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NO AI traffic


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Hi there, i just installed the Ai package but have ZERO AI at any airport....the FSX traffic.bgl box is greyed ouit inn the control lanel  and it is not in any folder in FSX..is this what is casuing the lack of AI anywhere? 

note: I also have numerours packages fromm WOAI installed...don't know if this causes a problem also??

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  Me either. The stock bgl is properly named off for FTX etc., the Default FSX AI box is unchecked in the Control panel, I have no other AI add ons. Tha FTX AI shows in the scenery list. Traffic is set at 100% !!

  I sat in the YMML control towr for 5 minutes- no Airline AI, just a bit of GA, from the addon on file mentioned in the manual.

  AARRGGHH!! BLEEP! and othe unprintable words!


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Dunno if it helps, but i did a search for traffic.bgl and found an extra one that was left in place after a complete uninstall of Ultimate Traffic. I renamed this to traffic.bak, and hey presto - AI planes everywhere!!!

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Hi Sue,

here attached a screenie as how things look at this end, I almost assume you have a lil typo in there somewhere

Also do a search for traffic* see what comes up ;)

if the BOX for FTX AI is ticked, then rename your "original" trafficAircraft.bgl file wich you find in :

.....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery

to trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI

See also attached screenie


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trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI  is what it says, in Scenery/World/Scenery.  Isn't that what it is supposed to say ? That's what yours says! Mine is identical.  Searched, nothing else says trafficaircraft.bgl 


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Hi Wolter Am having same problems.Have used backups  for complete  install of AI but no luck.For what its worth the AI aircraft  comes up in the scenery library but when i go to Menu/views(or  view mode )ther are no aircraft there.If i go back to FSX default i have plenty of AI aircraft under menu/views (or view mode)Cheers for now flylow am using vista    Also i have same as you in World Scenery/TrafficAircraft etc but all the  icons in that scenery folder seem to be very faint ??

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Unfortunately, I too am missing the FTX AI Traffic and default FSX AI Traffic after installing the FTX enhancement. :(

The file "trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI" exists in the folder indicated by Wolter.

I also have the freeware package "FSX GA-Traffic" installed and it is producing copious quantities of traffic, (must tone that down soon).

Please advise what I can do to fix this problem.

Thanks for your assistance with this matter.  :)

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scratching my hair here,

Do a search for traffic* exactly as stated  DO NOT add anything else to it please

Yes, for me the spanner in the works was a file called "traffic.bgl" (not "trafficAircraft.bgl" which FTX AI found and disabled). Once that "traffic.bgl" was gone the AI kicked in as advertised.

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scratching my hair here,

Do a search for traffic* exactly as stated  DO NOT add anything else to it please

Hi Wolter,

This is the result of my search for "traffic*" in my FSX main folder.

If there is anything else you need to resolve this, just ask!


Posted Image

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I had a problem getting the new AI up and running.. tried a bunch of different stuff to no avail, so I ticked the control panel and ran with the good old "orbit" and "world travel" for a while then unticked the control panel and there they are in all their glory.. Quaintarse and the virgins etc.. Magic..Thanks heap for this great freeware. Teecee.

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:D I told you, I did a search for "traffic". There were no other traffic. bgl files saying aircraft. I assume carrier or boat, would not count. I do have some traffic;dll files, not them either. Got down and dirty. Downloaded the FSX airline pkg mentioned IN THE MANUAL. Installed that still no traffic with default checked in control panel. Got PO'd copied all the FTXAI traffic files into scenery/world/scenery,(backed it up first) and all the FTXAI planes into Simobjects/Aircraft. Renamed  scenerylib_FTXAI_TRAFFIC.cfg fileto bak. Now I have lots of traffic. Until I copied everything, I had only the GA traffic I had downloaded (mentioned in the manual) no matter what was checked. Sheesh!


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OK, Sue,

let's start at the bottom of this, see if we can reach a mutual plane where we both can agree you have the stuff installed as should ;)

attached a few screenies how it looks at this end, you'll see a number of files wich you wil not have a but that's my setup beeing a Beta tester for FTX

Contents of the Orbx folder.

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

note the folders :

.... Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT


....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_TRAFFIC

those should be there, of wich you need to manually ACTIVATE the FTXAI_TRAFFIC in your scenery control panel of fsX, see the last screenshot, look for entry 6 in the Scenery Library panel in this screenshot

the contents of the Scripts folder.

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

you should have there:




fsX cfg file, (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX) check if the entry has been made in the [main] section:

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot


User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter








this should be the contents of your ...... \Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery folder

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

the scenery control panel of fsX look at entry #6

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

IF this as is stated here is not the case then your install of the FTX AI Traffic is not correct






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I've got all of that. Want to remote and see for yourself? I've been building computers, and flying them for ten years. I have some idea of what I'm doing! Don't treat me like an idiot please.

I'm really sorry but IF you think that that is my inclination then please completely forget what I have posted and I will reffrain fom any further comments,

maybe someone else that has more knowledge can step up the plate and show you the way,

one thing is for sure, you have something screwed up there at your end, what it is I do not know, you probably know it best yourself, as you state that you've been doing this for ten years,

have a wonderfull day

and please do not bother to PM me

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Excuse me, if you look, I went back in right away and modified my post. Please look again. I apreciate your trying to help. I know remote repair is difficult, been there, done that. I changed that post 30 seconds after I wrote it. I'm sorry you saw it in that amount of time. Just frustrated . My apologies.


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Hi all,

I remember that when I first tried to bring all my FS9 AI traffic into FSX and keep them in a separate folder within \SimObjects it wouldn't work, even with the correct entry in the fsx.cfg. The only way they would should up was when I moved all the AI aircraft folders into the \SimObjects\Airplanes directory. I never figured out why this was the case. I have since switched to a different PC and never had any problems with using separate folders.

Thus, if others have persistent problems with AI not showing and are 100% sure that all of the components are in the correct place and format, as per Wolter's information above, and don't have a single FS9 format traffic file active, then moving all folders from \ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT into \SimObjects\Airplanes may be worth a shot. It's easy to revert if that doesn't help. The reason for separate folders is to reduce clutter and allow for easy on/off switching of different AI components.

Sue, what you can try is moving the flightplans back into their original place. That way you can still switch those on/off separately if need be.

Cheers, Holger

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your suggestion to move the aircraft files that's cracked it for me Holger! Was in the same situation as Sue ... everything in the right place and no rogue files on my system. Your input much appreciated ...



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If you put the FTX AI into the simobjects Airplane folder you will most likely lose all other AI traffic. :)

(EDIT) Sorry, but this post is incorrect.

This happened before the aircraft were compiled for FSX and before a new entry was added to the FSX.cfg,

my apologies, I must have been still half asleep. ???

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Hi Mal,

If you put the FTX AI into the simobjects Airplane folder you will most likely lose all other AI traffic.

Can you explain what you mean, please? The only possible problem I can think of is if another (third-party) AI aircraft shares the exact same title in the aircraft.cfg. Or is there any other potential issue you're aware of?

I just did a quick test by moving the folders from \ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT into \SimObjects\Airplanes and it seems as if all my other third-part AI is still working as before.

Cheers, Holger

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Unfortunately, I too am missing the FTX AI Traffic and default FSX AI Traffic after installing the FTX enhancement. :(

The file "trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI" exists in the folder indicated by Wolter.

I also have the freeware package "FSX GA-Traffic" installed and it is producing copious quantities of traffic, (must tone that down soon).

Please advise what I can do to fix this problem.

Thanks for your assistance with this matter.  :)

My FTX AI Traffic issue is now resolved.

I identified from Wolter's post that the FSX.cfg was missing!

So, I closed FSX, started it again and closed it. Checked and found the cfg file was back in it's correct folder.

However it was missing the "SimObjectPaths.6=ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT" item in the MAIN section.

So I copied and pasted it from the post into the FSX.cfg, saved it and started FSX again.

And at YBBN (Brisbane Intl) I have heaps of Virgin Blue and Qantas moving about. Very cool! ;D

Thanks to Wolter for his in depth and methodological support manner, it is appreciated mate.


Posted Image

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Yep, that's what solved it for me too:)  Although I only had 3 737 at YSSY domestic terminal but I think I just need a new afcad file.

I still can't get over the great quality of help we get from ORBX.  Thanks guys.


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Good to see some of you with problems here in this thread have got the traffic working. Unfortunately the status 'resolved' is to premature for me. No matter what I try, I cannot get the traffic to show... It's not completely gone, but only marginally present. With my airline traffic slider at 100% I only get a couple of smaller planes at YSSY.

I've read this thread with much interest because of Wolter's extensive explanation on how the installation of FTX AI should look like. Frustrating as it may be, my installation looks perfect. You can imagine how stumped I am that I cannot get the package to do what it is supposed to do... I also tried Holger's suggestion to move all the aircraft folders into Simobjects\Airplanes, but that didn't give me the desired result.

I tried to find conflicting Traffic files in my FSX folder, but all files I can find are supposed to be there. Is there anything else I am overlooking?

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Hi Bert,

Sorry to hear that things at your end aren't what we would like them to be,

please install the attached file in your ... \Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts folder and run the "shorthcut" this should create a log file so we maybe can get visible where thigs turn the wrong way.


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Something to ponder on. Does the amount of grunt and or memory available to your machine make a difference to the volume of AI traffic?. I've got a mid level machine, not running the new YMML yet and with the traffic sliders, both airline and GA pushed hard right i was getting a tolerable number of planes at Tulla. But still holding a frame rate around 14-15, which is what i expected. Might be worth cutting everything else down to minimum and seeing if the volume of traffic increases as resources are freed up.


Martin C

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Please HELP. I am trying to install the GA files that are linked within the FTXAI manual. I have installed all the BGL files associated with the link into my FSX/Scenery/World/Scenery folder. When I start FSX and go to YBBN airport only the GA traffic will appear and no FTX traffic will be present, if I exit FSX and delete the BGL files and restart FSX then the FTX aircraft will appear. I dont wont to use the default traffic bgl as it has heavy jets within it and I only wont the GA aircraft to go with FTX. If I use the control panel and tick FSX default that works ok with FTX traffic. Has anyone got any ideas Ive' tryed everything.



#9078 YMML / #6015 AU GOLD / #3230 AU BLUE

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please install the attached file in your ... \Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts folder and run the "shorthcut" this should create a log file so we maybe can get visible where thigs turn the wrong way.

Thank you Wolter. Unfortunately the file does not work. The target is incorrect and it wants to start in Adrian's folder (Visual Studio 2008). I do not have a homefolder for Adrian and my FS is installed in D:\Flight Simulator X.

See the attached screen:

Posted Image

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oops !


the line in "Doel" (Target) should read " ........\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\OrbxAIConfigurator.exe" /log

I do not know where you have your fsX installed therefore the  ...... in front of the line to paste there

I copied the file as I have it here, hence it points now "E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\OrbxAIConfigurator.exe" /log as that is where I have my fsX Installed

the other line "C:\Users\Adrian\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Orbx.ConfigTweaker\Orbx.ConfigTweaker\bin\Release" is not relevant for this to work as I have the same thing here

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Hi Wolter,After about six attempts i think i have finally done it thanks to your suggestion in post No 6.

  "orbx_cpl_ftxai.xml".......i deleted the ".xml "  computer said there was no such file so i changed it (?it worked anyway)

FSX cfg file added "SimObjectPaths.6 ete  etc"

Have tried adelaide tower OK  Sydney Tower..May be a bit out of place.Screenee to follow Thanks

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I copied my exact FS location in the target field. I had tried that before but only now I discovered I had forgotten to put the " in front of the line  ::) I completely removed "C:\Users\Adrian\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Orbx.ConfigTweaker\Orbx.ConfigTweaker\bin\Release" because I kept getting an error the path is invalid.

Upon running the file a log was created of which the content is below:

ConfigFilePath: C:\Users\Bert\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg

Reading: [GRAPHICS]

Reading: [sOUND]

Reading: [Display]

Reading: [Main]

Reading: [PANELS]

Reading: [Weather]

Reading: [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512.0]

Reading: [AccelerationPack]

Reading: [CONTROLS]

Reading: [TextInfo.1]

Reading: [TextInfo.2]

Reading: [TextInfo.3]

Reading: [slewTextInfo.1]

Reading: [slewTextInfo.2]

Reading: [slewTextInfo.3]

Reading: [trusted]

Reading: [DynamicHeadMovement]

Reading: [VirtualCopilot]


Reading: [MAPVIEW_MAP]

Reading: [ATC]

Reading: [PointOfInterestSystem]

Reading: [sCENERY]

Reading: [trafficManager]

Reading: [TERRAIN]

Reading: [AContain]


Reading: [REALISM]

Reading: [sIM]

Reading: [sTARTUP]


Reading: [Misc]

Reading: [FlightPlanMap]

Reading: [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512.0.0]


Existing entry found and removed.

Adding FTXAI entry at index 7

Compiling GRAPHICS

Compiling SOUND

Compiling Display

Compiling Main

Compiling PANELS

Compiling Weather

Compiling DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512.0

Compiling AccelerationPack

Compiling CONTROLS

Compiling TextInfo.1

Compiling TextInfo.2

Compiling TextInfo.3

Compiling SlewTextInfo.1

Compiling SlewTextInfo.2

Compiling SlewTextInfo.3

Compiling Trusted

Compiling DynamicHeadMovement

Compiling VirtualCopilot



Compiling ATC

Compiling PointOfInterestSystem

Compiling SCENERY

Compiling TrafficManager

Compiling TERRAIN

Compiling AContain


Compiling REALISM

Compiling SIM

Compiling STARTUP


Compiling Misc

Compiling FlightPlanMap

Compiling DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512.0.0


Writing to FSX.cfg

I tried running FSX again; here's a shot with the FTX traffic at YSSY, airline traffic slider at 50%, GA traffic turned off:

Posted Image

With the same settings this is what I'm getting with Mytraffic X:

Posted Image

I don't know if the sparsity in the FTX AI traffic is intentional. If so, then everything is fine...

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Hi Bert,

I noticed in your log file that it did put the entry in a #7 so I assume you have another additional folder assigned with simobjects as #6

When I look at Sydney I do not see much difference to what you see, so I guess that is OK, we mostly tested on YMML and according to the available data that's how it should be, having worked at EHAM at Airside I also cannot remember ever seeing all spots at the terminal covered with Aircraft.

Wich imho also is a wee bit unrealistic, most traffic depends of the schedules and as far as I know of the ones in the FTX AI package are true to real life.

if that second screenie shows what you get with MyTraffic X, sorry to say but it's just not real.

attached a screenie as to how it looks at this end with Airlines at 100% GA at 0% Ground traffic vehicles medium


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As far as I know, MyTraffic doesn't use real world flightplans, and the higher you push your slider, the more planes you'll get, but as Wolter says, that's not true to life, whereas packages like Mal's will have been made using real flightplans for the airlines.


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Thanks for all your help Wolter.

I noticed in your log file that it did put the entry in a #7 so I assume you have another additional folder assigned with simobjects as #6

Correct. The #6 entry is for Mytraffic X aircraft. This package works in exactly the same way as FTX AI; it has its own folder under FSX, therefore it has a line in the FSX.cfg and an entry in the scenery library. It also deactivates the trafficAircraft.bgl file in Scenery\World\Scenery.

I now have both packages installed next to eachother. I can switch between the two in the scenery library; ofcourse I'll have to reload the traffic to see the effect. I got confused if FTX AI was working correctly because I got so much more traffic with Mytraffic X. Actually that much that I never put the airline density higher than 30%, so the 50% density suggested for FTX AI is indeed overkill, I totally agree  :)

Anyway, I'm glad all is fine. Now all I have to figure out is how to get the default GA AI traffic working next to FTX AI. As stated by another user in this thread I cannot get the two working side by side. I can neither find anything further about this in the FTX manual nor on the site that offers the seperate GA traffic files. Do you or anyone else happen to know how to get this working?

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