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Hi all. Just took advantage of the bundle sale and bought True Earth Great Britain. The three regions downloaded fine, and seemed to install without error boxes. But when I call up, say. Manchester, it loads to 6% then freezes. Something is blocking the process. Advice please? Thanks!

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15 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Rodger,

possibly it is a matter of patience.

You did just add a vast amount of extra data for the simulator to load.

Twenty minutes and counting? Would that be normal with a TE airport load?


14 hours ago, Sascha Normann said:

Is it actually Prepar3D v3.x where you're trying to load this or v4.x?

Try to lower the autogen draw distance and density before loading and see if that helps.

P3D4. Thanks, Sasha, will do.

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