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CityScene Gold Coast & YBCG


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Hello Orbx,


I am having issues with CityScene Gold Coast in P3d V4.4

When Scenery is active in the Scenery library, doesn't matter if I'm flying from North (YBUD to YBCG or YBBN to YBCG) or South (YSCH to YBCG) towards GoldCoast, the textures turn black and CTD. If I deactivate CityScene Gold Coast and fly or use YBCG as starting point, nil issues. I tried using the compatibility mode switching to FTX AU and City Scene but no luck yet as when I start from YBCG, the Sim freezes after 6% - loading. unsure what causing this and appreciate your assistance with this.


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Sounds like a resource issue.  Could you post your computer specs, and also let us know what graphics settings you're using in P3DV4.4, including the LOD.  I recall that P3DV4.4 allows a greater radius of LOD and that is quite likely to be causing the issues.

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Hi John,


Thanks for your response.


Please find below attached specs info:


As I mentioned on my previous post, its only an issue with YBCG - CityScene as I've got all FTX AU- airports (Except YBRM) and didn't have any issues prior to CityScene installation especially, CTD's.  



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Well your system is marginal for the high end scenery, even mine struggled to load Gold Coast yesterday on a flight from YBBN to YBCG, I had to pause it for two minutes to let it load textures and even then frame rates were down and the PR base was blurry...


I think if you try setting your level of detail radius to low, and move your autogen and scenery draw distance back a notch or two and set the Autogen vegetation density to minimum, you might find it picks up a bit.


But these days a competent P3DV4 rig is reckoned to be a 8700K CPU at 4.5GHz and a GTX 1080, withut the investment in hardware you're always going to be looking at major compromises in Cityscene and other complex sceneries.

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Interestingly, I just updated to P3DV4.4 this evening and I'm amazed at how the blurries have basically disappeared.  I now get pauses in places, (one pause just north of the Gold Coast scenery lasted 6-8 seconds as Brisbane and YBBN loaded) and quite a few half second pauses, but I'm happy to put up with them for the much improved graphics.


However, for you, I think P3DV4.4 is designed for rigs more powerful than yours... the alternative for you if 4.4 is to much trouble is to roll back to 4.3 for the time being.

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I've had pauses even before v4.4 and I doubt even the best rig these days can cope with P3D and the amount of scenery addons we subject it to. Scenery gets loaded in chunks and hence you get pauses, I've seen it happen in sim while watching CPU max out in the Task Manager.

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Hi John and Ben,


Thanks for the feedback. Its strange I can load all other airports in AU region except YBCG with cityScene enabled. If I disable it in the library, nil issues loading YBCG airport. As I mentioned earlier, the airport will not load past 6% (loading terrain...) with cityScene active. I understand igot a low spec PC. But, it should atleast load the scenery though if I select YBCG as starting point? I tired changing the settings to minimum still, no joy.



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When I switched from FSX to P3Dv4.0, I dumped my GTX770 and upgraded to a 1080FTW (I wasn't ready to invest in a 1080ti).  Have since upgraded to v4.4 and still have minimal problems, with a 4790K 4.6 (turbo'd), and reasonable, not extreme, graphics settings.  I've never run P3Dv4 with LOD maxed out, btw, but follow Orbx's Terrain settings to the letter.  And Rob's suggestions for P3Dv4 over at Avsim are carefully documented and worth a look (there's a PDF doc you can dl), even if you don't run the fastest CPU or the most robust GPU.  Many of his recommendations are gleened from LM personnel.

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Hi Stewart,


Appreciate your assistance with my query. I believe the issue is with the CityScene as I've got so many other Orbx products and haven't faced this scenario before. For eg, I've got FTX SCA, NCA, KSAN airport (use to get CTD before but thanks to Orbx &  Matteo's  KSAN V2- enjoy every bit of it) etc. and they are CPU/Graphics intensive too. However, I'm getting descent frame rates at 29 to 30 FPS with my current specs (I've attached some screen shots). I've uninstalled, re-installed,YBCG and City Scene. Also tried using "Delete generated files", rebuild my CFG etc. Nothing seems to work and CTD occurs every time closer to YBCG or freezes at 6% when YBCG is selected as starting point. Removing CityScene,  nil issues with YBCG. I hope you can understand my issue.









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Did you reduce your Level of Detail radius to Low?  Other sliders down a couple of notches?  The scenery has been shown to work with systems similar to yours but not at high graphics settings. 


The 6% loading mark can be up to 10 minutes if your data is coming from anHDD rather than an SSD, have you tried waiting that long?



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Hi John, yes I waited for at least 20 mins at one instance and my P3d is on C: Drive - SSD not HDD. I tired loading the scenery with all settings at minimum but, the same result. not loading or CTD when flying towards the airport with CityScene ON.

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36 minutes ago, ebe_747 said:

Hi John, yes I waited for at least 20 mins at one instance and my P3d is on C: Drive - SSD not HDD. I tired loading the scenery with all settings at minimum but, the same result. not loading or CTD when flying towards the airport with CityScene ON.


You get a CTD with no warning?  That's usually related to Traffic programs that have FS9 models included.  Plenty of posts here and via google to use as research.


If your CTD is after a low memory warning then I suspect your computer is not running as well as it should be.  Your specs indicate it should run the scenery, albeit with pretty low frame rates.  You have 16MB of RAm which P3DV4.4 will not use even half.  Maybe monitor RAM and CPU usage as you load or fly a flight etc.


And try a flight with all sliders minimum, right across all menus.

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I know you have probably tried this:


Rob over at Avsim recommends always deleting the Shaders folder following any P3D CTD.

I have been fortunate and had only a couple of CTDs (generally after foolishly rapidly cycling the views from outside, tower, window etc over complex Orbx scenery)

I used to then have problems if I restarted at a nearby airfield.

After deleting the Shaders folder (it does add about a minute to the startup to rebuild for me) any problems seem to go away (for me).

It may be totally unrelated to your problem but I thought I would mention it.


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