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Problems in Dorset - EU Eng


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Yes Europe selected. I installed the Uk 2000 Portland long after noticing Chesil Beach. I thought it was Orbx 'default' until I noticed this thread. I'll do some file-diving and see if anything's left over from previous FSx install and add-ons. Pretty sure I got shot of everything.

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The file that assigns the beach to that area is "YOUR-FSX-FOLDER\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_06_CVX\scenery\cvx_FTX_EU_ENG_water_4714.BGL" but if it was missing you would have other major problems.

I have created a test file to see if its just that 1 texture it doesn't like or if its the area.

1. download CVX_test.zip and unzip to your desktop.

2. copy CVX_test.bgl to "YOUR-FSX-FOLDER\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_06_CVX\scenery\"

3. load up fsx and test

it should look like this


I created 4 boxes, the end 2 are just to show the end. What do you think of the yellow sand on the 2nd box?


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The quarries are VFR waypoints and vital to navigation and won't be removed. They are placed using landclass texture polygons, not actual photoreal representations of the actual quarries at their specific location; much like how we place golf courses and forests using the same method. As such we don't have finite control over the orientation and appearance of that segment of landclass texture. You are asking for features more inherent of a full photoreal product, from a landclass based product, which is not within the scope of what we make, sorry.

We have similar such features in AU, NA, NZ regions for forest cutblocks, salt pans, mines, marshes (in fact many varied land uses) using the same style of LC poly textures and have not had the same critique of them in the past. I'm beginning to feel as though people are just picking holes in FTX ENG because they want something from the product which is more than we have done in previous regions.

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John - as one of the "nit-pickers", I feel I ought to answer that one ;).

NZ/UK - I know both landscapes well (in RL) and have been enjoying NZSI/NZNI for a fair while. For some reason, the FTX NZ looks more "right" - and I don't think has such unfortunate placement of textures (or maybe I just haven't found them!). All the seasons in NZ look great. As expected, they may not be 100% accurate, but they absolutely *do* convey the general flavour of the NZ landscape.

With FTX/ENG, though, I just don't get that feeling. Summer is OK, but autumn and winter just don't look convincing. Some of the shading in Autumn (in certain areas) is decidedly odd (very red) and the landscape is often populated by purple trees. In winter - when not covered by snow, the grass is strangely grey/brown. It just doesn't go like that. It's still green - honest! I lived in deep countryside (Gloucestershire) for over 20 years and flew over it many a time.

I really, really, want to like FTX/ENG - and I have to admit it's a massive improvement on basic FSX - but I don't feel it's up to the usual (very high) ORBX/FTX standard ... shoot me down if you will, but that's my honest opinion.

Apologies to Andy for derailing your topic! I hope you get it sorted!


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The file that assigns the beach to that area is "YOUR-FSX-FOLDER\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_06_CVX\scenery\cvx_FTX_EU_ENG_water_4714.BGL" but if it was missing you would have other major problems.

I have created a test file to see if its just that 1 texture it doesn't like or if its the area.

1. download CVX_test.zip and unzip to your desktop.

2. copy CVX_test.bgl to "YOUR-FSX-FOLDER\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_06_CVX\scenery\"

3. load up fsx and test

it should look like this


I created 4 boxes, the end 2 are just to show the end. What do you think of the yellow sand on the 2nd box?


Thanks very much for prompt attention, Paul. Here's what I'm getting now -

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The yellow sand texture looks fine as does the darker one (Chesil is actually a shingle bank and can look any shade from grey to yellow to pink dependant on light, don't worry - I'm not expecting that).

Thanks for popping in John - rest assured I'm not nit-picking for the sake of it and will swell your company's coffers more very soon as I keep up and catch up with Orbx terrain. :)

Mad rush to get to work now - will be offline for at least 12 hours. Cheers.

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The quarries are VFR waypoints and vital to navigation and won't be removed. They are placed using landclass texture polygons, not actual photoreal representations of the actual quarries at their specific location; much like how we place golf courses and forests using the same method. As such we don't have finite control over the orientation and appearance of that segment of landclass texture. You are asking for features more inherent of a full photoreal product, from a landclass based product, which is not within the scope of what we make, sorry.

We have similar such features in AU, NA, NZ regions for forest cutblocks, salt pans, mines, marshes (in fact many varied land uses) using the same style of LC poly textures and have not had the same critique of them in the past. I'm beginning to feel as though people are just picking holes in FTX ENG because they want something from the product which is more than we have done in previous regions.

It probably seems like more nit-picking, but that's most likely the result of there just being more users John.

Now, about the missing peir at Southend seafront and the SR-71 at the airport where there is actually a Vulcan ::)

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Thanks for the screenshot, that shows me that it just isn't displaying the shingle beach texture. Can you please check you have "071b2???" in your "YOUR-FSX-FOLDER\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_08_CUSTOM\texture\" folder. I've attached a screenshot showing all the 071b files (56 in total)



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Sigh.......add me to this list guys!!

No beaches at all in England (Hometown is Blackpool and I never noticed!!!), and mt Chesil Beach is the same as these shots - just looks like the tide is in!!

I have 56 071b files in the right folder.

Haven't checked the little test file yet......will do so and come back with the outcome but maybe tomorrow.

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Thanks Adam your opinion is noted and I trust we can now move on.

Thanks .. yes ;). I wouldn't dream of saying what I did in anything other than this (registered users only) forum. I'll shaddap now and leave the topic to run its course properly!
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Hi Paul, thanks for sticking with it. I can confirm all 56 071b files are there. Would a couple of pics of what I'm getting at Bournemouth and Weymouth (or any other beach location of your choosing) help? Haven't paid much attention to beaches, mistakenly thinking I had what Orbx intended.

Not feeling so alone now. Thanks chaps. :)

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One quick point is that Blackpool (as seen in Adam's screen shots) is way way too green (trees that is). The area around the tower is very built up with barely a tree in sight. Note that the over-greening of some towns is not restricted to Blackpool. Sorry to say this but not even close to reality in this and other similar instances.



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Ok, I think we found the bug now: You will see the shingle beach texture once you have NZ installed, otherwise you won't. Although I can only recommend everyone to get NZ that's probably not the best way to deal with this. :)

We found there is a certain entry to the terrain.cfg missing that comes with NZ but not with ENG. If you like, do the following for testing purposes at your own risk (Paul tried it on two machines today and didn't run into any problems also Andy H tested it as well):

1. download terrain_EU.zip and unzip to your desktop (1 file called terrain_EU.cfg)

2. move/overwrite the file located here "YOUR-FSX-FOLDER\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Regions\"

3. cycle FTX Central to Default then back to Europe then close FTX Central.

4. test.

It would be great if even those here that have NZ installed could try out the same to eliminate the risk compatibility problems between both (we couldn't find any but it's always better to be save).



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It would be great if even those here that have NZ installed could try out the same to eliminate the risk compatibility problems between both (we couldn't find any but it's always better to be save).

Well done! I have both, so will give it a try ... tomorrow. I'll do a backup of my existing .cfg file first though ... just in case.


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Yes, I'm sorted. Looking forward to some flights over the area this weekend. There is the piddling little matter of an oil refinery that doesn't exist next to the heliportt, I'll bring that to the misplaced objects thread. No biggie compared to having Chesil Beach. Thanks again to all involved for sorting out so quickly. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I must be a total dumb ass, because I never noticed this before. I just thought it was right, and that was okay by me :)

After seeing the shots of Blackpool, I had a look for myself and mine were the same. Sooo I downloaded the above file, and copied it to the said folder etc. Just had another look and low and behold, I now have beaches.

Whatever the problem was, it appears to have been solved for me also. A bit late to the party, I know, but thank you for sorting this out.

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