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Any news on the FTX NZ South Island

Matthew Kane

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Just curious how you guys are making out with the FTX NZ South Island.

As we say in my workplace......Take your time but hurry up. :D :D :D

I'm looking forward to this one as I think quite a few others are as well. What can I say...NGX landing in Queenstown in FTX = Perfection.

If any Beta Testers have tried landing the NGX in Queenstown let us know what it is like.

Cheers :D

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Oh..I get the strategy. DO NOT RELEASE until AFTER the NEW ZEALAND ELECTION.... ;)

Did John Key give you a call. LOL

If you lanched the product BEFORE the New Zealand Election, perhaps it would have had an effect on the election results as the FTX ones would have been too busy to vote. LOL

Cheers :D

PS. Anyone in New Zealand GO OUT AND VOTE

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My last post was a bit of humour. I will turn this thread into a non partisan and GO OUT AND VOTE thread now for all of those that live in New Zealand....If you don't vote then you give up your right to complain things for the next three years ;)

And for ORBX folks. We look forward to the FTX NZ South Island and North Island when it comes

Cheers :D

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I am surprised that the two small island's to the East of Australia still have voluntary voting!.

That's an important part of Australia's democracy. A right to vote is also a civic and legal obligation.

Australia is fast becoming a bit of a "nanny" country, but I for one agree with the legal obligation which is one that only takes a very small amount of time and inconvenience is minimal.

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Agreed: JK but you must be pleased at how much interest there is in the South Island of NZ amongst simmers; in demographic terms our two countries are well and truly mixed together, and we both leave it to Samoans to play rugby and league for us.

I know it probably won't sell the 10000 copies, that a North American scenery can do, but I would think that very few of us down under will not purchase it.

So forget the NZ election and release the scenery to a panting local market.

PS John and JK: I for one am not really interested in buying another PNW grass strip. There are only so many days left in my life to fly the sim - and lately much of that has been in one of the recently released 737s. Great add-ons but a bit too fast to squeeze into most of the strips.

But NZ with a few all-up Orbx airports (vehicle, people and nature flow) will have us returning to you in spades.

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Although I am a dedicated PNW fan, as I love the mountain and Islands hopping in ("as my daughter used to say") my Kelihopter.

I am also looking forward to NZ as those Southern Alps and inlets look superb.

Screenshot #19 in the Gallery, "is that Milford"?


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Fair enough John: carelessly worded I confess. No your fan and customer base is well out there, but I also meant what I said. NZ and yes GB will be a tonic for me, and I am sure a continuing, happy and contented customer base for you.

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I am looking forward to the release as it will allow others on here to discover this amazing country as we have all been exploring Australia, Canada and the United States with FTX

It will be great to see all the screenshots coming and places people explore.

Cheers :D

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NZ South Island will never be realistic enough for the dedicated simmer unless Orbx releases 'Sandfly Flow' for Milford Sound. This will simulate clouds of black midges that will decend upon your aircraft. The effect would be a little like icing, adding weight and disrupting airflow, unless the simmer persuades the sandflys to all take off at once whilst maintaining their grip, considerably reducing takeoff distances even for commercial aircraft.

I've been there. I kid you not...!



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I am really looking forward to this. I am going to seriously update my old ATI 5770 for it, but that has been needed for a while now.

All the pictures look excellent, and well detailed. I am not sure how many airports are around there, but it should still be fun.

I will probably have to buy the Australia scenery also, as I don't see myself making too many flights from there to the PNW.

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46 South Island airports/airfields in my two year out of date NZ AIP, varying between 747/C-5 capable Christchurch to erm... the other end of the scale. Some lovely spots such as Mt Cook airport, Queenstown, Milford Sound, Omaka.

Any word on the DVD release yet? Downloading airports is one thing, but multi-Gb terrain is another...


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Like everyone else I am excited about the new south island release.

I have been flying there for quite awhile using the red baron mesh and topo that has been around since Fs9. It is an improvment on the default but I am sure way short of the comming orbx release. I would imagine that I will need to do a bit of juggling to get rid of the old red baron files. I have a few nz airport sceneries that will probably be replaced by orbx ones. I suppose that I will have some questions about getting every thing running smothly in the future.

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