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Jack and others, especially those carrying serious illnesses, it's all a toss-up isn't it.   Can we make the release of this new sim before we are either past it physically, or non-compos mentis.

Ah well, sorry to be gloomy.  I can look on the bright side and look forward to lots more money to spend, but for an improved flying experience what the heck.

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4 minutes ago, teecee said:

An easy one for me mate.. I have no interest in dropping all my precious Prepar3e v4.5. you can have all the new fangled stuff. I am very very happy with what I have. Terry.


There ya go !!

These are  S   I    M    U    L    A    T    O    R    S     !!!!

They are not real....

They are harmless....

They are also    G    A    M    E    S    !!!!

They also do not a life create...………...;D



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SAY WHAT???  What sort of a BS post is that? I am a very old guy, with no interest in all the newfangled sims coming out and I get That?. from you? because I tell it like it is? Get real. And if this gets be booted, so be it.Terry.


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Well OND my problem is that nearly everytime I use the mouse, my fingers create a double click when I don't need it.  That frustration got me going. 


For TeeCee and Lawrence, please, I didn't mean to start an interstate war, I was just thinking of sufferers like me and Jack, and all the goodies coming in the future which we may or may not make.  I know it is all a bunch of pixels and not real in any way, but when you are home-bound simming is an important part of living.


I may not adopt the new sim anyway, but I want to read the comments, find out what Orbx has been up to with it, and more. It would be nice to be there.

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I love  my Sim  and if  something new  comes along  I let  all those brave souls jump in it and  sort out the pro  and cons  and hopefully   by them if  I still see the sun rise  I may consider following the M 2020 crowd  In the mean time  I  consider wasting  so money  on an Honeycomb Alpha Joke Control. Those  should  hit the shelves  in Australia  before the  end of the month. 

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YAMBA1, and here's me just up the track from you.  When we lived in Armidale we knew Yamba well.


I understand your comments.  If the new sim is not just credible out of the box, and does not require a huge number of add-ons to make it work well, then I too will probably just muddle through with 4.5 or whatever update comes next...and I hope LM hangs in there.  I can't ignore the very large expenditure I have made on Prepar3D, and let's face it, the backlog of extras I still haven't approached to buy.  My yoke is pretty ordinary but works basically OK, but I am keeping an eye on the Honeycomb composite quadrant...but that seems some way away.


But I still would hope to be here to follow what will surely be a busy time in the community...from every direction.

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