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Hi Jack, I see the cavalry arrived :)

the more input the better.

Good job by Fizzelle rearranging your scenery_packs.ini - I'm not sure what this file is "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_MV_Mesh/" but if it is indeed a mesh file then it needs to go below all scenery, overlays and orthos to ensure no conflict.

All the OrbX scenery should work fine as Frizelle has organised though personally I would put all the overlay folders below the custom folders and orthos below them as scenery borders could feasibly overlap and cause issues and it keeps everything in order and easy to edit for if/when you add new scenery/orthos mesh.

As an aside always check your scenery_packs.ini after a new custom scenery install and ensure it is organised correctly, if not manually edit and then save.

The order is Xplane custom objects, custom airports, global airports, object scenery such as city scenery or OrbX custom etc, overlay scenery, ortho scenery and finally mesh. Libraries can sit anywhere but keep them together for tidiness.


I see the aircraft/scenery errors being reported are still there so since your reinstalled it eliminates the possibility that global airports scenery was corrupted but that this scenery is being read wrong by TBM900[navaiddb.c:512] which hopefully means Fizelle has found the answer as to why..

I'm convinced (though could be wrong) these type errors are the source of the issue "BM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 1051" so if Fizelle has found the fix it will be interesting to see if they disappear from your log.txt for future reference.



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8 minutes ago, david broome said:

Hi Jack, I see the cavalry arrived :)

the more input the better.

Good job by Fizzelle rearranging your scenery_packs.ini - I'm not sure what this file is "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_MV_Mesh/" but if it is indeed a mesh file then it needs to go below all scenery, overlays and orthos to ensure no conflict.

All the OrbX scenery should work fine as Frizelle has organised though personally I would put all the overlay folders below the custom folders and orthos below them as scenery borders could feasibly overlap and cause issues.

As an aside always check your scenery_packs.ini after an install and ensure it is organised correctly, if not manually edit and then save.

The order is Xplane custom objects, custom airports, global airports, object scenery such as city scenery or OrbX custom etc, overlay scenery, ortho scenery and finally mesh. Libraries can sit anywhere but keep them together for tidiness.


I see the aircraft/scenery errors being reported are still there so since your reinstalled it eliminates the possibility that global airports scenery was corrupted but that this scenery is being read wrong by TBM900[navaiddb.c:512] which hopefully means Fizelle has found the answer as to why..

I'm convinced (though could be wrong) these type errors are the source of the issue "BM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 1051" so if Fizelle has found the fix it will be interesting to see if they disappear from your log.txt for future reference.



Thanks David but this is a double whammy for me.

1. I really am lost on this scenery layering, for what it's worth I'm autistic so it takes me a while to "get it."  Can't I just use xOrganizer, I let it run and then it supposedly organizes it for me?


2. As for this TBM900[navaiddb.c:512] thing, I'm lost, I posted the same stuff on their site too but they hadn't gotten back to me.  What is it you think Fizzelle discovered?

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44 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks David but this is a double whammy for me.

1. I really am lost on this scenery layering, for what it's worth I'm autistic so it takes me a while to "get it."  Can't I just use xOrganizer, I let it run and then it supposedly organizes it for me?


2. As for this TBM900[navaiddb.c:512] thing, I'm lost, I posted the same stuff on their site too but they hadn't gotten back to me.  What is it you think Fizzelle discovered?



Because Fizelle seems to have knowledge of likely errors being caused by the G1000 plugin you are running.

Have you followed his instructions and retested?


If you are still having the issue after following Fizzelle's advice then can you do as advised below as this will help us try to get to the bottom of it.


We really need to compare the original log.txt with one with a default Xplane aircraft (say Cesna) for the same airport/region and another with the new aircraft causing the issue with a totally different region with no custom scenery. This will help us identify what errors are relevant.

But remember each log.txt is overwritten every time you run xplane so you need to upload them immediately after a test flight as described above. 


As suggested previously and by others another help would be if you moved your custom scenery folder out of Xplane and then ran Xplane installer to rebuild it and then test and post log.txt as this would let us know if it is some custom scenery in your original custom scenery folder that is causing the issue.

You could always then simply move your original custom scenery folder back into the Xplane folder and overwrite the default one.

This is similar tot he process TonyWob describes in that it is just another way to disable all sceneries without editing your customscenery_packs.ini which I know you find a bit daunting.



Scenery_packs.ini -----------------------------------------------------------


Xorganiser is a decent tool but it is imperfect and can get it wrong which is why I prefer to manually place stuff.

However many people find this confusing so if you have used Xorganiser without issue and you are happy with it then stick with it.

The scenery_packs.ini lets Xplane in what order to load the custom scenery files from the bottom up (last file in list/at the bottom is loaded first and the next one up etc)

The order is important because the mesh is the shape of the scenery (contours,hills, mountains or whatever), the orthos or photo scenery is the layer that goes over the mesh which gives you the ground textures, overlays which are used by OrbX contain additional overlay scenery usually read from custom libraries but because they contain 3D objects they need to sit above any ortho/photo scenery. Then you have object scenery which any scenery that places custom 3d objects so this needs to be above the other sceneries otherwise they will be "overwritten" and won't display. Then you have global airports and above that your custom airports because you want your airports to sit on top of everything else.


It can be difficult to people new to Xplane to know which scenery is which as there are no formal naming conventions (there really should be, just call things mesh, ortho, overlay, object, airport etc but scenery authors just name their stuff as suits their internal processes because this naming convention does not exist.

To make things more complicated you can get away without organising things in this strict order and not know until you get a new scenery that conflicts - that is to say that you can mix up the order of mesh. ortho etc just so long as the specific regions they are dealing with are in order which is how Fizelle has organised your scenery_packs.ini

But I would say it is better to separate not by region but always by what the file is as this is easy to edit and will avoid future issues with new scenery load order/displaying incorrectly because it deals with some of the same geographical area as another scenery.


I'm not sayng Fizzelle is wrong because he isn't, it is just good practice that might save issues later in my experience.

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hope you get it sorted Jack, this is a great plane and plety have flown over ORBX scenery with no issues....including myself....


ref the GTN I did read somewhere that it was causing issues so I just never load it if I am flying that plane, I don't feel I need it....


Xaviation forum is usually a little slower than some might be used to but normally will help you sort stuff, I had issues way back with the IXEG 737 but we got through it eventually....


such a pain when you can't use something or are fearful it will CTD, I have updated but not had time to try yet as we have been busy releasing the JF Duchess today....now I must go to work as I have an overnight journey to collect my new caravan after work....no simming until Sunday..:rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, wain71 said:

hope you get it sorted Jack, this is a great plane and plety have flown over ORBX scenery with no issues....including myself....


ref the GTN I did read somewhere that it was causing issues so I just never load it if I am flying that plane, I don't feel I need it....


Xaviation forum is usually a little slower than some might be used to but normally will help you sort stuff, I had issues way back with the IXEG 737 but we got through it eventually....


such a pain when you can't use something or are fearful it will CTD, I have updated but not had time to try yet as we have been busy releasing the JF Duchess today....now I must go to work as I have an overnight journey to collect my new caravan after work....no simming until Sunday..:rolleyes:

Many thanks Wayne.  I'm just going to have to remember to disable that plug-in when I fly this plane.

Yes, that same FSX OOM type of fear, fear of a crash, it's like the sword of Damocles.

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12 minutes ago, Fizzelle said:

Hi Jack - looks like we're getting somewhere!


Next time you fly the TBM900 with the GTN disabled, immediately post your log.txt file as I'd like to know if those error messages have now gone.



Hi Fizzelle, thanks, so let me ask you something then.  When I run XP, I load the plane at say EGPB, then before I do anything I go to the Plug-In menu and disable the GTN and then fly and post the log?  Correct sequence?


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Hi @Fizzelle and @david broome.


I just now finally had a chance to make a TBM flight over Orbx's TEGB.


Here's what I did and two files are attached below.


1. I ran xOrganizer which is supposed to make the scenery layers correct.  I'm still so confused by layering I don't think I'll ever understand it.  I'd need examples underlined and with arrows. :huh:

2. Loaded the TBM at EGPB.

3. Disabled the GTN with the Plug-In menu.

4. Made a flight to Wick Scotland with a flight plan and user APR mode and it was perfect.


But I have no idea how to read the log and especially the scenery files so I'll really appreciate what you guys might find.


Many thanks and know that I very much appreciate all your help.


Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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Glad your flight went well but the log.txt is still registering errors like the following,

"BM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line"

But as long as it works then it can be ignored.

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18 minutes ago, david broome said:

Glad your flight went well but the log.txt is still registering errors like the following,

"BM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line"

But as long as it works then it can be ignored.

Thanks David but I don't have a clue as to what this means.  Malformed data?  How does data become malformed?

Yeah, if it works I'll go wit hit but I haven't made a long flight yet.  I just keep going from Orbx's Sumburgh to Wick and posting the log.


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Pardon me if I haven't read the entire thread and perhaps this has been discussed but  XP 11.30 has the experimental flight model which can be enabled from the settings/general page and if it is enabled can cause crashing depending on the aircraft. It has happened to me with the Just flight Arrow. 

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9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks David but I don't have a clue as to what this means.  Malformed data?  How does data become malformed?

Yeah, if it works I'll go wit hit but I haven't made a long flight yet.  I just keep going from Orbx's Sumburgh to Wick and posting the log.



We know the issue is not the data because it is an Xplane data file and if you remember we even reinstalled those particular files to ensure they had not become corrupted.

That means this error is either specific to the BM900 aircraft and in particular the way navaiddb.c:512 is reading/parsing that data or the way Xplane is reading it.

So if you flew the same route with the stock Cesna then this error could disappear from your log.txt if it is the BM900 - at least that is the way I interpret the error.

However if it is still there then BobT post could offer another explanation and I would certainly ensure you have experimental flight engine unchecked as it is possible an error in that code could be throwing the error on all aircraft.


If the errors are only there with the TBM900 then you might like to show them these particular errors in their help forum and see if they can better understand what is going on.


"From your log.txt


2"019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 2011

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 2043

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 2069

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 2094

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 2259

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 2834

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 3314

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 4606

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 5552

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 5563

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 5594

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 5621

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 5646

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 5809

2019-03-31 14:26:15 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing K:\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 6386"


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16 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Much obliged David, thank you.  I have no idea how to turn on or off the experimental mode.  But I’ll look sometime today and will be sure to post this at their forum.  At least it’s not an Orbx problem.

BobT explained where the experimental mode option is:


" Pardon me if I haven't read the entire thread and perhaps this has been discussed but  XP 11.30 has the experimental flight model which can be enabled from the settings/general page and if it is enabled can cause crashing depending on the aircraft. It has happened to me with the Just flight Arrow. "

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17 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

BobT explained where the experimental mode option is:


" Pardon me if I haven't read the entire thread and perhaps this has been discussed but  XP 11.30 has the experimental flight model which can be enabled from the settings/general page and if it is enabled can cause crashing depending on the aircraft. It has happened to me with the Just flight Arrow. "


I just now got a chance to run XP, been busy, anyway, it’s already unticked, it never was ticked.

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