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The End Of The Line

Jay Kae

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You don't know me personally but I've always liked you for your hard work on anything you got yourself involved with. Thanks for that. Don't be a stranger. On the other hand...welcome back to life! This should have been nothing more than a hobby.

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I understand completely Jay. It is something I have been mulling over myself for a while. Best of luck to you mate.

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Wow... I don't know what to say. Whatever the reason may be for that decision (I have an idea, though, based on things you told us previously, here and over at REX) I hope this will not be permanent. Never say never! ;)

That's why I don't wish you a Farewell but only all the best until we meet again. You are one of the good guys and I'd hate to see you leave forever. Take care in the meantime.

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Terribly sad to see you go, Jay!

Having seen you toil so magnificently at a labour of love, as you obviously have over the years, I'm sure you weren't looking for waves of thanks and appreciation, however much we all wish them for you. So I can only imagine that the likely culprit was probably one high-handed, thoughtlessly insulting twit too many, somewhere along the line. And we're much the poorer for that.

I join the others in wishing you the best, and hoping for you eventual return. The FS world needs Good Guys like you!

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I'm floored . A bit speechless.

You're a man of your word, I hope this is not permanent.

Take care, and thanks for hard work in building these sites . It is sad to see such a quality bloke leaving.

Enjoy the future Jay and best wishes.

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Jay, thank you for all your hard work for the FS community, I know the one time I had a download issue you were right on it and had a fix for me in no time. Best of luck to you in which ever direction the future takes you.


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I've been gone a while myself ( family challenges and work life ballance), and I come back and see this!

Jay, You have worked so incredibly hard across many of the sites and contributed so much to the community, I'm not sure we could every fully comprehend it all.

Whatever your reasons are I respect them and wish you well for the future.

Focus on what's really important to you and as they say over here

Slàinte mhor a h-uile là a chi 's nach fhaic ("Great health to you every day that I see you, and every day that I don't" )

all best wishes mate


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Thank You very much Jay for all Your great and helpful aid and support all the times!

You are a Great Knight!

Whatever You intend to do or feel the need to do next - all the very, very best on Your way!

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Im sorry to see you leave. I dont post much, but I'm usually around here and over at REX. What you add to these communities is invaluable. As many have said, yours are big shoes to fill. Good luck with whatever life brings you!

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The sheer volume of views and replies this post has seen now speaks for itself in what you mean to this community and the impact you've had on all of us. We no doubt want you to enjoy your time away and wish you all the best, but it goes without saying that you will always be considered a welcomed friend to the entire community of virtual aviation across the board... Take care!!

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Sock - Pow - Thwack

Robin : "Holy Heck Batman"

Batman : "Quick Robin, to the Bat Plane" "Gotham City's about to explode".

Nana Naana Nana Naana Batman.

Stay tuned for the next episode "IN" "will bat man save Gotham City or will Jay return after all, he is FOREVER Vigilant. (sorry about the caps Jay)

To be Continued ..............................................................................

Dear Jay I hope you understand the humor here, I was flawed by the news as have all the people who have corresponded with you over the years, my sincerest appreciation to you for your good humor and tireless efforts, I really hope you return someday.

All the very best to you and your family.

Kind Regards Jethro

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The absence of fun coupled with a lack of appreciation and a sense of being taken for granted often lead to withdrawal.

However, and I quote from 'Desiderata' "Beyond a wholesome discipline; be gentle with yourself"... "Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

What a journey mate! From Vista Australis, VOZ, ORBZ and more. A fine legacy. An ornament to the community.A superb example of selflessness, dedication and SKILL.

Time for family, time for self, time for self-discovery and indulgence.

Your contribution has been immeasurable and greatly appreciated. The 'team' is diminished by your inactivity. We will survive however, for that is the nature of things.


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Hi Jae,

Helpfull, right in your boots, some words to describe what i feel about your person behind your screen from my sight. But if FSX community is eating your time... I think you've taken the right decision.

Stay the same at all, ALL OF US will miss YOU, my friend.

Take some time for you, if anyday you want to come back, we will all be pleased to open our arms wings heart. The both three in reality... ;)

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Jay, that is very sad news for me.

You will surely have your reasons but in total disrespect of your decision: come back soon! since not only those spam bots and fake accounts will miss you, but real people will too. :)

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