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I Never Passed...

Andrew 737

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Went to take my PPL Skills test today; got to Cambridge Aero Club nice and early (keen student type thing) and set myself up on a desk. I methodically (and quite nervous) went through my paperwork and planning - weather, route, fuel, weight and balance, notams, royal flights, briefings, tech logs etc etc.

Re checked the weather and I had a wind coming from 320 degrees gusting and varying; so 6 runways (R23, R05, R28 and R10) all with a gusting crossind component hmmm? All runways with the wind 60 degrees or more off so full crossind component hmm ok?

Went out to check out the plane and look at the wind socks and thought would I go out in this on my own for two hours, maybe? I felt the pressure of going on Holliday tommorow, all my mates waiting to hear from me and being under examination - I feel I made a decision that displayed good airmanship, I postponed.

On debrief my examiner told me that was a sensible decision; limits were borderline and after an hour and a half of nav, diversion and general handling, gusting crosswind circuits (flapless, gliding with no power, precision landings etc) may not have been up to par

I will go on holiday and re-book next month.

BTW - just in case anyone is wondering 'And, who cares' a few people here did wish me luck (greatly appreciated) so thought I would be courteous and fill them in :)

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I took some chances when I would starting out too that still make me think back and just shake my head.

I look for different things now. Safety is the first for a flight. Before it was just log hours.

Sent from my Apple communications device.

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Hi Andrew,


good decision!!! Cathy is right and by the way as a still active pilot i can offer you an experience i made "listen to your belly/stomach" If he tells you "stay away" do it !!! Belly is always 10th of a second faster in making decisions than your brain ;) or as a collegue of mine used to say "it smelled like death and ruin..." 

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Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you for these words of wisdom

Over time I want to be the best pilot I can possibly be; I agree with you all, it starts with the decision making :)

Thanks for the moral support guys :)

EDIT - I would like to be an old pilot one day too!!

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Andrew certainly the right choice, I can only imagine how gutted you were to make that call, I was relatively lucky on my skill test day the wind was calm though quite bumpy and hazy around the Stapleford area.  Now go off and enjoy your well earned holiday!

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Andrew certainly the right choice, I can only imagine how gutted you were to make that call, I was relatively lucky on my skill test day the wind was calm though quite bumpy and hazy around the Stapleford area. Now go off and enjoy your well earned holiday!

Hey Matt

Yeah I think so too :)

Very near heathrow now so off soon enough.

I am going to pay for Super Duper in-room broadband on Scotland release day so will post more then


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I fly with you anytime. Good luck you will make a great pilot.

 +1 i second that!


"Decision making" is a key factor in aviation - and it does not come into play solely while in flight but also already in "pe-flight" and while still on the ground!

You are indeed going to become a good pilot in the near future for sure - so no need to "worry" about this "delay" anymore at all!

Have some great holidays now!

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Echo what everyone has said. I am doing my QXC on Saturday so I am not far behind you. Doing Southend>Norwich>Cambridge>Southend.

I don't think postponing can ever be a bad decision. If you are flying for fun, the last thing you want is to scare the crap out of yourself and put yourself off forever. Good luck for the next attempt.

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