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The Dream continues..


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No, mate, I'd rather not build one for you, if you don't mind....

So, this afternoon when I had a spare hour, I made up the new side panels for the throttle quadrant. Now they fair in properly.



Just need to take them back off and paint them.


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Had some of the old Christmas cheer this weekend.....ok, well, copious amounts of it.

However, I managed to squirrel away for some hours this afternoon and get some stuff done on the sim.

I removed the panels off the TQ again, painted them and re-installed. That's one job, all finished now.

Then I cut and installed two of the 6 windscreens for the shell. Only 4 to go. I will get the plexi-glass on Thursday and try and have them all in by weeks end.

Slowly, slowly.....


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Guys , i had high hopes of getting some serious work done this week, but my hopes

Have been dashed.

I made my way out to the cave this morning and was pretying up the two right

screens i installed yesterday.

Then i got a call, to say my new PS4 had arrived....

So, ive been sitting in front of the 65 inch lcd all day, trying to work out if Forza5 on the X Box is the best, or

Need for Speed on the PS4 is better or the new Gran Tourismo 6 for the PS3 still has some legs.

Its a tough job but ill get back to you all with an answer in the next few weeks.....


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I don't have a wheel, Andy, but the driving force behind all my purchases is my wife working her butt off!

What a Gal!!


I suppose I should also say, that I bought the Lexan to finish off the other screens this morning, so if I can drag myself away from the toys tomorrow, I'll have a go at fitting those screens and finishing that job off.


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Reading your topic Frank is the most fun I have all day. Firstly congratulations, what I have seen is totally magnificient.  It has been a long time coming but you are almost there, and what a project.This is my last look before xmas so you enjoy playing with all your new toys. and thanks for the entertainment you have given me throughout the year.

To you and your Hostes may I wish you a Merry xmas and a safe and productive New Year.

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Thanx John.

I'm just heading out to the cave to put the other windscreens in, so that job will be finished today.

Hopefully, you will have much to read when u get back, John, as I intend to move the finished MIP back in the shell very soon.

Then the thing gets very serious!!!

More to Come..........


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Hi Guys,

Just came across this old photo that my old man gave me many moons ago.

It's a picture of Kingsford Smith airport (Mascot) taken on 17th July 1930 from the Hoyts Plaza Plane.


The Southern Sun is on the official park in the background.


It's a little different today.........










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You're right, mate, but they probably only had a handful of registered aircraft in those days....hahaha

So, Rex has just delivered their newest product, REX4.

I'm pretty happy with what I got on my FSX computer here, but the REX4 will be going on the Sim PC, running P3D.

REX4 is P3D ready and the screeny's look unbelievable!!!

P3D has great clouds and sky textures straight out of the box, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. The main download is over 6 gb in size, so not a download for the faint of heart.

If the ORBX boys don't mind, I'll throw up a few pics once it's downloaded and we'll see how it looks.


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Sorry Guys,

I been a bit distracted. P3D and REX4 are on my other drive, but I'll take a fly this arvo and take some pics then.

I have been wiring up the rest of the MIP, so that's good news for me. Lucky for me, FDS sent all of the pin-outs and wiring diagrams, so it's a no-brainer.

Now, back to it.......


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I got a fair amount done in the cave today. Put together all of the MIP annunciators and manufactured the led sections for the annunciators. It's a pretty big job, so I was happy with the progress.

I also got to do a bit more work on the lower EICAS screen, it's nearly complete, too.


Still have a bit of wiring to do, but i'm getting throo it.


Now, about P3D V2.


I am so impressed, I have ironed out most of the kinks and can have a full flight now, using P3D with FTX Global, REX4 and GEX.


As far as REX4 goes, I was shocked. I did a flight this afternoon, from Melbourne to Launceston. I've got a few pics below, but they don't really do it justice.


If you think that P3D skies, out of the box, looks good, then REX4 will blow you away!


Coming onto the ILS 32L at Launceston, I could see the hills in the foreground bathed in fog, but only to about 1000 feet, with the top of the mountains poking out. It was truly beautiful.


So here's a few pics:

















Happy Xmas, Everyone!!!!!



Yo, Ho, Ho,





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I got a fair amount of work done, today.


I have almost finished off the annunciators for the MIP. The new MIP is based on the newer 737-800 and 900  series with the updated instrument panels.

There are some extra annunciators for the take-off config warning and cabin altitude. 




I also removed my CP flight gauges from my overhead in preparation for the new gauges from flight illusions. The new ones are all backlit and don't use SIOC scripts, just plug and play.


I'm really trying hard to have all of the MIP finished in the next week, so I can start putting it in the shell.






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You are right, Roger.

I made some really good progress today and have finished off all of the annunciators, have hooked up all the pre-wired harness and just have some general tidying up to do now.

I still have my MIP lighting and then it's on to the mounting of the twin power supplies (one for the MIP and one for the overhead), the FDS sys card and the twin dimmer cards (Captain and FO's sides). After that, all I have left is the installation of the strip lighting in the glareshield.

And then I check my email....ORBX have released Global Vector!

Ok, sounds great (it's downloading now!) and it will look wonderful in P3D with REX4 and FTX Global, but the question still remains. I want to have all my nice FTX airports from Oz running in my cockpit.

You can't run those airports like YMML, YBBN, YMLT, etc in Global, can you?

If you could, I'd be in heaven, maybe a question to the ORBX chaps is in order........


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You can't run those airports like YMML, YBBN, YMLT, etc in Global, can you?



Yes you will Frank, as I understand it, they are going to re-release all their products with a P3Dv2 installer. It is just going to take them some time, it will be a lot of work. In the meantime just think of all the exciting places you can visit in the Global-Vector world. :D

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Sorry guys, nothing happening on the sim in the last day or so, but I'm doing a few deals that may pay off very handsomely.

More news shortly.....


Oh let me look in my crystal ball:

Frank for 2014 i see a FDS shell and the liners on the horizon :-)

Greetings from Germany


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I got a Saitek lights, starter, landing gear module for Christmas and I feel lucky to have some more buttons and switches to click.


I told my wife I'f I ever win one of those multi million $$ lotteries, at least one million is going to buy me a complete flight deck.

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I might have one available for you, Bryan....hahaha, only joking!

Ohh, by the way, you don't need a million, but the way the women go on about it, you'd swear it were a million!!!!!(No, not you honey, I'm talking about the other cockpit builders wives....)


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Well, it's been quite the start to the new year.

I have been feverishly working away at the wiring with the MIP. It's amazing how many little jobs there are that need to be cleaned up and finished off.

Happily, I'm getting towards the end.

I'm at the stage now, of mounting all of the I/O cards on the rear of the CDU bay wall.

I'll try and get a few snaps tomorrow and throw on here to show you all what a nice, neat job that its turned out to be.

I've also been doing some wheeling and dealing over the holidays and I am getting very close to having all the required parts to finally finish this project off, the way I wanted.

And I'm still testing P3D V2 and all of the new goodies that are coming out for it such as Global and Vector and Mesh., etc.

So, hopefully 2014 will be my launch year (the MOF wants it airborne before mid year and has started planning launch parties....), all going well!

Here's a pic of my Flight Routes Poster that will be mounted on the Entry wall, for all of my lucky FO's to study!!



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Good pick up, Andy. I never even gave it a thought.

So many of our NZ brothers live here that it just seems like their home is ours. And having been there the odd time, it is so beautiful, I'm sure most Ozzies wouldn't mind it's inclusion.

Maybe I should rename to Anzac airlines......oooh, wouldn't I be pushing the friendship!!!

Oh, and the other reason for the inclusion of NZ (and probably most important) is that ORBX have done such a stunning job that I could hardly ignore it.....


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Wasn't being picky Frank.


Some years ago, before I moved to Tasmania from Queensland, I was purchasing some sunglasses for my Tasmanian holiday (not that we get much sun - but they do make a good wind break for the eyes) from a Kiwi shop assistant and she asked me where we were going. When I said Tasmania she said "Where is that". I told her it was the South Island of Australia or the West Island of New Zealand and she said 'i didn't know that'.


On matters ORBX - they have done a brilliant job with both islands of NZ and indeed Australia and I spend time crossing the Tasman regularly. looking forward to NZAA being delivered in the future although the temporary upgrade is a good teaser for the future.


BTW, the Flight Routes poster looks very good.



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Wasn't being picky Frank.


Some years ago, before I moved to Tasmania from Queensland, I was purchasing some sunglasses for my Tasmanian holiday (not that we get much sun - but they do make a good wind break for the eyes) from a Kiwi shop assistant and she asked me where we were going. When I said Tasmania she said "Where is that". I told her it was the South Island of Australia or the West Island of New Zealand and she said 'i didn't know that'.


On matters ORBX - they have done a brilliant job with both islands of NZ and indeed Australia and I spend time crossing the Tasman regularly. looking forward to NZAA being delivered in the future although the temporary upgrade is a good teaser for the future.


BTW, the Flight Routes poster looks very good.




I don't want to highjack this tread but I sure got a laugh about Tasmania.  Us Canucks often have the same issue with counterparts in the USA however, they are much better with their geography now than 40years ago since things like World Expo's, Olympics, Hollywood movie making, crazy mayors like Rob Ford in Toronto.  I can always excuse the young (<18yrs old) regarding geography and I never expect people to know every other countries prime ministers and political leaders but basic map geography I wonder about sometimes.

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The truth is, Bryan, that both of those places have some really beautiful scenery (not that Oz doesn't, too).

I've been fortunate in my life to have done a bit of travel and I know how it expand's one's mind and makes you open to other cultures and appreciate that we are not alone.

Flight simming is a wonderful past-time, but cannot ever fill in the stunning real-life scenery or the wonderful interaction between states and international cultures.

I look forward to visiting Tassie again some time this year....oooh, who could forget the gypsy rolls at the Salamanca markets......to die for, yummm


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The truth is, Bryan, that both of those places have some really beautiful scenery (not that Oz doesn't, too).

I've been fortunate in my life to have done a bit of travel and I know how it expand's one's mind and makes you open to other cultures and appreciate that we are not alone.

Flight simming is a wonderful past-time, but cannot ever fill in the stunning real-life scenery or the wonderful interaction between states and international cultures.

I look forward to visiting Tassie again some time this year....oooh, who could forget the gypsy rolls at the Salamanca markets......to die for, yummm


Frank, this is exactly how I feel. I know many people around the world don't think that Americans know how to respect other cultures, or are even willing to. But this American does. I am well traveled (and not just because of the military), and I always thoroughly enjoy learning about other part of the globe and experiencing new cultures. There is just too much out there to ignore!

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