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I have this contraption also and I always wondered what a flock of birds would due to the pilot and passenger ? . Anyway I digress , great caps of Tipella Martyn .




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Enjoyed these, that sure looks like fun!

I have this contraption also and I always wondered what a flock of birds would due to the pilot and passenger ? . Anyway I digress , great caps of Tipella Martyn .



Brad,I guess you would get a mouthful of feathers, especially if you were smiling!

great set!

Very nice shots with Ants Drifter.



and thats freeware !!!

hope your boys had their thermals on.



Hi Stu. The passenger is not a boy. Viva la difference.

Sure are a fine set these mate.



Thanks everybody for your great comments and the interest.

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Great shots of Tipella Martyn !! Almost forgot about the Drifter, it's been a while since I last flew it. :D



Hehehe, looked a little dangerous before, unless you had a heck of a radar system mounted to that ultra-light ;) Awesome shots, Tipella has really turned out to be one of my favorite airstrips.

Thank you both for commenting. The drifter is perfect for Tipella.
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