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YRED v2 - Redcliffe in progress

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Thanks everybody  :). Adam, thanks for the offer ! But i am using exclusively the new added OrbX hangars made by John Ross. I don't have the smallest idea (yet?) how to create and texture gmax objects. Maybe a task in the future... For now i try to get YRED and YHBA out as soon as possible.

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Hi Mango,

When that first pic began to open, I thought you had used a photo of the airport for a comparison shot! Then I realised I was looking at your FSX handywork! Amazing stuff! We are all counting the seconds 'till we can "YRED"!

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Hi everybody. Finally i made some progress with the second version of YRED. There is still a lot do, but i hope it will be finished by the end of next week (ya know, it's actually never finished....).

For now i got 5 pictures showing the things to come  :)

Hey Mango, great work. This place has sure changed since I learnt to fly there in 1989!

Look, I don't mean to be pedantic (but I can't help it, sorry). It's the double story red roofed house just outside the airport on Nathan Road, it in my opinion, just doesn't look right!  ???

I "Googled" the place with Street View and there is a red roofed house! Except it's not as elaborate ( 2 story) as your depiction.

Please feel free to ignore this minor observation, because you make up for little inconsistencies with the airport's rendition.

Posted Image

Thank you for you wonderful talent and for giving these gifts to us who are only mortal.  ;)

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Thanks Wayne, it's sometimes very difficult to interpret the Google Earth images. And i never had the chance to visit Australia yet. For housing i have to use default FSX buildings and this mostly doesn't fit very well, sorry. There is no OrbX library available (yet?). But maybe i can find objects closer to those in this picture.

Is this red roofed building actually a gas station, or a restaurant/fast food ?

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Look, I don't mean to be pedantic (but I can't help it, sorry). It's the double story red roofed house just outside the airport on Nathan Road, it in my opinion, just doesn't look right! 

It's got a red roof, what more do you want ;D

I think Mango mentioned earlier that these places are never finished, while trying to be as authentic as possible there are limits, and sometimes artistic licsence is used, i reckon Mango's house looks way better, it's personal choice. when does an artist stop painting, many a canvas has been ruined by overworking it. I'm sure your comments are appreciated but there is just so much time and a line has to be drawn somewhere, if someone wants to drive out there and photograph that house from all angles, then someone still has to create the object, in the end is it worth it when there is an object in the scenery library that comes close enough.


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Yeah, the building objects are very limited. While there are quiet a few made for US and European scenery there are none which fit well into Australian scenery. The two in the pic above are actually five buildings, you have to improvise a lot. Anyways, i am glad it it is far closer to reality now then it was before.

kman is absolutely right, it happens very fast that you overwork/overload the scenery and as a side effect your performance decrease dramatically. Beta tester confirm what i see as well - YRED v2 has clearly better FPS than v1. However, you have to be careful with the autogen slider near Brisbane which is a hardware demanding place, no doubt  :).

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