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P-51 in Wanaka, NZSI, cold winter morning


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Wanaka is well known for its connection to warbirds, so this seemed like a logical place to take the P51 Mustang out for an early morning flight. It was a cold snowy morning on the ground, but once above the clouds, conditions brightened up to reveal a spectacular day.  I headed for Mt Aspiring and the higher mountains in the area and had some fun.


I hope you like the images - this is the first time I've shared any of my screenshots. Thanks Jay Kae for the great instructions. ^-^


1. Warming up the engine and ready to taxi onto the runway.



2. Cleared for takeoff.



3. Climbing through sleet.



4. Finally above the low clouds and enjoying the start of the sunrise.



5. Into the clear air and time to see what this warbird can do.



6. It's pretty cold up here, but the adrenalin is keeping me warm!



7. What better place to be, but above the clouds and mountains...



8. Time to start heading back to Wanaka.



9. Descending past the mountains west of Lake Wanaka.



10. Lake Wanaka to the left, Wanaka township to the right and the Clutha River ahead.



11. On approach to Wanaka Airport, the township just below - better get the gear and flaps down...



12. On final into Wanaka Airport, runway 11 - that was a great flight - time to start thinking about my next one.



Thanks for viewing my shots.






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Thanks everyone for your comments and feedback.  For my next set of shots I'd like to focus a little more on the awesome ORBX scenery and a little less on the aircraft - mmm where to next?

Have a great weekend.


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