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The Dream continues..


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Hi All.

My name is Troy and the old man has asked me to take over his sim building.

I see that quite a few here, have been on his thread.

Anyway, the purpose of my thread here, is to continue the story for him. I'll give lots of updates and pics as the sim progresses. In fact, I have a big one to start with, but we'll get to that in a minute.

One thing I would ask, is that nobody asks me to explain anything about why I've taken over, if you do, you won't get an answer from me.

So, having said that, a carton arrived in Brisbane (while the old man was in melbourne), so I got it delivered home.

It was an FDS 737 shell from Canada.

Here is the box, after I'd got at it with the stanley knife:

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And here is some of the contents

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This thing was like a giant 'meccano set'. The instructions for putting it together didn't come with it, so it was fun working out where all the bits went, but really, you can't go too far wrong.

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It took two days to finally get it all together

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Sorry bout the crappy photo's, I'm just learnin to use dads camera. Think I got it on a wrong setting or somethin.

Anyway, these were taken today, after we finished the shell and have just put the sidewalls in to see if they fit, and the overhead.

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Dad took these pics, of course.

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There'll be more to follow...


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Wow, now I understand what the old man meant about you guys.

It's appreciated with the nice comments.I'll try and keep the info flowing, as we move along.

We're still waiting on some new gauges from Flight Illusions (he pulled the other ones out cause they weren't backlit?) and it's been over 6 weeks now, so a hurry up email is going off to them.

It will hold up progress, as we need to get them in before merging the MIP into the shell.

Anyway, we have plenty to do. The shell is getting a coat of etch primer and matt black paint in the next few days, as this will cut down on the reflections when we install the projectors and screen set up.

Ok, gotta go. I'm doing some stuff today, so better get to it. And don't fear, the camera is at the ready...


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Well, the postal truck turned up today with my two overhead map lights that I bought from Arizona Aviation.

We picked them up for 40 bucks each. They are in excellent condition and just need a quick clean, a 12 volt bulb change and they are good to go.

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The shell is now put together and dad found a plan on one of the cockpit builders sites, for the base to hold the shell.

He adjusted the plan and then bought all of the wood for it today.

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He cut it all by hand, I would have used the drop saw that he has, but he doesn't want to disturb the neighbours.....

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So, next we will put it all together and attach the castrors to the bottom of the base.

More to come....


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It's been a productive day.

We started off with the timber, all cut and ready to go.

A quick sand and then drilling and fitting of the components.

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We struck a few problems along the way, but nothing that we couldn't overcome.

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And the final boxes, all put together and ready for finishing.

From here, we will attach everything together via coach bolts. Before we do that, we are going to have a big clean up in the garage, so it looks like a Monday job now.

When we have it all bolted together, the base will be sheeted top and bottom and then we can attach the 15 castors to the bottom of the base.

Here's the castors, they are rated at 115 kilo's, so I should be able to put about 1700 kilo's on that base, should just suffice.

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More to come...


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Ok, so the garage got a big clean-out, and not before time.

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You can actually find things there, now.

So, the boxes are ready to be put together to make the base flooring.

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We laid them on the floor and lined them up.

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And then they were all connected using 5/16" coach bolts.

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If you look carefully in the second tier of boxes, you will see where we ran out of 35mm timber and used some 50mm instead. Unforunately that means we need some longer coach bolts for that section, so it will have to hold on until tomorrow now.

When we finish bolting it all together, we have some 12mm mdf to apply to the bottom of the base and Dad's original yellow-tongue flooring to be screwed to the top.

We will also screw the 15 castors to the bottom (MDF) as well and then trim off the excess sheeting from around the frame.

It should be finished by tomorrow and I hope to be able to put the shell on it then and get that bolted to the base.

Then Dad and I will slap a coat of undercoat and then some matt black on the outside, to cut down on the reflection.

That's all, people....


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A quick update.

I was at work today, so Dad did all of this.

He has hand cut everything here, only using his jigsaw to trim off the edges.

Anyway, here is the finished skeleton of the frame, before he sheeted it.

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And the 12mm mdf sheeting attached to the base. I told him it looks like a patchwork quilt, but he said he was trying to cover it all, and besides it's just the bottom, nobody will see it......ahem, Dad, everyone is gonna see it now!

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And now, he just needs to attach the castors. Here they are, in their place, readt to be screwed on.

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He said he was going to get them on and then turn it over to start sheeting the top, but the weight is too much for him. He will have to wait until I get back over, so that we can do it together.

I guess there is some weight in it, with 16 x 2.4 metre lengths of 90mm x 35mm pine and then 4 or 5 sheets of 12mm 1200 x 600 mdf.

Besides, don't want the old boy to kill himself, trying to turn that over on his own.

More pics to come, soon....


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Ok, so Dad's working away and finishes putting the castors on the base.

He tries to lift the sucker but it weighs a ton.

So, he leaves it until the gardeners come today. It takes 4 of them to turn it over and then it only just makes it as it's nearly hitting the ceiling.

That was one heart attack just waiting to happen....

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So, now it;s got the wheels on it and it's a lot more mobile.

He puts the rest of the yellow tongue flooring on and bolts it down with mega-screws...what a construction. This baby is ready for the world stage!

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Of course, he cuts the sheet to fit with the hand saw and then does the side bits with the jigsaw.

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Just one last sheet to go (at the top) which he's gonna do tomorrow and then we can start to put the shell on it, on the weekend and then bolt it down.

Oh, and he gave the floor another coat of Boeing grey.

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We had a good laugh on the phone tonight, he measured up the width of the base. It's 8 foot 2 inches and the roll-a-door opening is 7 foot 11inches.....whoops, looks like it is going to live here for a long time.


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Yeah, and also the old man was saying that his MOF (Minister of Finance) has asked him to document how much all of this is worth, in case he carks it during the build and she has to sell it all.

Women are so practical, aren't they?

I probably agree, tho, there's a sizeable inheritance rolled into all of this....just joking!


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So, while I'm at work, he goes to masters and buys the last few bits of yellow-tongue and then fits them.

Slaps a coat of paint on it and then has a problem. How does he get the shell (which weighs more than his own weight) on to the base?

You lift it up and carry it on....yeah, probably should have waited for some help.

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He then buys the bolts and bolts it to the base (about 100 screws holding it down...this thing is built like a battlecruiser!

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Ok, so I get home and we scrub the outside down with sandpaper to give it a good key for the paint to adhere to.

We used a type of gal undercoat that has some super grip or something..

The top panels are a little tough to get at, so we break out the extension handle for the roller, where there's a will, there's a way.

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So, she's now got a first coat of undercoat. We'll give it another coat of undercoat tonite and then Dad will finish it off tomorrow with the matt black.

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I'll have to buy the old boy a beer, he's been working his arse off all week on this and he's not so well at the moment.

More to come...........


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Hey Troy I remember a bloke called Frank, he said he was going to make this thing transportable, so when it came time to move, out through the roller door and onto a truck.

Easily fixed, take out the returns for the roller door and fit a panel lift door, fixed.

Looking better every day. You need to get the old man to sit bsck and smell the roses, he is working too hard.

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Yeah, I've given him a leave pass for the weekend. He's off with some friends to the theatre and staying in Brisbane all weekend.

He'll be all refreshed and ready to get back to the grindstone by Monday, I hope.

Oh, yeah, we have given the shell another undercoat and a first coat of matt black. It does look good, I must say.


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That would be right...my old mate whom weve gone away with tells me that he would have been able to help me out all week...bit late, now!

I got another coat of matt black on the inside of the shell, so we should be good to go for early next week.

i finally got the Flight Illusion gauges this week, so fitting them will be first priority next week. Gotta say, they are beautifully made, streets ahead of the 'old' gauges.

I'm heading off on holidays in a few weeks, so Troy will have a chance to do his stuff while I'm gone.

Our new revised finished date is mid 2013. Six months at this rate should see it throo.

Now, back to my weekend away..........


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