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Everything posted by lucagigli

  1. Yes at the moment, at the airports I've seen. Are you thinking about doing a compatibility patch? Thank you Luca
  2. Dear Nick, Iìm very sorry about this very late answer, but I had a lot of problems with my work (and in my life), so I had no time for flying with the sim. Now it's better and I've done the try you asked me. Without Taburet EU Dem 4 airport is ok. I don't know if there is a way to keep airport and Taburet Dem without having the elevation issue. Thank you Luca
  3. As you can see in screenshot attached, I have a canyon in ENTO scenery between apron and runway, with some taxiway gioing down in the canyon. I have Msfs updated and I use Taburet Dems. Can you help me? Thank you Luca Gigli Italy
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