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What a Dipstick!


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I'm half way through my tour of PNW, flying my Carenado 185F after an overnight stay 25 clicks south east of Walter Sutton's airstrip. Started my trip today, after reinstalling WA79 yesterday. Something was not right... ??? The airport I'd been parked at had virtually disappeared, not another reinstall of FSX I thought. Anyway, onwards and upwards, only to see the landscape had changed, it was very odd  >:( I continued and thought I'd drop into Walter's for a cup of coffee and see what was going on with FSX :' All this time the landscape looked very odd, certainly not the landcsape I knew and loved from Orbx. Things were missing, anyway I continued towards Walter's, and just as I came around the hills from the east, I gasped.... no Walter Sutton's airstrip ??? In fact nothing, everything had disappeared! The only thing that was visible, apart from the awful scenery, was a default looking airstrip >:(  Sheesh, what is going..... ahhh, I screamed, of course, I had simply forgotten to turn the FTX control panel back to the PNW area  ;D ;D :-\  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done this, but wow, talk about losing it  :D

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As my 3yr old nephew would say. "default scenery yukky!!"  I still do my usual flights from CYVR Vancouver to CYYC Calgary and landing in Calgary is dissapointing :( But once NRM hits the drives, all will be good!

New shirt idea!  Black shirt with "Got ORBX?" on the back ;D

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Do you know what would be the best solution for this....if there was a way for the FTX Central Icon to change its Icon to show if it is currently set to 'Australia' or 'North America' or 'Default FSX'

I hate that when FSX has started and I forgot which when I set it too. If the Icon updated itself to show which one it was set to then I wouldn't have to shut down FSX to check.

Another idea would be to put FTX Central into the taskbar notification area (next to the clock) and have it show its current status - 'Australia' or 'North America' or 'Default FSX'

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As my 3yr old nephew would say. "default scenery yukky!!"  I still do my usual flights from CYVR Vancouver to CYYC Calgary and landing in Calgary is dissapointing :( But once NRM hits the drives, all will be good!

New shirt idea!  Black shirt with "Got ORBX?" on the back ;D

I think it would be cool to have some licensed Orbx paraphernalia, T-shirts, stubbie holders, Caps ....Thought about that JV??

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As my 3yr old nephew would say. "default scenery yukky!!"  I still do my usual flights from CYVR Vancouver to CYYC Calgary and landing in Calgary is dissapointing :( But once NRM hits the drives, all will be good!

New shirt idea!  Black shirt with "Got ORBX?" on the back ;D

I think it would be cool to have some licensed Orbx paraphernalia, T-shirts, stubbie holders, Caps ....Thought about that JV??

I brought it up a while ago, and it is not (understandably) a priority for Orbx as international shipping would be a huge hindrence. But maybe down the road...... ya never know!


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Hey, I've got it... All the time I've been flying around PNW, I run another monitor with Google earth displayed, a fantastic aid while flying VFR. I've scoured the net, but without finding anything, but what about this idea, a fantastic little add-on, either freeware or otherwise....a set of ordnance survey maps or air maps, each with the designated airfields showing! They could be branded with Orbx logos etc. and be available for download. So, no shipping costs! While I'm planning my flights, I usually want to do it over a cup of coffee in the kitchen, not sat at a computer monitor. What do you think guys?

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Thanks Alex, great stuff! Is it not just for the UK though? What I was suggesting would be for a Hi-Res Jpeg file of an area so that it could be downloadad and printed off... I think that would be really cool. Maybe I will try and source the relevent files and do something for the forum members....

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I know its a competitor, but I run UTX and GEX 'beneath' Orbx in North America, so I can fly out of Orbx coverage into something far better than the default scenery.  Also in Australia from high altitudes the default can be seen in the distance I fly FS Altitude to improve the visual appearance.

In Europe I use UTX and GEX but put on top of them other scenery packages that are more detailed and more representative.  This way I almost never fly over the ghastly default scenery - where the world's a desert.

Other parts of the world have free and payware coverage beyond airports, but I stick principally to Aus, North America and Europe - particularly the UK, where I find UTX better than photoreal strangely enough.

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Hi Ian

I do exactly as you do except in the England and Wales I use the Horizon VFR Scenery for which I have the UTX traffic turned off because one of them isn't quite accurate enough and you can see it running in fields sometimes alongside the roads.  The real problem with the VFR scenery is the amount of addons that are necessary to completely make the scenery authentic and while we've got some of it, airports for example, its taking forever to get what's still missing.                         

For Scotland I use Scotflight which is pretty good and compliments the Scottish VFR scenery where its been produced pretty well and means that you can still get the realism.  Even moving waves at the seaside!  The problem with the GEX/UTX combo of course is the landclass. Not only don't they really agree with one another so you find damn great roads running across the tops of towns and villages, GEX, although better looking than default, is some American's dream of where places are and what they look like.  A superior FSX default really. 

Still they're better than nothing until/if we get the FTX treatment! ;);D


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Hey Macca, have now installed both UTX and GEX Europe! ;D Hey, what a difference, a real joy  :D A quick question, if you don't mind. The two programs have both installed themselves without any hitch. UTX installed into the root directory as did GEX. So two separate programs, each in there own folders in the root directory. I think this may be a silly question, don't know, but... should these two programs not share the same folder within FSX? ??? The reason why I ask is that after installing GEX following the installation of UTX, I was unaware of any big difference I could see. It was only a short flight, but would you say the differences are probably subtle?

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UTX & GEX while having friendly relations with one another are two entirely separate companies.

Don't forget to make sure you've got the UTX features you want activated in the UTX control panel.  The thing about UTX is it allows you to fly vfr following the scenery features such as roads, railways etc which are accurately placed from ordnance survey.  That's why it sometimes doesn't match with GEX which only enhances the FSX landclass.


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