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Continuing in the count: two, three, twelve (or so...)


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Thanks again for all the comments in the Two blokes, three sisters thread. As I already threatened there (and as it is a public holiday here in this part of Germany - befittingly All Saints Day) I thought I'd try the Twelve Apostles next.

After taking off from Avalon Anglesea Power Station and the adjacent coal mine came into sight

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Further on: the Twelve Apostles! (or nine? Eight? Ten? Certainly not the whole dozen)

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The coastline could be a bit rougher and more cliff-like, but the scenery is a great little addon...

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The visitor centre. Once again there's quite a lot of detail - but you'll need a chopper to check all of it out...

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And finally a quick flyover before coming in to land at Cobden

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If anyone reading this is wondering what the plane is (I highly doubt it, but you never know...): it's Anthony Lynch's Tiger Moth which you can pick up over at the OZx-forums or (along with a fantastic amount of scenery and other planes) through his homepage www.antsairplanes.com. Highly recomended for real "slow and low" tours of ORBX-land ;)



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Once again - thanks for the comments!

There was another documentary on the telly yesterday, this time with the Great Ocean Road as the main subject - and of course the Twelve Apostles were shown. As I mentioned in the opening post the cliffs are what are really missing in this bit of scenery. That, and that the whole surroundings immediately around that stretch of coast are a bit too lush and green... Otherwise the rest of the area with the Otway National Park and Flora and Fauna Reserve appears to be is pretty much as it is supposed to be.


Mallard (the second documentary following the one on the Great Ocean Road was about the Bay of Islands in NZ... Guess where I'm heading next?) ;)

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