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P3Dv5 - a couple from Bowerman


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Ok, beginning to get into this now. The combination of the wondrous TE scenery and the scale and distancing of V5 are really rather wonderful. There are certainly issues with v5 but they'll get sorted in time, and it is so much smoother than v4. Frames fixed at 30 and no stutters here






These are 4k shots, worth blowing up if you've got a large screen. Pretty much all sliders/features maxed out (apart from anti-aliasing - I don't worry about that with 4k)

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Nice couple of shots Andy.

If I could be so bold as to proffer a couple of thoughts-

It looks like you are using EA on & HDR on?

If you bring your HDR Brightness up a bit, say by 10 or 20%, it may brighten the shots. Its worth fiddling with Brightness.

Also, I was finding in v5 it was difficult to get the aircraft sides 'lit up', unless you set the clock at say, 9am or 3pm, ie, use the clock to introduce side light on to the part of the fuselage you want to 'shine'

Sun at 12 midday tends to give  non-lit fuselage sides:)


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13 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Nice couple of shots Andy.

If I could be so bold as to proffer a couple of thoughts-

It looks like you are using EA on & HDR on?

If you bring your HDR Brightness up a bit, say by 10 or 20%, it may brighten the shots. Its worth fiddling with Brightness.

Also, I was finding in v5 it was difficult to get the aircraft sides 'lit up', unless you set the clock at say, 9am or 3pm, ie, use the clock to introduce side light on to the part of the fuselage you want to 'shine'

Sun at 12 midday tends to give  non-lit fuselage sides:)


Thanks TTM. Like I replied to Jack in another post, I tend to favour a darker look on my P3D setup.  I do have EA and HDR on, but I keep my brightness down to around 0.70, and my bloom is way down around 0.20. But thanks for the thought.


13 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A great pair of views Andy.


11 hours ago, BradB said:

Awesome shots Andy !! .


9 hours ago, adambar said:

Terrific shots Andy! :)


6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots Andy.


5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

They look nice.

Martyn, John, Adam, Iain and Jack - thanks guys!

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