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LIEO SODE jetways not docking to AI

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SODE installed and activated, checked at other airports and working fine with AI


At Olbia, the SODE jetways show up. Hit reload all, see them flash and reload. But they refuse to dock to the AI aircraft parked at gates.


If I park a UI aircraft there, I can call up the jetway in the SODE menu and it docks fine.


So SODE seems to definitely be installed and working. Just not docking to the AI.


Anybody else seeing the same? I noticed the AI aircraft are slightly off center-line. Doesn't seem far enough to make a difference. But I also noticed that on the official screenshots the jetways are not docking to the aircraft.



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Hi Doug


Unfortunately they didn't, unless I missed some small detail. Could you be more specific? My AI has their exits defined, as I said, they work fine in other airports including other ORBX airports with SODE jetways. Including ESSA, where the jetways dock just fine with AI.


Is your AI docking just fine in LIEO? Can you provide a screenshot?



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  • 2 months later...

Same for me. I tried to play with the values of the xml-config of LIEO but could not get them working. There is simply not enough manoeuvring space for the jetways to extent and to turn before docking to the aircraft.

SODE does not connect to the user aircraft nor does it connect to the AI.

@Matteo Veneziani Is there any chance for an update for this otherwise wonderful scenery?


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I agree that LIEO is a very nicely done scenery and I very much appreciate @Matteo Veneziani's efforts of giving us an extensive update pack with tons of improvements. 

However, the SODE jetways do not work at Olbia. Neither do they connect to the user aircraft nor do they connect to AI. This problem was already brought up in April and there is simply no support given by the designer. Right now, Olbia is advertised with a feature that is broken and not functional. 

Sorry to spoil the party here but this should be mentioned and taken care off. 


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@Matteo Veneziani,

Thanks for chiming in here. First and foremost I want to say again how much I do like Olbia. 

Yes, the aircraft in use is the PMDG 737. I tried the same with the FS Labs A320 and there the jetways work. However, they do never connect with the AI traffic (SODE's AI detection is active, all aircraft have correct EXITS defined in the aircraft.cfg).

I could also observe some anomaly with LIEO. Using the TAB+S Sode menu will result in an error massage (that probably also prevent AI docking). However, the jetways do connect with GSX. So something seems to be buggy. I also opened a thread over at the SODE forum (https://sode.12bpilot.ch/?topic=jetway-does-not-connect-via-tabs-but-via-gsx-orbx-lieo) as I did never saw something similar before.

I recorded a short clip to demonstrate the problem. Also, take notice of the AI aircraft in the background. Let me know if you need more information. I am more than happy to help you.



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Nearly one week passed and there is no reaction here yet. I cannot say that I find this support encouraging after I even tried to help and narrow down the problem with a video.


So if anybody is facing the same problem: The AFCAD coming with the scenery is the culprit here. The parking spots are too close to the terminal and prevent the SODE jetways from docking to user and AI aircraft. The parking spots need to be moved back to make the SODE jetways functional.


Further, I am bitterly disappointed about the whole way you handled this support issue. Nobody from the developers felt responsibe to react in this thread that is running since April. Only Doug tried his best (as always to help the users, thanks Doug!). Only after posting the problem in the ORBX Product review forum I got some short lived support. And what did you do? You deleted my post in the review thread, where I did appreciated the scenery (same what I have done in this thread) but at the same time pointed out that the SODE feature is broken. Once again, the feature is broken as you can clearly see in my video. I always had the impression that ORBX is better than this and reacts on constructive criticism in an open manner. ORBX is a quality name and in my opinion, you are not in the need to remove comments as long as they are valid and not to unpolite. 


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Hello Christoph ,


while I am disappointed that you are unhappy with the product, I see that you posted on 29th June and

were answered by the developer himself on 6th July.


I have found your other two posts and added them to this topic, they appear at 8 and 9.


I have invited the developer to make a further comment.





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Hey Nick,

Thank you very much. That is very much appreciated and also that you made my post from the Review Forum visible again here.

And just do make it clear: I like the scenery itself very much. Matteo has done a wonderful job with Olbia. So I do not regret to have bought the scenery for a minute. After all, we got a extensive update 1.05 that further improved the scenery and thus, it would be unfair to attest Matteo a lack of commitment here. He is a developer who is always improving his sceneries (just think about KSAN v2 ) and I do look very much forward to Burbank. So it is just the lack of support for this very issue.

Anyway, we found the problem and I have fixed it myself. Maybe the AFCAD can be altered for a future v1.06, as the parking spots just need to be moved some 5-8 meters back. Meanwhile, if anybody needs my AFCAD edit feel free to contact me via PM. 


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6 hours ago, Wolkenschreck said:

Nearly one week passed and there is no reaction here yet. I cannot say that I find this support encouraging after I even tried to help and narrow down the problem with a video.


So if anybody is facing the same problem: The AFCAD coming with the scenery is the culprit here. The parking spots are too close to the terminal and prevent the SODE jetways from docking to user and AI aircraft. The parking spots need to be moved back to make the SODE jetways functional.


Further, I am bitterly disappointed about the whole way you handled this support issue. Nobody from the developers felt responsibe to react in this thread that is running since April. Only Doug tried his best (as always to help the users, thanks Doug!). Only after posting the problem in the ORBX Product review forum I got some short lived support. And what did you do? You deleted my post in the review thread, where I did appreciated the scenery (same what I have done in this thread) but at the same time pointed out that the SODE feature is broken. Once again, the feature is broken as you can clearly see in my video. I always had the impression that ORBX is better than this and reacts on constructive criticism in an open manner. ORBX is a quality name and in my opinion, you are not in the need to remove comments as long as they are valid and not to unpolite. 




Sorry but I did not have many time to see for the problem unfortunately I was busy with other things, also looks like a problem never seen before, I have asked to some other developers for some suggestions, but we have not drawn any conclusions about this problem. I'm also leaving for holidays, i will return on 24 July. it is absolutely not my intention to ignore the problems, only I have not had time and have had to finish other things. Anyway yes the afcad could be a solution,but the strange thing is the stock afcad is working fine at my end and also from the testers feedback, so i can not understand why at your end you have this problem. If you want feel free to send to me the corrected afcad via PM i will take a look.


Sorry for the lack of the coment, i hope to have explaneid the situation well :)





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  • 10 months later...

Chiming in here, also did a flight out of LIEO and experiencing the same... GSX wouldn't dock as well. In the editor I was able to let GSX recognize the jetway (PMDG NGXu); but I have the same issue with AI. Not docking at all... Also SODE v1.7.0 does not provide a solution.

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