

PS. In which city are you on the photograph? Looks a bit like Mikołajki (Nikolaiken in German).

Yup, that's the one. In the background you can see the Orlen gas station mast that was knocked over by the storm (saw that on the news). Here's another shot from our second stop there on the way back South to our starting port (Pisz):

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This is the wife and I at our final concert at Easter. We've been on the road touring and performing for the last fourty years, and now we're reaping the rewards. Flight simming is my favourite pastime and Donna's is watching Sci-Fi and murder mystery movies.

http://C:\Documents and Settings\Hank\My Documents\My Pictures\Family\Band\100_1352.JPG

I've never sent in a photo, so I hope that this is how it's done? If not can someone help me with it.

Well it looks like I goofed..... how do you post a picture?



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Hey Hank,

The picture you have linked to is located on your C:\ drive so only YOU can see it. For us to see the picture you need to upload it to an online image hosting site such as photobucket or imageshack, then paste the link here to it's online location.

Follow the link below for Jay's easy to follow instructions on how to do this.


Hope this helps.


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Thanks Russ for showing me where to go.

A bit about myself: I joined the aircadets as a youngster in WA in the early 60's. But then in 1964 I joined the Royal Australian Navy and started a career as an aircraft firefighter. Always had an interest in planes. After nine years I left the navy as a new career had begun. I was earning more with my band on weekends than I was with my fortnightly pay in the service. I toured the Pilbara region of WA entertaining miners at iron ore camps. I was joined by my wife (whom I'de married one year after joining the navy) who also turned out to be a very talented lady. (We didn't know this at the time we married). We have just retired from a wonderful 40 years on the road, travelling both in Australia and working on cruise ships in America and Alaska. We have now retired to our lovely 37 acre farm in Tasmania, overlooking Bruny Island. We performed our last concert at "Hartwood" in NSW, near Coolah at Easter. This is a photo at that event. The second shot is of me playing the pedal steel guitar.

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Now I spend most of my time flight simming and being a part of this great family of wonderful people. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

Cheers Hank

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Im 17.5 i think. My real name is Chris. i dont remember how i came up with badol O.o

basically i just graduated high school, need to look for a full time job, used to skateboard, hate my laptop but its doing awkwardly well.

but yeah thats me in a nutshell. and thats me in that picture above :)

i look emo right?

oh and do i look like someone who actually uses fsx?? ahaha

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  • 1 month later...


Not a lot to say about myself, I own/run a gallery in Nottingham UK for the last 19 years and have a Son, thats also 19 is Oct.

I have the girl of my dreams as my wife and we have clocked up 26 years this Oct 8th, she is ill but I will look after her no matter what. We wed 1 week before my 21st best thing i ever did :)

Ooo here is myself 2 years ago when i spent far to much money on track days.

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There at Donnington park 20 mins from my house, can someone invite me to Philip island pls :) thx

All the best


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Not wanting to put any more photos in here lest the ship capsizes and sinks!! So I will just leave a link to share a couple of weak jokes regarding a couple of aircraft.

If you go to http://www.hvbjaques.com/album_5.htm

Down about half way there is a pic of VH-KWP at Marble Bar in WA not far from Port Hedland. The text there says it all.

Now another aircraft on the Rabaul airstrip P2-SHV. When flying this in the Rabaul area with no bigheads listening in it was so tempting to use "Sh..house Victor" rather than "Sierra Hotel Victor" for the callsign.

All the best, Bazza

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I should have said "Sh..house Victor" is third picture from the bottom at that web site.

Also longbreak is a nickname which stuck on me when I was a sparker in the Navy. My initials are BT and longbreak in morse code is BT run together ie "dah dit dit dit dah". A longbreak was used in morse to indicate the beginning and end of the text of a message.

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  • 1 month later...

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OK, John. You asked for Fuglies, and my family reckon I'm an authentic specimen, so...

I packed in flying eight years ago, with 868 hours logged in gliders, motor gliders, microlights, GA. At 77 I was becoming too absent-minded to be safe, so I stopped before someone stopped me. I owned or shared various aircraft over the years, but this is my all-time favourite: the French Fournier RF4 motor glider. No starter, seldom anyone to swing the prop for me, so doing it single-handed could be somewhat fraught. One day it ran away from me. But once airborne, it gave me the best of both worlds. Motor on, I could cruise at 100 mph on a VW engine merely sipping petrol. If I found a thermal, I switched off, and it became a glider. When I needed to switch on again, that involved diving till the prop twitched, swung, and the engine fired. Usually no problem, but sometimes dicey. If the prop refused to play, then once below 1,000 feet, with the sheep fast growing larger, it was time to pick a field, but quick. Good for the adrenalin. But the RF4 was great fun. Best of all was to motor down to Wales and, with luck, contact mountain wave. Best I managed was 13,000 feet. Happy days...

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PS: I'm fortunate enough, thanks to  FSX guru mates, to have exact replicas of both the aircraft and its longtime home base - Popham,

a great rural field in Hampshire.  Means I can pick favourite flights from my logbook and recreate them, even down to the weather on the day. Fsimming doesn't get more realiatic than that - and no fuel bills!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest bliksimpie

Nickname: Bliksimpie.

Name: Johan Bellardi

From: Paarl, South Africa (The heart of the wine lands in South Africa)


Occupation: System software analyst/developer

Hobies: cycling, flightsimming

I got my nickname "Bliksimpie" from my cycling team members as I had an uncanny way of keeping up when it matters.. and for calling a spade a spade. Now I ride more for the fun part of it, but am still part of a "Vets" team. Much more relaxing. The nickname stuck with me all the time..!

Been flight simming from FS5 days.. 

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Nickname: caxico08.

Name: Kim Barreto

From: Born Luanda, Angola - Lived 35 years in South Africa - Now living in Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kindom.


Occupation: Operations Manager (Aviation)

Hobies: Flying, flightsimming

I have been flying (real aircraft) for 14 years and simming I think for about the same time if not more.

Been flight simming since the first MS Flightsim. I am now simming on FSX 

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This picture is me and my baby, filling up with MOTION LOTION in South Africa, actually at Wonderboom Airport in Pretoria. Check out the weather man, totally different to the UK. Dammmn I miss the weather.

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Iain, people who feel Welsh (which is a majority in that part of the UK, including many teenagers) would not appreciate calling their country England :D For your own safety, don't do it in presence of a group of drunk supporters of Welsh rugby team :D

Kim, currently I live in Port Talbot (near Swansea). Good to have someone from the region :)

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Well, here I am staring out of my cockpit windows, or something like that. My real name is Stephen and I am a Minister and Chaplain of a Christian foundation based in Canada. As far as FS goes, I started with the Apple 2e version in the 80's, but only got serious with MS FS98, FS9 and FSX. I used to be into tubeliners in a big way, but have been pulled down out of the clouds by the beauty of FTX scenery, so now I fly near the ground or often do practise circuits perfecting my landings.  Although I have most major add-ons in both scenery and aircraft, I stick mostly to Australia flying either the L-39, the Twin Otter, or the Duke. I also have the terrible habit of tweaking and testing, tweaking and testing, tweaking and testing...

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It's nice to put some faces to names, in some cases, of those I have been FS neighbours with for years, and for new friends in the rest.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest strider

What happin to you're shirt ???? lol.....

Firstly, I must congratulate you, Ryan on a great idea. As others have said, it is nice to put a face to some of the names finally.

Ok, so here I go.

Real Name: Frank Cooper

Forum name: Tennyson. It's been my nic for many years. It was given to me many years ago after I published my first book of Poetry. I've since written a few more, as well as a few novels, the odd one with an aircraft theme or two.

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BIO: Born in Murwillumbah, NSW (I keep telling people they have since rezoned it as Queensland). Spent many years in the RAAF, then went solo for a good few years in the aircraft industry before starting my own IT company which I successfully ran until 2000 when I had to retire for medical reasons.

I still do a bit of IT and try to keep my skills up, building the latest of everything.

I been married about as many times as Liz Taylor (and got the scars to prove it) until a good woman from WA scuttled me and I been happy ever since.

I spend my days travelling. I follow the V8's around the countryside and spend a lot of time in Asia (usually 2 or 3 times a year) and my favourite country (apart from OZ) is Vietnam.

Have 3 beautiful productive kids who are my world and pretty much live the good life.

All this and a bright red sports car (you guessed it, mid life crisis!), what more could a man want.............more FTX!!!!!

Oh yeah, I been simming since God was a boy,


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