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Object flow issue Australia in P3D4

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Hello. In these last days I have a strange issue: I have an error message about Objectflow and Australia when loading any scenery all over the world (you can see screenshots attached). This happens in P3D4 (I have P3d5 installed in another ssd, without any error message).

I've tried to Verify files in Objectflow and Australia V2 and everything is ok. I've tried to fly in Australia in different places without problems. Someone can help me about that message?

Thank you



errore P3D4.jpg

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Yeah, plenty of us are getting this problem lately. there are some workarounds but they tend to screw something else too. My entire Orbx objects(all of them) disappear after running sync simulator, which is one of the solutions to the pop up message. so before i throw mi pc down the stairs in rage, I believe the best is to wait for Orbx to fix the problem with one click. I dont like fiddling around with files. 

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Actually, all the contents inside OF_config.xml that we fiddled with are missing the objectflow interaction.



all those areas(in my installation) are missing their objects. And no, sync simulator is NOT solving the problem.

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In situations like this I would delete the scenery.cfg file.  Then start P3D, which will build a new scenery.cfg for the default P3D sceneries.


Shut down P3D, and then run sync simulator in Orbx Central.  That should fix it.


Note also that any sceneries installed to a library won't be managed by Scenery Config Editor.

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1 hour ago, Alfredhpg said:

The entire scenery.cfg is messed up after sync simulator in Orbx central I really want an easy solution Orbx.




there is nothing wrong with the OF_config.xml file that you have posted.

As to the scenery library, John's advice is good.

Vector entries are placed below Africa, unless it is missing, in which case they are placed at the top.

The likelihood is that your scenery.cfg file was already corrupted before you ran Sync Simulator.

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Sorry Nick but no. My scenery.cfg is fine. Only the Orbx entries are corrupted. The rest are perfectly fine. Everything went wrong after doing the “solution” posted in the second entry of this thread. Now, everything “terrain/texture” related shows up. Problem is objects. I have people walking in featureless airports. no buildings No nothing. And that happened after clicking sync simulator.

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so. Im doing a clean reinstall, I want everything now outside the sim root folder in Libraries. Is it normal for the sync simulator button to fail when there is nothing installed inside the sim root folder?


ocean has dissapeared... man what a waste of time. vector is installed as addon (from library) and is not working correctly. When vector is disabled from the addons menu, the ocean re appears.

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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Would you please just try renaming your scenery.cfg file and let P3D build and use a new and default one.

The one you sent me, if it is the one you are using, is riddled with errors.

Hi Nick. I did what you said about letting P3D create a new scenery cfg and so far sync worked again, but ONLY if vector is installed the conventional way. If I install vector in a library, sync button screws the cfg again. So, up until now base, libraries and vector are installed the conventional way. Where exactly should vector be installed? (in terms of layer inside the cfg)

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Vector is written into the scenery library below Africa.

Sometimes, it seems, one entry will go above Africa.

If Vector is at the top of the scenery library, then it will cause

all of the problems that you posted this topic to address.


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On 6/12/2020 at 4:43 PM, Nick Cooper said:


here is the answer.






I also get the issue with an error message

path not found for Orbx\ftx_au\ftxauv2_05_scenery\scenery\*_obectflow.xml


I tried the fix given by Nick, but I do not have any such file


So I cannot delete it...

Actually I do not have any FTXAA_ORBXLIBS directory in Orbx\FTX_AU\ (see attachement)



I just sync'ed Orbx Central, but it does not help : the issue is still here.


Thanks for help, cheers









Annotation 2020-06-14 135156.png

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Thanks for the fast reply (and this on a Sunday!).

I pictured my Orbx\FTX_AU\ directory,

and as you can see, I do not have any FTXAA_ORBXLIBS in my Orbx\FTX_AU\


EDIT : OK, I just found the file : the Orbx\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery  is in the ROOT P3DV4 directory, not in the Orbx library directory (for those who choosed to install Orbx outside the P3D Root install directory).

Sorry, but it was not that clear from the previous posts. I'll give it a try.


EDIT 2 : just tested, deleting the file : Prepar3D v4\Orbx\ftx_au\ftxauv2_05_scenery\scenery\*_obectflow.xml

and syncing inn Orbx Central solved the issue.


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Hi Vvince

Is because you entered a wrong location. You entered into your Orbx Library folder




This is the right location

In the main Orbx folder you search for FTX_AU then the rest







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