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Orbx Central legacy layering

R Smith

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Hello, i really am in need of help, after the disaster of installing orbx central and losing almost all auto gen, i've also lost a lot of my addon airports and sceneries from the scenery library all together, Half of my Fly tampa airports have just dissapeard from the library along with other third party airports.


Also getting problems with the enhanced airports that came with Eu England, Eu Wales, Eu, Scotland and Eu Ireland north and south are now showing default buildings on top of the new ones, weird bright green grass that stick out from the normal terrain.


I wish i never bought Honolulu now, that was the reason i updated to Central other wise i would've stayed on the original FTX and never had these issues, I've spend a lot of money with you guys and time to get my sim to where i like it, I'm very unhappy with what Orbx Central has done to my sim, everything is a huge mess it's unbelievable.


Looks like i'm going to be forced to do a full reinstall but with what i have this is going to take a week, unless you guys can help me out.


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Please start with the below topic where you will find a link to the user guide with troubleshooting tips and system requirements, and also please post a copy of the central.log, so the developers have a chance at seeing what is going wrong for you.



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17 hours ago, Ben McClintock said:

@R Smith, I see your post on the Orbx Facebook page - can you please post your central.log file as Doug has requested above? Without that, we can't solve your issue


Hello, how do i go about finding the central log file?



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Or at the very least let us know what's going on, being kept in the dark is the annoying part.


"Their aware of the issue and looking into it with action promised this week", regarding the missing auto gen, that was last week.....

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2 hours ago, R Smith said:

Or at the very least let us know what's going on, being kept in the dark is the annoying part.


"Their aware of the issue and looking into it with action promised this week", regarding the missing auto gen, that was last week.....

I’m sure things will be fixed up just got to have patience. Like I said I went back to FTX Central and everything is top shelf again for me. 

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44 minutes ago, Navigator16 said:

I’m sure things will be fixed up just got to have patience. Like I said I went back to FTX Central and everything is top shelf again for me. 

Did you have to do a complete reinstall from scratch? this is what i want to avoid.

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3 hours ago, R Smith said:

Did you have to do a complete reinstall from scratch? this is what i want to avoid.

No not the sim I just uninstalled all ORBX scenery and started from scratch with FTX  central I uninstalled ORBX, deleted all ORBX folders and reinstalled from scratch. But if you’re not sure what your doing just leave it I’m sure a fix will come out eventually 

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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


there looks to be nothing wrong with your scenery library.

Can you try Verify files for your Orbx Libraries please?

This scenery library was created by FTX Central 3, if i use ORBX central that's when it goes haywire.

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56 minutes ago, Navigator16 said:

No not the sim I just uninstalled all ORBX scenery and started from scratch with FTX  central I uninstalled ORBX, deleted all ORBX folders and reinstalled from scratch. But if you’re not sure what your doing just leave it I’m sure a fix will come out eventually 


I would like to try this, so when you delete the files are you talking about the ones in the orbx folder in the root directory? also is there any others i need to remove?


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17 minutes ago, R Smith said:


I would like to try this, so when you delete the files are you talking about the ones in the orbx folder in the root directory? also is there any others i need to remove?


No just the ORBX folder in the root folder. But uninstall each scenery one by one first in central. Then reinstall everything again cleanly with FTX Central. But I take no responsibility if something goes wrong. But it shouldn’t. Do you have a lot of ORBX sceneries?

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support is going to be very difficult if you state that Orbx Central has made a mess of

your scenery library but then post a scenery.cfg file that was made by FTX Central.

I do not think that a lack of autogen has anything to do with scenery library orders,

it is more likely that either your autogen descriptions are not correct, or that there are

files missing, both of which are addressed by the Orbx Library installation which you

were asked to verify.


Hopefully Ben will return and comment on your Orbx Central log but if in the meantime

you have reverted to FTX Central, anything he says will no longer be relevant.

If you are trying to run both side to side, that will inevitably cause problems.


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Sorry I wasn't able to post the scenery config from orbx central, i've only recently got things in shape so i can fly again so i'm reluctant to use central again until the problems are patched.


I did originally uninstall ftx central when i installed orbx central, it was only when i started getting problems i went back, i only use central to install products that ftx central can't, all im doing with ftx at the moment is using the scenery insertion point tool as its the only one that doesn't scramble my scenery library.

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Does this mean that you have successfully installed Honolulu?


It might also be worth mentioning that if all your products were installed

with FTX Central and you use Orbx Central to install a new product and tick the

Enable Legacy Layering box on the Insertion Point page that you did of course

set correctly, Orbx Central treats the scenery.cfg file in exactly the same way as

FTX Central does.

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I've tried the legacy setting but it throws up an error, I'll try again orbx central again and uninstall ftx central, then send another scenery config and cental log, i've had a chance to make a scenery.cfg back up this time so recovery should be painless.

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41 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello @Navigator16

please don't think I am trying to overrule you, your advice is extremely useful and will go some way towards

solving the problem.

Unfortunately, it will not help with installing Honolulu, which we read was the original aim.

Yes no problem Nick I just had to kind of leave because I’m at other stuff. Hope he gets it solved 

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Hi Nick, ok i've uninstalled FTX Central via Orbx central, ran all updates and used the new insersion tool with orbx central, this in now my scenery library, as you can see it's put some of my Fly tampa and UK2000 airports below the Ftx entries despite me setting to my last third party scenery.



(Edit) Ok hold on this is odd, in the scenery library in game it show those sceneries in the wrong place, but they're not on this file at all?

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18 hours ago, R Smith said:

Hi Nick, ok i've uninstalled FTX Central via Orbx central, ran all updates and used the new insersion tool with orbx central, this in now my scenery library, as you can see it's put some of my Fly tampa and UK2000 airports below the Ftx entries despite me setting to my last third party scenery.

scenery.cfg 48.96 kB · 1 download


(Edit) Ok hold on this is odd, in the scenery library in game it show those sceneries in the wrong place, but they're not on this file at all?



As you can see from the attached pic some of my airports have been put in the wrong place, but don't seem to show in the scenery config..

orbx central problem.jpg

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13 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


is this what happens if you set the insertion point just below Fly-Tampa Libraries

and the open LC insertion point just below that?

Nick are you using Central or are you still on FTX Central. Reason I’m asking is because I’m wondering did you just install ORBX Central on top of FTX. Maybe that’s an problem that I had with no autogen showing I installed it on top of FTX Central. 

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I am now using Orbx Central.

I did install many of the products however into the P3D folder using FTX Central and of course, some long time ago.

I have used Orbx Central to install only the products that need it so far and all of those are installed into an

Orbx Central Library, outside P3D.

I have made no attempt to migrate any of the Global products that do still seem to have a problem if migrated out

of the P3D root folder, but not a problem apparently that affects everyone.

I do have FTX Central installed but only for testing purposes in response to customer support requests.

This configuration seems to work as intended.


What does happen when you set the insertion point just below Fly-Tampa Libraries

and the open LC insertion point just below that?

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:


I am now using Orbx Central.

I did install many of the products however into the P3D folder using FTX Central and of course, some long time ago.

I have used Orbx Central to install only the products that need it so far and all of those are installed into an

Orbx Central Library, outside P3D.

I have made no attempt to migrate any of the Global products that do still seem to have a problem if migrated out

of the P3D root folder, but not a problem apparently that affects everyone.

I do have FTX Central installed but only for testing purposes in response to customer support requests.

This configuration seems to work as intended.


What does happen when you set the insertion point just below Fly-Tampa Libraries

and the open LC insertion point just below that?

Ah I see I may try it again and just install only products I need like you said see how it goes 

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2 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


I only have one product installed using the xml version and it shows up fine well in the insertion point tool.




You have 11 of them and should also be seeing them and able to place the insertion point below the lowest one.

That's my problem, none of my UK2000 airports show and half my fly tampa stuff doesn't either.

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8 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


I am now using Orbx Central.

I did install many of the products however into the P3D folder using FTX Central and of course, some long time ago.

I have used Orbx Central to install only the products that need it so far and all of those are installed into an

Orbx Central Library, outside P3D.

I have made no attempt to migrate any of the Global products that do still seem to have a problem if migrated out

of the P3D root folder, but not a problem apparently that affects everyone.

I do have FTX Central installed but only for testing purposes in response to customer support requests.

This configuration seems to work as intended.



This is a method i was thinking of trying, reinstall everything with FTX central, then just use Orbx central to install honolulu.


I've read in a previous thread regarding uninstalling orbx products, i just don't know how to get FTX central to revert back to the default textures.

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14 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Of course, they cannot be seen in FTX Central at all.



Correct and if you look at my screen shot of my library from p3d, it show my uk2000 and Fly Tampa being placed below Openlc entries.


16 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

You can't remove Global Base but you also don't need to.



I don't quite understand, so if i got through the uninstall procedure from this thread:


Orbx global base will remain?

Then i can just reinstall everything else if i understand correctly?

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if you were to use Orbx Central and tick the Legacy box, you would be able to see the xml scenery library entries and place

the Orbx ones below them.

As to Global Base, it cannot be removed because doing so would be to remove core files and the simulator could not work.

One can "trick" Orbx Central into showing that it is not installed and it will check and replace files, all the while stating

that it is installing.

Verify files does exactly the same.

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