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Just about to pack in my Charter for a day of sightseeing out of Refuge Cove....

Orbx Flyer

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21 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Wow, good looking shots!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Lifejogger...and I found something interesting today.  In that Kayak Camp scene, and little cove,  I was on Ultra Water...and with A.S. in play,  there was little wave action...but..as soon as I cleared the cove and more into open water...where the wind enacts upon nVidia WaterWorks 2.0,  the waves started to roll.  So..it is not 'canned' water animation...the water surface is truly driven by the wind...and most importantly, I found out now...is that land mass,  islands, etc...blocking the wind, will cause less wave, or little wave action, until you are clear of structures. How's that for water/weather realism? :)

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I have a very modest (by today's standards!) system....and all this is being generated in v5.2 by a GTX 1070 (non Ti) 8 GB.  All graphic sliders to the right,  but for LOD at High.  I'm getting very much pegged to my FPS lock of 31.   This is the best looking, the best performing  M.S. based (non scenery server) flight sim, out there!  From FSX RTM to P3D v5.1.  This was the 'knock out' punch we all have been looking for....for those that love their FSX/P3D experiences. This TRULY is the 'Holy Grail'...of all FSX/P3D prior renditions.  Even a 6 GB card will make this look good!


This would be (I feel) the sim-of-choice to run on a laptop. For sure!

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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

An outstanding series.

These shots are full of life (people, kajaks, waves, ships, tents, ...), and that is what I often miss when looking at these perfect, clinical MSFS screenies.

Your sim seems to run very well!

Stillwater, I'm having a MEGA blast...deeking now, low and slow over all the islands...near KORS....and if I see something...like that Kayak Cove...I drop to the water and taxi in...and check it all out.  I never KNEW that Orbx had salted so much in, amongst and around all the islands...but they sure did, and having a blast discovering it all!!!!  You need your top right Graphic Sliders jammed full right to see this...or you won't.

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5 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

You need your top right Graphic Sliders jammed full right to see this...or you won't.

Quite risky with my good old rig to max up all the sliders. What is your hardware (knowing such a comparison is influenced by many more factors)?

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6 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

I have a very modest (by today's standards!) system....and all this is being generated in v5.2 by a GTX 1070 (non Ti) 8 GB.  All graphic sliders to the right,  but for LOD at High.  I'm getting very much pegged to my FPS lock of 31.   This is the best looking, the best performing  M.S. based (non scenery server) flight sim, out there!  From FSX RTM to P3D v5.1.  This was the 'knock out' punch we all have been looking for....for those that love their FSX/P3D experiences. This TRULY is the 'Holy Grail'...of all FSX/P3D prior renditions.  Even a 6 GB card will make this look good!


This would be (I feel) the sim-of-choice to run on a laptop. For sure!

interesting to read your settings, we have the same GPU, not sure what processor you have though, inv4 I used to run with 2 different settings, one was for slow and low, the other which is how my sim is set up now was for tubes, looking at your shots I think I may need to do that with 5.2

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Quite risky with my good old rig to max up all the sliders. What is your hardware (knowing such a comparison is influenced by many more factors)?

Dell XPS   730x


CPU: i7-970 Extreme (Four Core) running in HyperThread Mode (overdrive'd to 4.3 Ghz

GPU: EVGA GTX 1070 8 GB non overclocked.

12 GB's of System Ram (in BIOS overdrive/overclock)  On the Dell XPS 730x motherboard, you only can install 12 GB's, so I can't go to what I would want, which is at least 32 to 64, if I go to another motherboard. I can...and still keep the chassis. Haven't felt performance 'pressured' as of yet to make the move.  :)

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1 hour ago, wain71 said:

interesting to read your settings, we have the same GPU, not sure what processor you have though, inv4 I used to run with 2 different settings, one was for slow and low, the other which is how my sim is set up now was for tubes, looking at your shots I think I may need to do that with 5.2

Dell XPS   730x


CPU: i7-970 Extreme (Four Core) running in HyperThread Mode (overdrive'd to 4.3 Ghz

GPU: EVGA GTX 1070 8 GB non overclocked.

12 GB's of System Ram (in overdrive)  On the Dell XPS 730x motherboard, you only can install 12 GB's, so I can't go to what I would want, which is at least 32 to 64, if I go to another motherboard. I can...and still keep the chassis. Haven't felt performance 'pressured' as of yet to make the move.  :)


I basically to get what you see rendered here Wain...is this:


In P3D v5.2, I have all the sliders, all the effects at 100 percent. I have Shadows at Medium.  I have water at either High or Ultra, depending on if I want surface 'fleck'. I never set below High.  I have L.O.D. set to High, and don't go higher now than that.  I have Tess at 100, I have the other's set to 5 and 7cm.  I have a locked FPS setting of 33.  I use no V-sync, but do have the nVidia mask set to 1/2 enabled. I run with MAXIMUM Performance also on the nVidia mask, as well as the first setting for Sharpness. The rest of the nVidia mask is Let App control.  I use to have the LOD at full right...but a posting suggested that I'm wasting GPU/CPU rendering in what you 'can't see WILL HURT YOU.  So, I started culling it back...and running a familiar (like the PNW) flight...from High, to Medium...and then finally back one notch to High, where it will be left.  That was a great tip, and the power of a Forum! I have the other lower side set to all the 4x's...with Dynamic Texture Streaming as 'off'.  I run with 16x for  A.F.  That about chalks it all up.


What you see actually on my screenshots (in my opinion) hardly does the real live eye view justice. There is very much a loss of fidelity and quality when taking a shot to send up to the forum.   I'm not ashamed one bit to say that this is truly (if I had to make a choice)...my preferred sim now. It just looks fantastic...runs fantastic...all the 'fantastic' rolled up now into one.  I love water Wain...and this is the sim to bust all others for anything to do with marine, and marine operations.  We'll see what MSFS does over the coming months/years with water...but for now...nothing (in my opinion) touches present v5.2's nVidia WaterWorks 2 for realism at Ultra.  Planes rock in the waves, ships rock in the waves....and I'm loving it!


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14 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

Dell XPS   730x


CPU: i7-970 Extreme (Four Core) running in HyperThread Mode (overdrive'd to 4.3 Ghz

GPU: EVGA GTX 1070 8 GB non overclocked.

12 GB's of System Ram (in overdrive)  On the Dell XPS 730x motherboard, you only can install 12 GB's, so I can't go to what I would want, which is at least 32 to 64, if I go to another motherboard. I can...and still keep the chassis. Haven't felt performance 'pressured' as of yet to make the move.  :)


I basically to get what you see rendered here Wain...is this:


In P3D v5.2, I have all the sliders, all the effects at 100 percent. I have Shadows at Medium.  I have water at either High or Ultra, depending on if I want surface 'fleck'. I never set below High.  I have L.O.D. set to High, and don't go higher now than that.  I have Tess at 100, I have the other's set to 5 and 7cm.  I have a locked FPS setting of 33.  I use no V-sync, but do have the nVidia mask set to 1/2 enabled. I run with MAXIMUM Performance also on the nVidia mask, as well as the first setting for Sharpness. The rest of the nVidia mask is Let App control.  I use to have the LOD at full right...but a posting suggested that I'm wasting GPU/CPU rendering in what you 'can't see WILL HURT YOU.  So, I started culling it back...and running a familiar (like the PNW) flight...from High, to Medium...and then finally back one notch to High, where it will be left.  That was a great tip, and the power of a Forum! I have the other lower side set to all the 4x's...with Dynamic Texture Streaming as 'off'.  I run with 16x for  A.F.  That about chalks it all up.


What you see actually on my screenshots (in my opinion) hardly does the real live eye view justice. There is very much a loss of fidelity and quality when taking a shot to send up to the forum.   I'm not ashamed one bit to say that this is truly (if I had to make a choice)...my preferred sim now. It just looks fantastic...runs fantastic...all the 'fantastic' rolled up now into one.  I love water Wain...and this is the sim to bust all others for anything to do with marine, and marine operations.  We'll see what MSFS does over the coming months/years with water...but for now...nothing (in my opinion) touches present v5.2's nVidia WaterWorks 2 for realism at Ultra.  Planes rock in the waves, ships rock in the waves....and I'm loving it!


OF, thanks for the info, I have just gone through all my settings, I am leaving Airline set up as was but my GA one I have slid a few sliders to the right a bit more, using Simstarter now so that's easy to do....I do agree that sometimes what we see our end can be different to the poster, time we convert and save/post the shot....really had issues with 5.1 but 5.2 is a whole new ball game.......great time to be a simmer for sure...

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