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NZQN Update: Area Screen Shots

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Hi everyone, firstly i have to apologise for the slower than expected progress. Work and family commitments keep interfering. But the project is still progressing.

So here are some screen shots of some of the PR area. I have been hard at work at one of the bigger tasks which is the Autogen annotation. Quite challenging due to the diverse vegetation around the Wakatipu area. The PR covers the four approach vectors and and few extra areas. The area (nearly 95sq km) does include the small airstrip to the east of NZQN, I will make this a landable strip.

Please note the autogen is incomplete and you will notice some objects missing.


While i can't give a firm release date, its a lot closer than i was a couple of months ago.





















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wonderful pix indeed. Glad you added the skydiving airfield close to NZQN. I am really looking forward to this scenery. NZ ist such a wonderful country, it already looks stunning with NZNI + NZSI and well deserves further add-ons. Rest assured, I'll buy all of them.


Regards, Michael

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