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Is It Just Me ??

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Not sure weather this is the best place to post this I am really after simmers opinion's, so Here it is of late I think I am seeing more and more blurriness going of into the Horizon  background pop ups also say when flying over London seems to draw itself in front of me. I don't remember this happening in the past. I have a very powerful rig running XP11 and Trueuearth  on a 4k fully maxed out using xvxision and UXWP 2.5. I would say I always around the 30-40 fps even at Gatwick with xlife running also, so I have no probs in the fps dept., I have attached some screens what do you think is it just me or do I HAVE A PROBLEM? I am using a 2tb ssd so it should be a quick read time? please make images bigger to see the blurriness . thanks for your time M







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Hi Martin


I think I can see what you are getting at.

Few things to check


1) Although I don't personally have UWXP I believe it has a slider to set terrain distance . Is this set to maximum.

    Personally I use a little lua script to extend the scenery draw distance which does exactly the same thing. What I have noticed is that when I am using it, I need to set the fog_be_gone data ref to 0.1 , otherwise I see a very   similar effect to yours on the horizon. Is there a setting in UWXP for this (fog_be_gone) and is it set to the minimum


2)  Also in default XPlane there is a visibility slider in the weather set up. This also can have an impact on distant horizon visuals  as well as the actual cloud cover. If you set it to clear sky , oddly it sets visibility to 40 km, which removes a lot of distant objects. Turning it back up to 160 km and all is good again.  Does UWXP have a slider for this as well (it would be the same dataref) and does your horizon detail improve as you increase it.


3) Is it possible that you are also running a lua script to improve frame rates (3jFPS, or Twick VMI) for example and the LOD radius is set to low for some reason. This can also cause scenery to "pop" into view.


Perhaps as the ultimate check, is it possible to temporally disable UWXP, then set fog_be_gone to 0.1 , check the frame rate helper script if you are using one , and set  weather with clear skies and visibility at 160 km if the above doesn't help.


My own experience is playing with a few data refs gives me great visibility to the horizon.


Hope this may be of some assistance .


Anything else that I could do to help , please just send me a PM and I would be glad to help if I can.



Here is a link to a screenshot I posted a while ago, with the above dataref ideas . There is a wee bit of haze in the far distance (as there should be) but to me the draw distance looks ok. But, I can certainly create the effect that you are seeing by increase the fog_be_gone from 0.1 or dropping the visibility setting in weather back a bit.




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Martin - another thought.  When you'r evaluating your horizon, use a scenery with a mountain that will show then you'll know how good your horizon is and at what distance.  Look at 'Renault's' post "Just 3".  In the first shot with the Lightning,  Rainier is about a hundred miles distant on the horizon and, even with some haze in the atmosphere, it's clearly visible.

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