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Evening everyone.

For the past two or three days I have been trying to resolve an issue I have had with installing some Orbx scenery's, in the end I gave up believing that the problem was being caused by a hidden bad file that I was unable to find. The end result was a clean re installation of both Windows and FSX on new hard drives, which I finalized in the very early hours of this morning.

The results were, well, pretty staggering for me. The following three shots were taken using the V Key:

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Those shots are 100% "virgin FSX". No third party software used, no addons just straight from FSX. Okay, so big deal, the thing is this - with absolutely NO tweaking of FSX and with all sliders (other than the traffic sliders) set to max, I am getting clearer shots with constant 30 FPS, virtually everywhere.

All the issues I had with FPS and clarity and so forth before, appear to have been, in part caused by something on my system that FSX didn't like. The shots, by the way, aren't great - they're not suppose to be but are designed to show the detail that I was not previously getting.

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Looking good. Would be interesting to see if you also have the high framerates over scenery such as YBBN Brisbane. Sooner or later I'm also game for a complete re-install - my 250GB SSD is getting a bit full ;)



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What a hard challange you had - and have sorted out quick & successful! Congrats, and welcome back.

Looking good. Would be interesting to see if you also have the high framerates over scenery such as YBBN Brisbane. Sooner or later I'm also game for a complete re-install - my 250GB SSD is getting a bit full ;)



Mallard, if it is only data files that make your SSD shrinking, you can make use of the "dirlinker.exe", mentioned by me somewhere in this post: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/49207-ftx-auf-anderem-als-fsx-laufwerk-installieren/

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Good to hear that your system is running again. Looking forward to see some new pics from NZ.

Thanks mate, looking forward to getting back to NZ too and finishing what I began :)

Looking good. Would be interesting to see if you also have the high framerates over scenery such as YBBN Brisbane. Sooner or later I'm also game for a complete re-install - my 250GB SSD is getting a bit full ;)



Mallard, I will be too - I took a flight out of Portland and Seattle and had virtually no change in my FPS, constant 30; Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns could be another story though.

Nice to see you are sorted Tony.



Thank you Iain, am glad to be back also.

What a hard challange you had - and have sorted out quick & successful! Congrats, and welcome back.

Mallard, if it is only data files that make your SSD shrinking, you can make use of the "dirlinker.exe", mentioned by me somewhere in this post: http://www.orbxsyste...k-installieren/

Stillwater, well, these things are sent to try us and, I guess they help determine your conviction to this hobby. While I think it was a corrupt file on my SSD, I also found that I was rapidly running out of room with ONLY FSX installed. A 120 GHz drive doesn't hold too much now a days so I was intending to get a bigger drive in any case and couldn't really afford (or justify) the cost of larger SSD.

Cheers guys and thank you for the welcome's back.

I am glad you are back on track Tony , now start hitting that V key ! .


Sorry mate, missed seeing your post - and thank you. Never fear, the V Key is going to get a work out! Oh grief I hear people say :)

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I think it is a known fact ( around here anyway ) that a re install works wonders . With so many little apps and bits and pieces going on within the sim its a wonder the thing manages anything at all . Painful , but like medicine it can make you feel like new again .

Most of us used to tweak our rigs till the legs fell off with some very strange results but I am glad to say that those days have just about gone . About 70% tweaking and 30% flying seemed to be my average .Not anymore , I fly default now (with my addons od course !) , much better and more reliable .

Happy flying mate.

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+1 Here mate. Always good to see us get back up after FSX slams us down.


Yes it is, and thanks. Loosing it for a day or two kind of re-kindles the interest, even if is only our of revenge for the damn thing crashing in the first place :)

I think it is a known fact ( around here anyway ) that a re install works wonders . With so many little apps and bits and pieces going on within the sim its a wonder the thing manages anything at all . Painful , but like medicine it can make you feel like new again .

Most of us used to tweak our rigs till the legs fell off with some very strange results but I am glad to say that those days have just about gone . About 70% tweaking and 30% flying seemed to be my average .Not anymore , I fly default now (with my addons od course !) , much better and more reliable .

Happy flying mate.

Well Alan, I think I learnt the hard way and am now a convert, thus far. Like you, I think my flying (with add ons) will be 80%, 10% procrastination on making the odd tweak here and there and maybe MAYBE 10% doing actual "little" tweaks" :)

Cheers mate and good to be back in the seat.

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