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KORS new version 1.1.0 not updating

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I have tried twice to update KORS v1.1.0 through Orbx Central with no success. After the first attempt of updating the scenery in the Community folder, I then uninstalled KORS and reinstalled it into my Orbx Library instead the Community folder where it was previously.  Still the same result.  The scenery shows none of the new additions. Orbx Central shows the new version being installed.  Attached is a screenshot showing the airport at dawn with the night lighting still on.  Notice, no new lighting on the helipad or the new REIL runway lights. Also attached is a text file showing version 1.1.0 being installed.

I've checked for the other supposed scenery additions and they are not being updated either. 

Rick S.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 1_30_2021 12_34_05 PM.png


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That’s a shame it worked for me no problem.


Do you get the notice that an update is due when you log into Central, normally a Red a circle with a number in, top right hand of page and the green dot next to your product name normally turns orange as the update is in progress. 

You could select Verify Files instead to see what happens that may force the update. 


Good luck.

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Yes, I got the notice that an update was due.  I did the update and Orbx Central indicated that it was complete (Green dot).  I even verified the file as you suggested.  Still a mystery as to why it appears to update but no change to the scenery.  Are you sure that the scenery changed on your install? (ex. Helipad should now be lit at night)

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I owe you an apology sir, it would appear that my KORS Scenery has not updated. Your test of the helipad illuminated at night was the first proof.


Secondly, when I looked in the Community Folder for KORS the files were all 2020.


If Jon or Nick are monitoring may you be able to offer further assistance please.


Thanks in advance.


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Thanks Ed.


You need to approach the helipad for the lights to switch on and become visible. You won't see them lit otherwise.

For those of you not seeing the lit helipad then check that the Texture file is dated 2021. If not uninstall Orcs and reinstall.


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10 hours ago, paulk said:

Secondly, when I looked in the Community Folder for KORS the files were all 2020.


Hi Paul,

I think that's correct. I just verified files to make sure and they are all from 2020 though, as Jon pointed out, the folders are dated 2021.

I see the update. Here are a couple of easy ways to check.


The REIL lights



The boats in the marina are now on water without boat and pier images on the orthophotography



All the best,




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Hi Team


Thanks for everyone responding so quickly.


I will check tonight, but sure everything will be good as detailed above.


On a personal note I have to say KORS is one of my favourites, how you guys managed to keep making it better and better is sensational.


Would love to see a few of the Canadian Gulf Islands in the future?



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Well, it seems that I am the odd man out.  I still am unable to see the updated scenery.  My file structure looks the same as described above and Orbx Central shows that the update is installed. I have tried two more additional uninstalls and reinstalls with no luck.  I will continue to experiment with possible other reasons this scenery won't update. Shown are some files and screenshots of what I am seeing after the recent reinstalls. 




texture 2.png


ORBX Central.png




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I just tried a fresh reinstall into a clean (no other files) Community folder and KORS updated correctly.  I'm not sure why it won't update properly in my other Community folder.  All of my Orbx scenery is installed into my Orbx Library on another drive with shortcuts in the Community Folder pointing to that drive. All of my other files in the Community folder are also linked to that same other drive using "MSFS Addons Linker." I don't see how that could be causing the problem, but I'll keep troubleshooting and let you know what I find.

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OK.  Color this one Green and Answered. Although I'm not sure how or why??? I copied the working KORS scenery folder that I installed in my last post and pasted it into my old Community folder and the scenery worked!  So I uninstalled it and let Orbx Central reinstall it into my old Community folder and it worked! So then I uninstalled it again and let Orbx Central install it into my Orbx Library drive and now it works ok. Go figure!  NEVER LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH! :)

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Hi Chris


I am no expert on this but I believe MSFS Marketplace can take several days/weeks prior to updating 3rd Party add-ons.

Someone in the Orbx Team will know better than I, but I’m sure they will have sent the update to Microsoft and are awaiting them to carry out the file update in marketplace.


I prefer to buy via OrbxCentral as the updates are instant.


Hope this helps.

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