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There really isn't anything going on at the moment, mate. I have pulled the sim apart and I'm awaiting an FDS shell from Canada.

I have a good mate on standby with his mig welder in hand, ready for us to start building the base for the 'new cockpit' to begin.

I'm also heading off to Melbourne real soon, so it will be very quiet now, until the new year, i'd say.

Thanx for asking, Howard and James.


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I'm also heading off to Melbourne real soon, so it will be very quiet now, until the new year, i'd say.


Phew! That's a relief. I was afraid we never see the project 'fly'.

I guess we mere mortals and grasshoppers will just have to patient til the New Year.

Look forward to hearing from you Frank - whenever you're ready.

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me too :),have fun visiting my home town mate,best of luck with your project for the new year,cant wait for the final chapter on this great project,the finish product that is for all of us to see :)

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Hi Guys.

Just to let you all know, that i am bowing out of the cockpit building scene.

I have handed over to my son, who has joined this forum and will put up some future notices as he develops the cockpit.

I will of course, be helping him here and there, but the majority of the work, now, will be done by him.

He told me that he'll be starting a new thread, as soon as he gets sorted here on the forum.

I'll still be hanging around, can't get rid of me that easy,


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You most certainly do have a lucky son Frank, one who also appears to have an interest in may I dare say, flight sim hobby.

I am certain that eith your assistance we will see the completion of the 737.

Take care mate.

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There must be compelling reasons for you to abandon your project so suddenly and without a doubt you must be disappointed.

Hope the project comes to a completion and you are able to take some benefit from your toils and those of your son. To be certain, make sure he assembles the cockpit in your garage and keep a copy of the keys handy.He'll have to go to work at some stage presumably and that will be your opportunity.

Take care and best of luck for the future.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeah, sorry, I been a bit slack lately, with the reporting.

Having said that, I've been put on hold for a few months waiting for my breezeway to be closed in and made into a new Sim room.

The good news is, it's happening this weekend and I'm hoping that it may be finished within a week or so. That means i'll be re-constructing the base and shell and getting her back up to speed ASAP.

I'll put some updates over on the other thread, as this one has run it's course (36 pages and 21,000 views, phew!).

Glad you guys are still interested. It's about to get a whole lot busier here, that's for sure!


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Yeah, sorry, I been a bit slack lately, with the reporting.

Having said that, I've been put on hold for a few months waiting for my breezeway to be closed in and made into a new Sim room.

The good news is, it's happening this weekend and I'm hoping that it may be finished within a week or so. That means i'll be re-constructing the base and shell and getting her back up to speed ASAP.

I'll put some updates over on the other thread, as this one has run it's course (36 pages and 21,000 views, phew!).

Glad you guys are still interested. It's about to get a whole lot busier here, that's for sure!


good to hear frank,cant wait for more updates,until then best of luck with the new place!
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